The PrincipalPLN is a podcast hosted by Theresa Stager, Jessica Johnson and Spike Cook. We are committed to creating podcasts that are informative, innovative and fun!The concept of the podcast was developed by Theresa Stager, who at the time, was a first-year principal seeking ways to learn from others. Theresa reached out to Jessica Johnson, and they invited Spike Cook to join. The crew began podcasting in September of 2013. During the first year they had 35 episodes that are available on Itunes.
Episode 100!
20/06/2018 Duration: 57minWe want to start out by thanking everyone who has ever listened to the PrincipalPLN podcast. We are very grateful to have had the opportunity to share our learning with you over past 5 years. We finally made it to 100 episodes of the PrincipalPLN podcast. Theresa, Spike, and Jessica began this journey in the fall of 2013. They have been together with their #principalPLN network through all types of changes in our lives. In this episode, we brought back a few of our friends (who happened to be guests) to talk about the latest changes in education, books we are reading, and inspirational words. We all have something in common that we want to inspire each other and to have a purpose in our lives. More importantly, we were able to do what we do best... hang out and chat! Guest List - Please follow and connect with them! Tony Sinanis - @TonySinanis Jessica Cabeen - @JessicaCabeen Sarah Johnson - @SarahSajohnson Jay Posick - @posickj Curt Rees - @CurtRees Show highlights Throughout the show, we were able
Party Like it's Episode 99!
13/05/2018 Duration: 31minIt's May, a crazy time of the year. We hope you're not only surviving, but also trying to thrive. Theresa and Jessica don't have a topic today, but naturally, discuss the busy-ness of May while trying to remain positive. We shared ideas for transitions from one building to the next for students and the end of the year. Jessica talked about the upcoming Coach Approach Institute taking place this summer in Chicago and New Jersey. If you are interested in finding out more/how to register, go to: If you're in need of inspiration to fuel your leadership soul at this time of the year, or any really, you should read The Power of Positive Leadership by Jon Gordon. Jessica shared a couple of her favorite books, but she has been creating many images of quotes from the book so check out the blog post for some end-of-the-year inspiration!
Episode 98: Apruary
28/04/2018 Duration: 40minIn this episode, Jessica and Spike talk about the weather during this month of Apruary. After Jessica got her venting out about the weather our conversation moved into state testing and she shared her idea of using Bitmoji to make stickers for the back of student test tickets for motivation. They also chatted about Snapchat and want to learn more about how teachers are using snapchat to engage students. Are you using snapchat as a student engagement tool? Please let us know. Our conversation also touched on communication and how many different ways information needs to be shared. Spike shared all about being an AVID school.
Episode 97: Staff Meeting Ideas
21/04/2018 Duration: 49minAll 3 of the PrincipalPLN crew were here today, so we started out catching up on Influenza recovery and post Spring break updates. We talked about our morning routines to start each day out on the right foot and the importance of having a gratitude habit. In our random discussions, we mentioned the hot new games kids are playing: Fortnite and Prodigy. Why is Fortnight so popular? Here's an article that discusses this: TomsGuide We talked about staff meeting ideas and building collective commitments together with our staff.
Episode 96: Planning from Next Year Part II
14/04/2018 Duration: 39minIn this episode, Jessica and Spike continue the conversation from Episode 95 regarding next year. Throughout the conversation, both shared the various plans for overcoming budgeting and staffing obstacles as well as how to stay positive with the additional requirements of being a Principal. Spike discussed his recently published article in Innovate My School - Team Activities for Budget Planning. He also talked about the conference that he coordinated with local Millville City Commissioners, Millville Youth Empowerment Summit. The Summit was attended by about 60 students and 20 parents and featured area speakers helping students become empowered. They are already beginning the planning process for next year. Jessica shared how her school staff is inspiring their elementary students to dream big, using March Madness to promote college awareness. Here's a blog post she wrote last year to share about this (although this year they added even more to what they do at her school): Promoting College Awareness in the
Episode 95
08/04/2018 Duration: 40minIn this episode, Theresa and Spike discuss how each school is focusing on planning for next year. They begin by describing the specific schedules for their middle school and the high school. Theresa's school operates on a Trimester schedule and Spike's is on a block schedule. As they plan for next year, both schools are looking at initiatives that will foster student learning and prepare students for the 21st century. How does this work in the confines of the school? How do you get buy-in? How much change is too much change? These are the questions that both ponder as they share their experiences. In the podcast, Spike also referred to The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results by Gary Keller. He learned about this last week when talking with Jethro Jones and it has already helped him as the school plans for next year.
Episode 93: The Principled Principal
24/02/2018 Duration: 29minIn this episode we are fortunate to be joined by Jeff Zoul and Anthony McConnell, the authors of the hot new book, The Principled Principal: 10 Principles for Leading Exceptional Schools. The Principled Principal examines ten guiding principles, using stories and real-life examples to make them relevant and applicable for every school leader. You’ll learn . . . What to prioritize and what to eliminate from your to-do list How to empower your staff and students How to hire the right people for your school Why and how to keep calm in a crisis How to recognize and avoid “culture crushers” How to create a positive culture for your school community Implement the strategies and practices in The Principled Principal, and fast-track your way to becoming the leader your school needs. The list of what you'll learn goes on, along with stories from practicing principals in each chapter. We know you'll enjoy listening to Jeff and Anthony chat about their book just as much as we did! Want to tweet a
Episode 92: The Balanced Teacher Path with Justin Ashley
19/02/2018 Duration: 33minWe discovered Justin Ashley in this article: He was a classroom star. But CMS teacher’s success masked depression, addiction and just knew we had to have him join us on the podcast to help us learn from his journey and be able to support our teachers to prevent them from burnout. If you’re ready to inject more joy into your personal life, get more meaning from your job, strengthen your body and mind, and break free financially then you will want to listen to him on the podcast and read his book!
Episode 91: Personal Learning and Email Tips
04/02/2018 Duration: 53minIn this episode, Spike talked about his big takeaways from attending the national SAMS conference, which you can read about here: 5 Takeaways from the National SAM Conference One of the keynotes he talked about was Valerie Burton, author of Successful Women Think Differently. We spent quite a bit of time talking about the email beast. Theresa shared email tips Boomerang and Astro, and Unroll to tame the subscription emails you receive. Theresa mentions the following studies to give reason for why you need to be efficient with your email: UC Irvine Study Carnegie Mellon Study - A Focus on Distraction In our discussion about engaging in conversations and being able to listen, Jessica mentioned this must-watch TED Talk: TED Talk: 10 Ways to Have a Better Conversation We are excited about future podcasts to come: We are scheduled to have Justin Ashley, author of The Balanced Teacher to join us. When we read about him in this article:
Episode 90: Getting Organized
21/01/2018 Duration: 50minIn this episode, Theresa and Spike discuss how 2018 is going while Jessica is Ice Fishing! As the discussion unfolds, Theresa talked about how she has been using the app Todoist. She uses Todoist to organize all of the tasks that she has to do throughout the week. Todoist connects with her Gmail and allows her to schedule time to get the important things accomplished. Theresa also talked about she continues to use Evernote. She takes all her notes, articles, tasks, and documents and scans them to Evernote. Spike shared how he stays organized throughout the day by using the SAMs Time Tracker System. This system, developed by former Principal Mark Shellinger, creates a calendar for Principals to track their time and work on improving their time spent with instruction. Please share any apps/tips/tricks you use for staying organized. We'll be tackling email next, so share those things, too via twitter, email, or commenting on the blog post. PrincipalPLN is a part of the Education Podcast Network
Episode 89: Principal in Boots, Lindsy Stumpenhorst
19/01/2018 Duration: 01h34sIn this episode, we chat with Lindsy Stumpenhorst, elementary principal in Illinois, also known as “Principal in Boots.” Lindsy shares all about leading an amazing staff, living in the country, balance, using social media, and her one word for 2018: Awe. Have you heard of Instagram? Spike and Lindsy both work hard to convince Jessica to revitalize her Instagram account and connect where the action is. Something interesting about Lindsy is her family was in Josh Turner’s music video for his song, Find Me a Baby! Check it out here: Josh Turner (about 30 seconds in). Not only does Lindsy have horses, but she also has dogs that size too (we got to see them while we're recording, so couldn't help but ask for photo evidence to share! Spike discussed his use of the SAMs Time Tracker System for Principals. He is going to their National Conference in a few weeks. For more information, the SAMs Time Tracker System, check out their website. Lindsy is currently reading: Love Languages of Children a
Episode 88: What's the Weather?
08/01/2018 Duration: 53minIn this episode, we warm up with hot coffee and blankets to stay warm in this frigid winter. Spike talks about the Bomb Cyclone in New Jersey, which caused his school to close for two days, we compared temperatures and talked about indoor recess/school closure decision making. A fun app share to enjoy your weather is: WTForecast - Caution, the profanity can be offensive in this app, but you can change the setting. We also talked about what happens when staff have a countdown or stir up excitement for a snow day...what message does that send our students and families? Thank you Tom Murray for this tweet: Spike talked about "One word 2018." Have you picked "One word?" Spike's is Gratitude, Theresa's is Aware, and finally Jessica agreed to one word… Balance We talked about pop news and how a youtube video caused quite a stir for students when a famous youtuber recorded a video from the suicide forest in Japan: On a
Episode 87: Happy New Year 2018!
31/12/2017 Duration: 42minIn this special end of the year episode, Theresa, Jessica and Spike discuss their Winter Break. Spike talked about his floating experience. He will be posting a blog about what he learned from the time in the sensory deprivation tank. Click here for the blog post on floating. Jess talked about her trip to the North Pole (aka Minnesota). Theresa talked about couch time (SO important!) We then got into a discussion about screen time. Jessica shared an app called (OffTime) and Theresa shared the app RealizD. Do you have a favorite app to keep track of the usage on your phone and what is taking up too much time in your day? Another recommendation on this topic included the book Bored and Brilliant by Manoush Zambrodi, who is also the host of the podcast Note to Self. We chatted about New Year's Resolutions and goals for balance. A podcast recommendation shared by Jessica included Lead to Win by Michael Hyatt.
Episode 86: The Holiday Break for Principals
25/12/2017 Duration: 41minIn this episode, Theresa and Spike share their final week leading up to the Winter Break. It is clear from the discussion that no matter the school you work in or the area of the country, that it can be a very stressful time. Spike and Theresa shared some ideas for student and staff recognition. What do Principals do over the break? Theresa, who has a two-week break, plans to read, relax and disconnect. She talked about the book Culturize, by Jimmy Casas and the Twitter group that is going along with that. In addition, she has some plans for writing and maybe even organizing her office. Spike's goals for the break are very similar. He recently purchased, Brene Brown's new book Braving the Wilderness and plans to read it. In addition, he might try to do a Float session, yoga and or a hike in the woods to decompress. Tell us what you are doing over the break. Tweet us @drspikecook, @principalstager, @principalj and use the #principalpln.
Episode 85 - Breaking Out of lsolation
16/12/2017 Duration: 55minEpisode 85: Breaking Out Of Isolation In this episode, Theresa, Spike and Jessica catch up after about a year hiatus from the podcast. It is clear that everyone needed a break to work on other projects, focus on family, and work/life balance. Where our thumbs are going: Flipgrid vs Recap Brene Brown Braving the Wilderness Snow Day Calculator Lucy Calkins Reading/Writing Melinda Miller's Blog Post - Progressive PD Culturize - Jimmy Casas Coherence - Michael Fullan @DGriffin3 Flipgrid Fever Introduce parents to teachers over summer/new semester/trimester Conferences Foreign Language students
Episode 84: Happy New Year #PrincipalPLN
31/12/2016 Duration: 34minEpisode 84: Happy New Year #PrincipalPLN by Dr. Spike Cook, Jessica Johnson, Theresa Stager
Episode 83: Support for New Administrators
18/08/2016 Duration: 30minEpisode 83: Support for New Administrators by Dr. Spike Cook, Jessica Johnson, Theresa Stager
Episode 82: Random Thoughts in the August 'Crunch Time'
14/08/2016 Duration: 41minEpisode 82: Random Thoughts in the August 'Crunch Time' by Dr. Spike Cook, Jessica Johnson, Theresa Stager
Episode 81
29/07/2016 Duration: 35minIn this episode, we are joined by Ann Smart (@annsmart17), an Ed Tech Consultant from Michigan to have her answer our question: What is BreakoutEdu? Listen to find out how you can use this for team building/collaboration in a staff meeting/PD to model taking risks and then let your teachers brainstorm how they could use this in their classrooms. There are many ways teachers are already using BreakoutEdu in their classes to make learning tons of fun! If you are excited to get going with BreakoutEdu then here are some links to help you get started: (live links at Follow BreakoutEdu on Twitter Check the hashtag #breakoutedu Join the Facebook Group to network with others for ideas Lock App Pinterest Page of BreakoutEdu ideas