Overeaters Anonymous members share their experience, strength and hope during the annual OA Birthday Party held in the Los Angeles area.
Free%20from%20Past%20Mistakes,%209th%20Step%20by%20the%20Book - 01/16/2015
16/01/2015 Duration: 01h17minFree%20from%20Past%20Mistakes,%209th%20Step%20by%20the%20Book has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2015 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Free%20from%20Half%20Measures - 01/16/2015
16/01/2015 Duration: 01h14minFree%20from%20Half%20Measures has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2015 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Free%20From%20Cliches%20How%20Program%20Slogans%20Can%20Work%20Against%20Us - 01/16/2015
16/01/2015 Duration: 01h08minFree%20From%20Cliches%20How%20Program%20Slogans%20Can%20Work%20Against%20Us has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2015 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Free%20from%20Obsession,%20Body%20Image%20Workshop%20-%202 - 01/16/2015
16/01/2015 Duration: 28minFree%20from%20Obsession,%20Body%20Image%20Workshop%20-%202 has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2015 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Freedom%20While%20Traveling - 01/16/2015
16/01/2015 Duration: 01h14minFreedom%20While%20Traveling has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2015 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Free%20of%20100%20Plus%20Pounds - 01/16/2015
16/01/2015 Duration: 01h21minFree%20of%20100%20Plus%20Pounds has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2015 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Free%20from%20Obsession,%20Body%20Image%20Workshop%20-%201 - 01/16/2015
16/01/2015 Duration: 39minFree%20from%20Obsession,%20Body%20Image%20Workshop%20-%201 has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2015 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Closing%20Speaker%20-%20Sunday%20afternoon - 01/16/2015
16/01/2015 Duration: 24minClosing%20Speaker%20-%20Sunday%20afternoon has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2015 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Dinner%20Speaker%20-%20Saturday%20night - 01/16/2015
16/01/2015 Duration: 35minDinner%20Speaker%20-%20Saturday%20night has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2015 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Lunch%20Speaker%20-%20Saturday - 01/16/2015
16/01/2015 Duration: 38minLunch%20Speaker%20-%20Saturday has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2015 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Opening%20Speaker%20-%20Friday%20night - 01/16/2015
16/01/2015 Duration: 37minOpening%20Speaker%20-%20Friday%20night has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2015 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Sun.%20Closing%20Speaker - 01/19/2014
19/01/2014 Duration: 38minSun.%20Closing%20Speaker has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2014 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Sun.%20Breakfast%20Speaker - 01/19/2014
19/01/2014 Duration: 41minSun.%20Breakfast%20Speaker has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2014 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Big%20Book%20Workshop%202%20-%20Part%202 - 01/18/2014
18/01/2014 Duration: 58minBig%20Book%20Workshop%202%20-%20Part%202 has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2014 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Big%20Book%20Workshop%202%20-%20Part%201 - 01/18/2014
18/01/2014 Duration: 01h17minBig%20Book%20Workshop%202%20-%20Part%201 has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2014 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Big%20Book%20Workshop%201 - 01/18/2014
18/01/2014 Duration: 01h24minBig%20Book%20Workshop%201 has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2014 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Longtimers%20Panel%20-%20Part%202 - 01/18/2014
18/01/2014 Duration: 54minLongtimers%20Panel%20-%20Part%202 has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2014 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Longtimers%20Panel%20-%20Part%201 - 01/18/2014
18/01/2014 Duration: 54minLongtimers%20Panel%20-%20Part%201 has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2014 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Trusting%20HP,%20Voices%20of%20Recovery - 01/18/2014
18/01/2014 Duration: 52minTrusting%20HP,%20Voices%20of%20Recovery has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2014 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Together%20I%20put%20My%20Hand%20in%20Yours - 01/18/2014
18/01/2014 Duration: 51minTogether%20I%20put%20My%20Hand%20in%20Yours has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2014 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA