Chef and author Brian L. Patton presents vegan cooking tips, recipes, and interviews with prominent cookbook authors, personalities, and foodie-type peoples. Don't let the "V" word scare's just (mostly) food!
Vegan Bowl Attack! Jackie Sobon
19/08/2016 Duration: 32minInterview with Jackie Sobon, creator of and author of the brand new, Vegan Bowl Attack. Show notes:
Season Finale! Ruby Roth
09/06/2016 Duration: 30minInterview with Ruby Roth, author of the Help Yourself Cookbook for Kids. Plus her recipe for Brocc-o-tree Bisque AND a giveaway of her book. Finally this will be the last show for the summer. See you in the fall! Show Notes:
Baconish: Leinana Two Moons
21/05/2016 Duration: 35minBacon, bacon everywhere...and we can eat ALL of it! My interview with author of Baconish, Leinana Two Moons. Plus where have I been, and where am I going...the future of Sexy Vegan Radidio. Show Notes:
Jason Wrobel: Eaternity
19/04/2016 Duration: 35minInterview with chef, author, and TV star, Jason Wrobel. Discussing his new book Eaternity. PLUS his experience as the first vegan Cooking Channel host, and his battle with depression. Also Jason's Salted Caramel Waffles. Show Notes: Gardein coupon download:
Terry Hope Romero: Protein Ninja
31/03/2016 Duration: 30minTalking vegan protein power with best selling author Terry Hope Romero. She is the best-selling author of a plethora of cookbooks, including Vegan Eats World, Viva Vegan! and Salad Samurai. Her brand new book Protein Ninja helps you power through your day with 100 hearty plant based recipes that pack a protein punch. In today’s interview we’ll finally find out where vegans get their protein, and Terry will tell us what her future books will be titled when she runs out of Japanese warriors. Show notes: Sponsored by: Enter to win a 1 year membership to My Brownble cooking program:
Buff Or Bust Week #13 - The FINALE!
28/03/2016 Duration: 45minThis is the episode where it all comes to an end. Did I reach my goal? Did I buff? or did I bust? The suspense is killing you! Show Notes:
Victoria Moran: Holy Crap! She's on My Show!
25/03/2016 Duration: 38minVeganism's evolution, spirutuality, atheism, weight battles, raising vegan kids, and are we too clever for our own good? PLUS a new vegan trade association, and Beyond Meat is rolling out some new products. Show Notes: Sponsored by: Enter to win a 1 year membership to "My Brownble" cooking program:
Buff Or Bust Week #12 - The Final Week: HIIT Workouts
23/03/2016 Duration: 29minRobert walks be through a High Intensity Interval Training workout to do in my last week of the challenge. Results coming next week!!!! Show Notes:
All the New Vegan Goodies + Vegan Street Fair
17/03/2016 Duration: 40minAll the new vegan goodies coming your way from the 2016 Natural Products expo. Plus Jessica Shay, creator of the Los Angeles Vegan Street Fair. Show Notes: Sponsored by: Enter to win a 1 year membership to "My Brownble" cooking program:
Buff Or Bust Week #11 - The Dead Lift & Squat Controversy
15/03/2016 Duration: 30minRobert gives his opinions, experiences and recommendations about dead lifts and squats. He also offers alternative exercises that will have the same results. Show Notes:
The Rawsome-est Vegan - Emily von Euw
10/03/2016 Duration: 32minMy interview with author Emily von Euw. PLUS a preview of the 100th issue of VegNews Magazine and recipe for a raw creamy miso and shiitake soup. Show Notes: Sponsored by: Enter to win a 1 year membership to "My Brownble" cooking program:
Buff Or Bust #10 - A Very Big Salad and a Bigger Complement
07/03/2016 Duration: 23minChef and author Brian L. Patton presents vegan cooking tips, recipes, and interviews with prominent cookbook authors, personalities, and foodie-type peoples. Don't let the "V" word scare's just (mostly) food!
Vegan Under Pressure: Jill Nussinow
03/03/2016 Duration: 46minAre you "pressure-curious"? Listen to @theveggiequeen author of #VeganUnderPressure serving up tons of #pressurecooking tips, the health benefits of ethnic foods, AND how to bake a potato in half the time. PLUS a surprising find at my gym, and an inspiring instagram comment. This week on #SexyVeganRadidio Show notes: Sponsored by: Enter to win a 1 year membership to "My Brownble" cooking program:
Buff Or Bust #9 - Out Sick
29/02/2016 Duration: 23minThis week Robert and I discuss what to do diet-wise when you cannot do any physical activity. If you're sick, stuck in a plane for 12 hours, or have broken arms and legs, should we change anything about our diet? show notes:
Grain Guru: Celine Steen
25/02/2016 Duration: 38minInterview with author of the Great Vegan Grains Book, Celine Steen. All the grainy details on how to soak, rinse, cook and eat all your favorite grains, and a few you never heard of. Plus potty training for kids and adults, and Celine's recipe for Savory Stuffed Apples. Show Notes:
Buff Or Bust Week #8 - Obsessive Weighing In
22/02/2016 Duration: 21minConfession: i've been obsessive about weighing myself in the last week or so.Robert and I discuss if it's good or bad?Reasons for day to day weight fluctuation.ANOTHER WEIGH IN!! : Started at 222lbs. Was 219 for the next couple weigh ins. Then dropped to 216. See where I am now!!I'm feeling more stamina and strength. And better recovery after long days of work on my feet and lifting heavy things in a commercial kitchen. show notes:
Buff Or Bust Week #7 - You Don't Win Friends with Salad
22/02/2016 Duration: 38minWeigh in week!! I started at 222 lbs, then hung around at 219 for a couple weeks. Listen to see what the scale is telling me this week!My workouts have been consisting of cardio in the morning on an empty stomach (a.k.a. fat burning zone). Mostly stair stepper, with running, elliptical, etc. Weight training in the evenings, followed by some cardio, or basketball. show notes:
Cooking the Pantry with Robin Robertson
19/02/2016 Duration: 37minRobin Robertson is a vegan chef and award-winning cookbook author whose culinary experience spans nearly thirty years. She has been a chef, caterer, cooking teacher, and food columnist. Her cookbooks include the best-selling Vegan Planet, Quick-Fix Vegan, Fresh from the Vegan Slow Cooker, Vegan on the Cheap, 1,000 Vegan Recipes, and Vegan Without Borders. Her new book, Cook The Pantry offers vegan pantry to plate recipes in 20 minutes or less. Plus win a copy of her book and get her recipe for artichoke po' boy muffaletta. show notes:
Food52 Goes Vegan: Gena Hamshaw
11/02/2016 Duration: 42minGena Hamshaw is a certified nutritionist, an RDN-in-training, a recipe developer, cookbook author, and food writer. Her recipes and articles have been featured in The Huffington Post, Whole Living, O Magazine, Thrive, Origin, Wired, and Time, among many others. She is the author of Choosing Raw and her new book Food52 Vegan which boasts 60 vegetable driven recipes for any kitchen. Gena shares vegan recipes, lifestyle tips, and musings on body image and self-care on her website, The Full Helping ( Today we discuss the new book and the transformation of her website, plus parsnips, freekah, and her beef with veggie burgers. Plus my super bowl halftime show tangent, and a recipe for cauliflower and oyster mushroom tacos. Show Notes: p.s. there was an editing glitch in this episode originally, but it has now been fixed.
Buff Or Bust Week #6 - What If I Miss the Gym?
08/02/2016 Duration: 11minI'm looking for a home workout that doesn't require equipment, that I can do if life doesn't let me go to the gym, Robert offers this...10 jumping jacks, followed by 10 pushups, followed by, 10 bodyweight squats. Then 9 jumping jacks, 9 pushups, and 9 squats. Then 8 jumping jacks, 8 pushups, and 8 squats. Do these continually all the way down to 1, and that's it! You can add other exercises like crunches or lunges, and as you progress you can start at a higher number of reps.If you have any quick and dirty home workouts you do, please share them in the comments I may be in the market for a new champion vegan bodybuilder to co-host this show... The winner of the Buff Or Bust Instagram contest is announced. Show Notes: