Overeaters Anonymous members share their experience, strength and hope during the annual OA Birthday Party held in the Los Angeles area.
The%20Power%20of%20Simplicity,%20Keep%20it%20Simple - 01/18/2014
18/01/2014 Duration: 46minThe%20Power%20of%20Simplicity,%20Keep%20it%20Simple has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2014 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Suiting%20Up%20and%20Showing%20Up - 01/18/2014
18/01/2014 Duration: 32minSuiting%20Up%20and%20Showing%20Up has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2014 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Step%2012:%20Service - 01/18/2014
18/01/2014 Duration: 51minStep%2012:%20Service has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2014 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Step%2011:%20Prayer%20and%20Meditation - 01/18/2014
18/01/2014 Duration: 55minStep%2011:%20Prayer%20and%20Meditation has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2014 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Step%2010:%20Perseverance - 01/18/2014
18/01/2014 Duration: 58minStep%2010:%20Perseverance has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2014 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Steps%208%20&%209:%20Self%20Discipline%20and%20Love - 01/18/2014
18/01/2014 Duration: 47minSteps%208%20&%209:%20Self%20Discipline%20and%20Love has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2014 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Steps%206%20&%207:%20Willingness%20and%20Humility - 01/18/2014
18/01/2014 Duration: 39minSteps%206%20&%207:%20Willingness%20and%20Humility has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2014 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Steps%204%20and%205:%20Courage%20and%20Integrity - 01/18/2014
18/01/2014 Duration: 44minSteps%204%20and%205:%20Courage%20and%20Integrity has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2014 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Steps%202%20and%203:%20Hope%20and%20Faith - 01/18/2014
18/01/2014 Duration: 54minSteps%202%20and%203:%20Hope%20and%20Faith has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2014 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Step%201:%20Honesty - 01/18/2014
18/01/2014 Duration: 53minStep%201:%20Honesty has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2014 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Shaping%20a%20Healthy%20Sexuality - 01/18/2014
18/01/2014 Duration: 01h12minShaping%20a%20Healthy%20Sexuality has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2014 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Releasing%20Judgement - 01/18/2014
18/01/2014 Duration: 54minReleasing%20Judgement has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2014 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Overcoming%20Resentment%20-%20Part%202 - 01/18/2014
18/01/2014 Duration: 16minOvercoming%20Resentment%20-%20Part%202 has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2014 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Overcoming%20Resentment%20-%20Part%201 - 01/18/2014
18/01/2014 Duration: 01h12minOvercoming%20Resentment%20-%20Part%201 has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2014 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Let%20Go%20Absolutely - 01/18/2014
18/01/2014 Duration: 54minLet%20Go%20Absolutely has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2014 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Finding%20Power%20in%20the%20Midst%20of%20Relapse - 01/18/2014
18/01/2014 Duration: 01minFinding%20Power%20in%20the%20Midst%20of%20Relapse has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2014 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
A%20Power%20Greater%20Than%20Myself,%20Gods%20Help - 01/18/2014
18/01/2014 Duration: 51minA%20Power%20Greater%20Than%20Myself,%20Gods%20Help has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2014 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
A%20Power%20Greater%20than%20Myself - 01/18/2014
18/01/2014 Duration: 52minA%20Power%20Greater%20than%20Myself has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2014 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Workshop:%20Recovery%20from%20Relapse%20-%20Part%202 - 01/18/2014
18/01/2014 Duration: 36minWorkshop:%20Recovery%20from%20Relapse%20-%20Part%202 has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2014 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Workshop:%20Recovery%20from%20Relapse%20-%20Part%201 - 01/18/2014
18/01/2014 Duration: 01h12minWorkshop:%20Recovery%20from%20Relapse%20-%20Part%201 has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2014 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA