
  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Covers recent cases, rulings, regulations, and legislation dealing with tax and non-tax issues pertaining to trusts, their beneficiaries, trustees, and protectors.


  • Keebler and Oshins on Private Decanting


    In this podcast, Bob Keebler and Nevada attorney Steve Oshins discuss private decanting -- decanting a trust without providing notice to the beneficiaries of the trust. This Podcast is sponsored by Leimberg Information Services, Inc. at Please visit our software, books, and PowerPoint Presentations site at

  • Asset Protection Planning with Self-Settled Trusts


    Bob Keebler and Jonathan Blattmachr discuss the use of self-settled trusts to protect assets from the claims of creditors. This Podcast is sponsored by Leimberg Information Services, Inc. at Please visit our software, books, and PowerPoint Presentations site at

  • Keebler and Batson on Charitable Remainder Trusts


    Bob Keebler interviews Ted R. Batson, Jr., Vice President of Professional Services for Renaissance Inc., about the benefits of including a charitable remainder trust in an estate plan. This Podcast is sponsored by Leimberg Information Services, Inc. at Please visit our software, books, and PowerPoint Presentations site at

  • Keebler, Blattmachr and Gans on Estate of Trombetta


    Bob Keebler interviews Professor Mitchell M. Gans and Jonathan G. Blattmachr on the subject of the U.S. Tax Court's decision in Estate of Trombetta v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2013-234. In Trombetta, the Tax Court held that rental properties transferred to an annuity trust were required to be included in the transferor's gross estate because the transfers to the trust were not bona fide sales for adequate and full consideration, and the transferor retained during her lifetime an interest in the transferred properties. Blattmachr and Gans have written an article on the case for the May, 2014 issue of the Journal of Taxation. This Podcast is sponsored by Leimberg Information Services, Inc. at Please visit our software, books, and PowerPoint Presentations site at

  • Keebler, Oshins and Lipkind on the Newest NING Trust PLR


    The IRS has just released PLRs 201410001 through 201410010, approving a Nevada Incomplete Nongrantor (NING) Trust. In this podcast, Bob Keebler interviews Bill Lipkind, the attorney who obtained the ruling, and Steve Oshins, the attorney who handled the Nevada state law review. This Podcast is sponsored by Leimberg Information Services, Inc. at Please visit our software, books, and PowerPoint Presentations site at

  • 60 Second Planner: Keebler on CCA 201330033 - SCIN Results in Taxable Gift


    In Chief Counsel Advice Memorandum 201330033, the IRS concluded that a SCIN transaction by a taxpayer in poor health resulted in a taxable gift. Bob Keebler reports. This Podcast is sponsored by Leimberg Information Services, Inc. at Please visit our software, books, and PowerPoint Presentations site at

  • Keebler and Shenkman: Planning


    Bob Keebler and Marty Shenkman discuss planning between now and December 31st. The time is crucial and the opportunity is not to be missed. Marty has created a postcard to inform clients of 2012 planning opportunities. A company called "Printing for Less" - which does Marty's newsletter - will customize and mail it for any practitioner at a 20% discount off printing costs + postage. (Marty gets no payment from this). You can use his postcard primarily with no royalties (but a nice note and perhaps a gift to charity in Marty's name is in order). To learn more, just go to and you can quickly handle the entire process. LISI has posted Marty's sample postcard and a flyer that explains it. You can find it by loging into LISI and looking under ActualText. This Podcast is sponsored by Leimberg Information Services, Inc. at Please visit our software, books, and PowerPoint Presentations site at

  • Keebler - Covered Opinion Rules


    Bob interviews attorney Michael Goller who discusses the new Covered Opinion Proposed Regulations. This is a very important development focusing on Section 10.37 - dealing with tax opinions and how attorneys must comply. Also stressed in this interview is section 10.35, which requires competence and 10.36 dealing with management oversight proceedures and standards. This Podcast is sponsored by Leimberg Information Services, Inc. at Please visit our software, books, and PowerPoint Presentations site at

  • Keebler - CCM 2012 08 026


    Bob Keebler is joined by Jonathan Blattmachr and this dynamic duo discusses the facts and implications of this important new IRS ruling This Podcast is sponsored by Leimberg Information Services, Inc. at Please visit our software, books, and PowerPoint Presentations site at

  • Keebler - Estate Planning in 2012


    Bob Keebler discusses tax traps and planning opportunities for planning in a unique and perhaps "last chance" year. This Podcast is sponsored by Leimberg Information Services, Inc. at Please visit our software, books, and PowerPoint Presentations site at

  • Keebler and Blattmachr - Planning in 2012


    Stars Bob Keebler and Jonathan Blattmachr discuss multiple planning tactics and considerations for this most important and pivotal year. This Podcast is sponsored by Leimberg Information Services, Inc. at Please visit our software, books, and PowerPoint Presentations site at

  • Keebler and Blattmachr - Property Law Aspects of Decanting


    Bob chats with Jonathan Blattmachr about the property law aspects of decanting. Be sure to listen to the other Podcast where the two discuss the tax aspects. This Podcast is sponsored by Leimberg Information Services, Inc. at Please visit our software, books, and PowerPoint Presentations site at

  • Keebler and Blattmachr - Federal Tax Aspects of Decanting


    Bob Keebler and Jonathan Blattmachr discuss what decanting is and how it is impacted by federal tax laws. This Podcast is sponsored by Leimberg Information Services, Inc. at Please visit our software, books, and PowerPoint Presentations site at

  • Keebler and Oshins - Recent Democratic Estate Tax Proposals


    Bob Keebler discusses with Las Vegas attorney Steve Oshins recent proposals by the Obama administration that would impact significantly on estate tax laws and planning. This Podcast is sponsored by Leimberg Information Services, Inc. at Please visit our software, books, and PowerPoint Presentations site at

  • Keebler and Shenkman - Portability and Malpractice Trap


    Bob Keebler and Marty Shenkman discuss possible malpractice issues with respect to portability. This is a VERY important message - one LISI suggests EVERY estate planning attorney and CPA listen to carefully! This Podcast is sponsored by Leimberg Information Services, Inc. at Please visit our software, books, and PowerPoint Presentations site at

  • Keebler - Portability Revisited


    Bob Keebler discusses the 2011 Federal Estate Tax Return and Portability with Vince Lackner. Be sure to read Vince Lackner's commentary in LISI Estate Planning Newsletter # 1863. This Podcast is sponsored by Leimberg Information Services, Inc. at Please visit our software, books, and PowerPoint Presentations site at

  • Paul Hood - Discounts for Lack of Marketability When Controlling Interest Involved


    Business Valuation authority Paul Hood discusses valuation when a controlling interest in a closely-held corporation is involved. Paul is the co-author of a new book on business valuation - A Reviewer's Handbook to Business Valuation - that was the subject of our recent book review in Business Entities Newsletter # 127. This Podcast is sponsored by Leimberg Information Services, Inc. at Please visit our software, books, and PowerPoint Presentations site at

  • Bob Keebler and the Section 1022/AMT Election 'Curveball'


    In this important PodCast, Bob Keebler reviews what he is calling the Section 1022 Election/AMT 'Curveball.' According to Bob, it appears that there is a strong possibility that taxpayers electing carryover basis will have different basis for AMT and regular tax purposes. This, according to Bob, appears to have been missed by the tax writing committees and the IRS. This Podcast is sponsored by Leimberg Information Services, Inc. at Please visit our software, books, and PowerPoint Presentations site at

  • Tax Planning Opportunities in Volatile Economic Environments


    In this PodCast, Bob Keebler reviews a variety of strategies that can immediately help clients with their stock and bond investments. This Podcast is sponsored by Leimberg Information Services, Inc. at Please visit our software, books, and PowerPoint Presentations site at

  • Bob Keebler discusses Revenue Procedure 2011-41


    Bob Keebler discusses Revenue Procedure 2011-41, which was issued by the IRS on August 5th. Bob covers the safe harbor rules applicable when executors elect out of paying estate tax, as well as the rules on how-to allocate basis This Podcast is sponsored by Leimberg Information Services, Inc. at Please visit our software, books, and PowerPoint Presentations site at

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