Chef and author Brian L. Patton presents vegan cooking tips, recipes, and interviews with prominent cookbook authors, personalities, and foodie-type peoples. Don't let the "V" word scare's just (mostly) food!
Ultimate Tofu Tip
05/08/2014 Duration: 26minThe Sexy Vegan tells you how to make the perfect tofu for a stir fry.
Yummy Plants: Interview w/ Rebecca Gilbert + Grilled Pizza
29/07/2014 Duration: 41minThe Sexy Vegan interviews blogger and author Rebecca Gilbert of Rebecca discusses how she healed her chronic pain with diet, and tells us all about traveling as a vegan in Antarctica. Plus, some killer tips on grilling pizza.
Terry Hope Romero Interview
22/07/2014 Duration: 39minAn interview with best-selling vegan cookbook author Terry Hope Romero. Also new music to sing at your kids, and little veggie sliders where you wouldn't expect. Listen up!
Fully Raw Kristina Interview
09/06/2014 Duration: 28minIn depth interview with Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram, on her transition to raw vegan lifestyle, starting her on co-op and making friends in college with smoothies. Also her Bikini Body Challenge, and my "trying to get rid of my bikini body challenge". Listen up!
How to Be Vegan: Interview with author Elizabeth Castoria
13/05/2014 Duration: 36minInterview with former VegNews magazine editor and author of How to Be Vegan, Elizabeth Castoria, plus a giveaway!
The Blender Girl - Tess Masters Interview
17/04/2014 Duration: 51minAn interview with author of The Blender Girl cookbook, Tess Masters. Her hugely anticipated cookbook was released on April 8th, 2014 and has lived up to the hype. Hear her talk about how it all began, how the book came to be, and what is on the horizon for the powerhouse that is The Blender Girl.
Allison Rivers Samson Interview
01/04/2014 Duration: 55minThis is the one where I talk to the creator of Allison's Gourmet Online Vegan Bakery and the author of the new book "Comfortably Yum". Also included are instructions on how to win a copy of the book. Listen up!
Emily Von Euw Interview
05/03/2014 Duration: 30minThis is where I interview the author of the new book, "Rawsome Vegan Baking: An Un-Cookbook for Raw, Gluten-Free, Vegan, Beautiful and Sinfully Sweet Cookies, Cakes, Bars, and Cupcakes." A mouthful of a title for a mouthful of a book. Listen up!
The Vegan Zombie Interview
14/02/2014 Duration: 41minThis is the one where I interview the creators of The Vegan Zombie cooking web series, Jon Tedd and Chirs Cooney. Their new cookbook "Cook & Survive" is availiable on their website and on Listen up!
Fran Costigan Interview
18/12/2013 Duration: 01h08minThe one where I interview the "queen of vegan desserts" Fran Costigan! She's got a new book out called "Vegan Chocolate: Unapologetically Luscious and Decadent Dairy-Free Desserts" and we talk about all things chocolaty! We also discuss sexism in the professional kitchen, fair trade chocolate, and meeting Julia Child. It's all in there! Listen up!
Clams Casino and Baby Clothing
06/12/2013 Duration: 18minA vegan version of classic clams casino, and a little, very calm, opinion piece on onesies.
Julie Hasson Interview
13/11/2013 Duration: 36minYes, THAT Julie Hasson. She's done it all in the cooking world, and now she's talking to yours truly about her life, her new Vegan Pizza book, and how she helped my 3-day-old get child human donor breast milk. It's the truth. Listen up!
Cheri Shankar and the Bull Hook Ban
30/10/2013 Duration: 48minIn this interview with activist Cheri Shankar, we learn everything we need to know about the recent bull hook ban in Los Angeles, and it's far reaching implications. I know, it's not food...but it's pretty much kicking that really big circus out of town, so I wanna hear about that shit! Listen up!
Classic Ravioli
24/10/2013 Duration: 15minThe Sexy Vegan tells you how to make the perfect classic vegan ravioli.
Fresh Corn & Okra Risotto
24/07/2013 Duration: 10minI know! I like risotto. Deal with it. Here is a fantastically fresh summer recipe using fresh corn and fresh okra. Super fresh! Also, do you want to be interviewed on Sexy Vegan Radido? Contact me at and put 'podcast' in the subject line.
Ground Nut Sausage & Vida Vegan Con Interviews
17/07/2013 Duration: 18minYes, sausage made with ground nuts. Perfect for bolognese or on top of pizza. And it only takes about 3 minutes to make. Also, interviews with the great Julie Hasson and one of the creators of Vida Vegan Con, Janessa Philemon-Kerp. Enjoy!
Easy Mushroom Pate & More Vida Vegan Con Interviews
10/06/2013 Duration: 22minAn easy mushroom pate recipe, along with some early reviews of cheeses I've made from Miyoko Schinner's Artisan Vegan Cheese book. Also, some more interviews from Vida Vegan Con. I talked with Dreena Burton (, the gals from Compassion Couture ( and JL Fields (!
Vida Vegan Con Interviews
01/06/2013 Duration: 23minThe Sexy Vegan has returned form Vida Vegan Con vegan blogger conference, with thoughts, interviews, and more. I talked to Ricki Heller (, Heather Nauta (, and Tess Masters (
Risotto & Sausage Balls
14/05/2013 Duration: 14minWe all love things! But even more so, we love when those things are made into balls, breaded and fried...well oven-"fried" in this case. Here's a recipe to use up that extra risotto. Also hear me blab about flax eggs, spice grinders, and Pennsylvaia coloquialisms.
Watermelon Gazpacho & Salsa
29/04/2013 Duration: 17minWatermelon everywhere, and not a drop to drink...but plenty to eat. Enjoy a double dose of watermelon wonderment with two recipes in one podcast!