Join Reuben Covington and Jake Mosby for the return of Remaking Magic, the podcast all about game design and magic the gathering.In this podcast we talk about the game design behind the card game Magic: the Gathering.
Re-Making Magic Ep47 - Chat with Riley Smith
13/12/2015 Duration: 36minJoin Reuben Covington and his guest for the forty-seventh episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: Dan's away due to technical difficulties Reuben has a guest, Riley Smith aka Orb-Warded-Kor-Warlord We discuss the the tumblr custom magic scene We talk about Riley's interest in what he calls "Lost Cards" You can find a super useful Card Art Package Reuben has created Riley talks about a few designs from tumblr Be sure to check out the MTG design prompts blog which Riley also runs You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Blog: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Riley SmithTumblr:
Re-Making Magic Ep46 - Zombies and Goldfish
03/12/2015 Duration: 59minJoin Reuben Covington and Dan Felder for the forty-sixth episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: Check out Dan's new podcast: The Dungeon Master's Guide Critique a card: Flesh Raider We discuss why Johnny, Timmy & Spike are useful tools for designers We go in-depth to the recent controversy about MTGgoldfish statistics We discuss possible other options with these statistics and if this way the correct decision for the health of the game. You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Blog: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Dan FelderTwitter: @DesignerDanFEmail: minimallyexceptional@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Stairc
Re-Making Magic Ep45 - Kozilek Emerges
25/11/2015 Duration: 43minJoin Reuben Covington and Dan Felder for the forty-fifth episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: We discuss the new unofficial Oath of the Gatewatch spoilers including: Kozilek, The Great Distortion The Wastes basic land You can find the Mirrorpool card which we don't discuss in detail We discuss generic vs colorless mana and what we believe the new mana is You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Blog: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Dan FelderTwitter: @DesignerDanFEmail: minimallyexceptional@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Stairc
Re-Making Magic Ep44 - The Mana System
22/11/2015 Duration: 01h17minJoin Reuben Covington and Dan Felder for the forty-fourth episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: We discuss what the mana system of MTG does We discuss the alternative systems and what pros and cons they have Give us feedback on our blog You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Blog: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Dan FelderEmail: minimallyexceptional@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Stairc
Re-Making Magic Ep43 - Goblin Challenge Pt2
14/11/2015 Duration: 01h07minJoin Reuben Covington and Dan Felder for the forty-third episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: Design Challenge: Submit a build-around uncommon goblin creature We discuss the entries submitted from episode 40's design challenge You can find the entries HERE You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Blog: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Dan FelderEmail: minimallyexceptional@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Stairc
Dungeon Masters Guide Episode 1
05/11/2015 Duration: 41minJoin Dan Felder for the first episode of Dungeon Master's Guide, the podcast about game design and RPG campaigns. In this episode: Dan Introduces the podcast He discusses motivations and how to use this to stop derailment. The first one or two episodes of this podcast will appear on the Re-Making magic feed with future episodes appearing on it's own feed. Contact details: Blog: Dan FelderEmail: minimallyexceptional@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Stairc
Re-Making Magic Ep42 - Goblin Challenge Pt1
05/11/2015 Duration: 01h02minJoin Reuben Covington and Dan Felder for the forty-second episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: Design Challenge: Submit a build-around uncommon goblin creature We discuss the entries submitted from episode 40's design challenge You can find the entries HERE You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Blog: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Dan FelderEmail: minimallyexceptional@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Stairc
Re-Making Magic Ep41 - Development Enviroments
30/10/2015 Duration: 43minJoin Reuben Covington and Dan Felder for the forty-first episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: We talk about creating a deep limited environment Dan talks a lot about recent Faeria Playtesting Dan has written a Balancing 101 article on Gamasutra We discuss Hazards, Threats and Supports We discuss having conflicting Hazards You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Blog: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Dan FelderEmail: minimallyexceptional@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Stairc
Re-Making Magic Ep40 - Mindflayers, French and Goblins
21/10/2015 Duration: 44minJoin Reuben Covington and Dan Felder for the fortieth episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: We talk about recent technical difficulties We give an update on the Science vs Faith duel decks You can find everything you need to help us playtest the duel decks HERE Dan has a funny Pre-Release story Critique a card: Brotherhood Mindflayer We start a new Design challenge: Design a uncommon "build around" Golbin card. The build around theme doesn't have to be about goblins. You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Blog: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Dan FelderEmail: minimallyexceptional@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Stairc
Re-Making Magic Ep39 - BFZ Pre-Release
08/10/2015 Duration: 28minJoin Reuben Covington and Dan Felder for the thirty-ninth episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: We discuss Reuben's Battle for Zendikar Pre-Release experience Reuben gets very very lucky. Dan discusses ingest's economy and Lorwyn's Hidden Treasure Mechanic We cut the episode a little short due to Dan having audio issues. You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Blog: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Dan FelderEmail: minimallyexceptional@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Stairc
Re-Making Magic Ep38 - Dreamscape Creative Workshop
30/09/2015 Duration: 40minJoin Reuben Covington and Dan Felder for the thirty-eighth episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: We discuss a Reuben's Dreamscape custom set We give an update on its progress and talk about how it has creative concerns We discuss the characters and settings We talk about brainstorming and how to brew worldbuilding ideas. We briefly mention Faeria We come up with solutions to some of the issues of Dreamscape You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Blog: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Dan FelderEmail: minimallyexceptional@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Stairc
Re-Making Magic Ep37 - Why magic sucks
24/09/2015 Duration: 35minJoin Reuben Covington and Dan Felder for the thirty-seventh episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: We discuss a recent Killing a Goldfish article We discuss BFZ some more. Critique a card: Psychic Guard by Pyrefiend Depending on our schedule we will release another episode this weekend. You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Blog: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Dan FelderEmail: minimallyexceptional@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Stairc
Re-Making Magic Ep36 - Playtesting
17/09/2015 Duration: 01h01minJoin Reuben Covington and Dan Felder for the thirty-sixth episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: We discuss Devoid and BFZ again Critique a card: Amplify Authority An introduction to Halitoth by Pyrefiend We give some playtesting advice We talk about gauging your audience's reactions not their reasons We talk about Mental Playtesting If you wantto playtest a set, check out Reuben's Primer You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Blog: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Dan FelderEmail: minimallyexceptional@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Stairc
Re-Making Magic Ep35 - BFZ Zendikari mechanics
09/09/2015 Duration: 49minJoin Reuben Covington and Dan Felder for the thirty-fifth episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: We briefly talk about the Science vs Faith duel decks Critique a card: Magnetic Dragon We talk in detail about the zendikari mechanics of Battle for Zendikar We discuss Sunburst You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Blog: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Dan FelderEmail: minimallyexceptional@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Stairc
Re-Making Magic Ep34 - BFZ Eldrazi mechanics
03/09/2015 Duration: 01h01minJoin Reuben Covington and Dan Felder for the thirty-fourth episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: We briefly talk about the Science vs Faith duel decks Critique a card: Gnomish Rocketeer We talk in detail about the eldrazi mechanics of Battle for Zendikar Dan rants about Devoid You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Blog: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Dan FelderEmail: minimallyexceptional@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Stairc
Re-Making Magic Ep33 - Mistakes we've made
01/09/2015 Duration: 55minJoin Reuben Covington and Dan Felder for the thirty-third episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: We are back to our regular timing after several weeks away. We discuss Faeria's latest playtest. Check out the game HERE. Critique a card: Airgrip Eagle We discuss mistakes we have made in the past Dan talks about the some of his RPG systems and what mistakes they made. Reuben talks about Hostile Takeover and Gold counters and his design errors. We briefly mention playtesting and playerbalance perception. You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Blog: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Dan FelderEmail: minimallyexceptional@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Stairc
Re-Making Magic Ep32 - Interview with Trevor Cashmore
09/08/2015 Duration: 41minJoin Reuben Covington for the thirty-secnd episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: Interview with Trevor Cashmore (aka Turbo Justice or Inanimate) We discuss Telsa and Golbin Artisans We talk about the context of mechanics in New Phyrexia We give a summary of the state of the custom card community We talk about past mistakes and how we learn from them You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Blog: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Trevor CashmoreEmail: inanimate100@gmail.comGoblin Artisans Accout: InanimateMTGsalvation Account: Turbo JusticeCustommagic Reddit: TyerRev
Re-Making Magic Ep31 - Duel Deck Challenge
03/08/2015 Duration: 43minJoin Reuben Covington and Dan Felder for the thirty-first episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: We discuss Dan's Duel Deck Challenge We discuss a variety of mechanics for both the science and faith decks We open up the duel decks to you at magic multiverse You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Blog: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Dan FelderEmail: minimallyexceptional@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Stairc
Re-Making Magic Episode 30
25/07/2015 Duration: 01h44sJoin Reuben Covington and Dan Felder for the thirtieth episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: We deconstruct the Design Goal of Magic Origins We talk about nostalgia and the new story focus We talk about some of our favourite cards from the set We discuss the cinematic design of each of the planeswalkers Dan is moving to Belgium so we may have some disruption to the usual programming. You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Blog: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Dan FelderEmail: minimallyexceptional@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Stairc
Re-Making Magic Episode 29
13/07/2015 Duration: 36minJoin Reuben Covington and Dan Felder for the twenty-ninth episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: Critique a Card: Cave People We talk about how magic is built on a history of design mistakes We discuss the advantages of makes Duel Deck We mention EDH decks as another alternate custom card project We discuss our new blog where you can ask us questions You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Blog: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Dan FelderEmail: minimallyexceptional@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Stairc