Join Reuben Covington and Jake Mosby for the return of Remaking Magic, the podcast all about game design and magic the gathering.In this podcast we talk about the game design behind the card game Magic: the Gathering.
Re-Making Magic Episode 28
06/07/2015 Duration: 54minJoin Reuben Covington and Dan Felder for the twenty-eighth episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: We discuss some early Hostile Takeover feedback Critique a Card: Oathbound Revenant We go in-depth on design pointing We discuss the nature of bombs, power level and rarity Community Shoutout: Talco's machine generated magic cards You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Blog: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Dan FelderEmail: minimallyexceptional@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Stairc
Re-Making Magic Episode 27
29/06/2015 Duration: 49minJoin Reuben Covington and Dan Felder for the twenty-seventh episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: Critique a Card: Emrakul Devourer of Worlds We do Exploratory Design for Battle fo Zendikar We Touch on returning sets and player expectations We discuss Allies, Eldrazi, Landfall and the potential tone of the world Introduce our first public playtest of Hostile Takeover You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Dan FelderEmail: minimallyexceptional@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Stairc
Re-Making Magic Episode 26
22/06/2015 Duration: 47minJoin Reuben Covington and Dan Felder for the twenty-sixth episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: We define evergreen mechanics Critique a Card: AEther Apparition We go in depth with all changes in Mark Rosewater's evergreen eggs and ham article. We discuss how we should treat WotC design changes as a community You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Dan FelderEmail: minimallyexceptional@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Stairc
Re-Making Magic Episode 25
14/06/2015 Duration: 53minJoin Reuben Covington and Dan Felder for the twenty-fifth episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: Design Challenge Review: Create a Legendary Pheonix continued We announce our favourite designs We congradulate all of the new designers who submitted. You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Dan FelderEmail: minimallyexceptional@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Stairc
Re-Making Magic Episode 24
08/06/2015 Duration: 52minJoin Reuben Covington and Dan Felder for the twenty-four episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: Design Challenge Review: Create a Legendary Pheonix You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Dan FelderEmail: minimallyexceptional@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Stairc
Re-Making Magic Episode 23
01/06/2015 Duration: 42minJoin Reuben Covington and Dan Felder for the twenty-third episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: Triple Critique a Card Special: Annoying Turtle Fortune's End Thoughtstorm We discuss Rhystic mechanics and their appeal to designers and spikes. Reuben gives a review of his most recent playtest of his set, Dreamscape. Design Challenge: Create a Legendary Pheonix You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Dan FelderEmail: minimallyexceptional@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Stairc
Re-Making Magic Episode 22
25/05/2015 Duration: 45minJoin Reuben Covington and Dan Felder for the twenty-second episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: We talk about the discussion we generated about bad cards previously Dan rants on Dark Souls' and Castlevania's layering and misdirection We discuss the card Squire and how it can be used. We talk about the layering in Innistrad's draft enviroment Trait Doctoring's design gets discussed in terms of "planting" for future enviorments. We discuss recent playtesting and premonition's use online You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Dan FelderEmail: minimallyexceptional@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Stairc
Re-Making Magic Episode 21
18/05/2015 Duration: 53minJoin Reuben Covington and Dan Felder for the twenty-first episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: We discuss our MOBA/mtg format with Champions We discuss our playtesting of these Voq and Boros Carry We talk about Bad Cards We critique the game designers David Sirlin's argument agains bad cards. We talk about what good things bad cards do Community Shoutout: Deadsands You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Dan FelderEmail: minimallyexceptional@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Stairc
Re-Making Magic Episode 20
11/05/2015 Duration: 44minJoin Reuben Covington and Dan Felder for the twentieth episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: We welocme all our new listeners from MTGcast We are amazed by the great response to Dan's recent article We discuss designing archetypes We talk about lychpins and supporting cards Discuss the importance of mana curve and commons Check out Reuben's Set skeleton/archetype primer Talk about the Memoir mechanic in Dreamscape You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Dan FelderEmail: minimallyexceptional@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Stairc
Re-Making Magic Episode 19
04/05/2015 Duration: 43minJoin Reuben Covington and Dan Felder for the nineteenth episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: Design Challenge Review: Evis, Executor of Light's second ability Talk about Signposting your game design Discuss designers "Swimming Upstream" or "Going with the Flow." Dan talks about a recent roleplaying session he hosted. Relevant Gamasutra Article Design Challenge: MtG MOBA format Create a champion card like those discussed HERE You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Dan FelderEmail: minimallyexceptional@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Stairc
Re-Making Magic Episode 18
27/04/2015 Duration: 42minJoin Reuben Covington, Dan Felder and Jay Treat for the eighteenth episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: We interview Jay Treat, a game designer who got in the top 8 in the 2nd Great Designer Search, runs the Goblin Artisans blog and much more. You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Dan FelderEmail: minimallyexceptional@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Stairc Jay TreatTwitter: @jtreat3Twitter (Magic Related): @wizardsfamiliarWebsite:
Re-Making Magic Episode 17
20/04/2015 Duration: 45minJoin Reuben Covington and Dan Felder for the seventeenth episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: Critique a card: Umani, Planeswalker Talk all about Planeswalkers and their design Discuss the planeswalkers in dreamscape Ral Zerek, Dream Artist Yemma, Planar Huntress Evis, Executor of Light Community Challenge: Design a second +1 loyalty ability for Evis We briefly give an update on Hostile Takeover You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Dan FelderEmail: minimallyexceptional@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Stairc
Re-Making Magic Episode 16
13/04/2015 Duration: 47minJoin Reuben Covington and Dan Felder for the sixteenth episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: Discuss why there is no dragon archetype in DTK Critique a card: Yuli, Merciful Blade Discuss our game Hostile takeover and its latest playtest Talk about how NWO and other design rules have to be tailored to specific games Community Shoutout: Babel: The four color set You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Dan FelderEmail: minimallyexceptional@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Stairc
Re-Making Magic Episode 15
06/04/2015 Duration: 23minJoin Reuben Covington and Dan Felder for the fifthteenth episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: Reuben talks about his Dreamscape playtest We discuss the Premonition as a mechanic We talk about what kind of information we gather when playtesting We Introduce the "Fake Theme Trap" and how designers fall into it You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Dan FelderEmail: minimallyexceptional@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Stairc
Re-Making Magic Episode 14
06/04/2015 Duration: 38minJoin Reuben Covington and Dan Felder for the fourteenth episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: A special double episode treat Design Challenge Review: Create a Black/Green gold build around uncommon that doesn't use the graveyard. Discuss the meaning of build around Talk about Reuben's set Dreamscape Pick our favourite designs submitted You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Dan FelderEmail: minimallyexceptional@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Stairc
Re-Making Magic Episode 13
30/03/2015 Duration: 40minJoin Reuben Covington and Dan Felder for the thirteenth episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: We discuss the Dragons in Dragons of Tarkir Critique a card: Chandra's Wish Reuben talks about his upcoming Dreamscape playtest We discuss the information we want from a playtest Design Challenge: Create a Black/Green gold build around uncommon that doesn't use the graveyard. You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Dan FelderEmail: minimallyexceptional@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Stairc
Re-Making Magic Episode 12
23/03/2015 Duration: 51minJoin Reuben Covington and Dan Felder for the twelfth episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: Overview of our design review format In depth discussion of DTK's design goals We talk about Megamorph We dissect each of the other mechanics (Exploit, Bolster, Formidable, Dash and Rebound) Explain how each mechanic mirror's their KTK counterpart Give our final impressions and our opinions on our favorite mechanics You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Dan FelderEmail: minimallyexceptional@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Stairc
Re-Making Magic Episode 11
16/03/2015 Duration: 37minJoin Reuben Covington and Dan Felder for the eleventh episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: Dan talks about his trip to GDC and meeting lots of WOTC people Critique a card: Duneblast & the ruin mechanic Talk about how to make ruin a fun and flavorful mechanic Introduce some common designer traps Discuss the "This designer is a moron" trap The tenancy for us to do the opposite of something good just to be different Talk about why its never "the players fault" Community spotlight: Isocron Drafter - A custom card drafting program You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Dan FelderEmail: minimallyexceptional@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Stairc
Re-Making Magic Episode 10
11/03/2015 Duration: 52minJoin Reuben Covington and Dan Felder my guest Tyler Girvan for the tenth episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: Introduce my guest Tyler Girvan aka IcariiFA Dan is away at GDC Critique a card: Juncture Bolt Discuss the some of the best and worst magic mechanics Not even attempt to explain the details of Banding. Community spotlight: Thought Criminal & the custom rulings forum You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Tyler GirvanEmail: girvat01@gmail.comSkype: duriang4MTGsalvation Account: IcariiFA
Re-Making Magic Episode 09
02/03/2015 Duration: 40minJoin Reuben Covington and Dan Felder for the ninth episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: Talk about creating junk limited cards that are not offensive Critique the cards from our listeners Discuss listening to a playlist while designing Writing articles to consolidate or improve your design knowledge Talk about the "Designing in Threes" technique. Explain "Mental Playtesting" Community spotlight: 8 Lessons for newbie magic designers You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Dan FelderEmail: minimallyexceptional@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Stairc