A podcast about education inside the classroom and out.
Ep. 50: Unfinished Business
01/05/2021 Duration: 40minNick and Marc celebrate their 50th episode of the podcast! They are joined by Dr. Michael Lubelfeld, Superintendent of North Shore District 112, in Illinois, and co-author of The Unfinished Leader. Discussion topics include: characteristics of great leaders, the importance of empathy, and how to improve your organization through effective hiring practices.
Ep. 49: Closing the Math Gap
17/01/2021 Duration: 37minNick and Marc welcome Dr. Aditya Nagrath, Founder and CEO of Elephant Learning, to the podcast. They discuss strategies to increase math literacy and close the skills gap that plagues millions of students in schoolhouses across the country. Listeners are welcome to ask a question, suggest a topic or share their thoughts: Follow Marc on Twitter @marcisseks or online: Guest: Dr. Aditya Nagrath Website: Elephant Learning Linked In: Dr. Aditya Nagrath Instagram: Elephant Learning
Ep. 48: Humanizing Everybody
18/10/2020 Duration: 46minNick and Marc welcome back Dr. Tracey Benson to the podcast to discuss the Black Lives Matter movement, racial literacy, activism in the NBA and the role of schools in the ongoing march toward social justice.
Ep. 47: Creating Spaces
11/08/2020 Duration: 47minNick and Marc are pleased to welcome Nadirah Simmons to the podcast. As both Social Media Manager at The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and the founder of hip-hop social club, The Gumbo, Nadirah weaves her creative energy into producing exciting content. She shares the recipe for how schools can succeed in turning out students who thrive academically and professionally in an unchartered 21st century landscape. Twitter @hinadirah @thegumbo Web
Ep. 46: Reality... Check
07/07/2020 Duration: 51minNick and Marc welcome two incredible champions of AR and VR in education, Jaime Donally and David Lockett. They share the secrets of incorporating these fast-growing technologies into meaningful learning opportunities for students of all ages. Listeners are welcome to ask a question, suggest a topic or share their thoughts: Subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts or follow on @soepodcast Follow Marc on Twitter @marcisseks or online: Guests: Jaime Donally: Twitter @jaimedonally Website David Lockett Twitter @davidjlockett David heads to NASA
Ep. 45: Ryan's Return
17/06/2020 Duration: 29minNick and Marc welcome back EdTech guru, Ryan Krakofsky, to discuss what lessons can be learned from Hong Kong's re-opening of school. Plus, game-changing instructional technology that educators everywhere should become familiar with, as well as the importance of leading from the heart, with or without a pandemic. Listeners are welcome to ask a question, suggest a topic or share their thoughts: Subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts or follow on @soepodcast Follow Marc on Twitter @marcisseks or online: Guest: Ryan Krakofsky: Twitter @mrkpyp Website #PubPDAsia Reality Composer Teachin' It Real Podcast
Ep. 44: So... What Now?
11/06/2020 Duration: 52minOn this supersized episode, Nick and Marc are joined by rockstar leaders from across the nation to discuss the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on education. Topics include the pros and cons of remote learning, best online practices, strategies for re-entry and most importantly... where do we go from here? Featured guests: Jill Geocaris: @JillGeocaris Sari Goldberg McKeown: website; @sgteach_sari Allyson Apsey: website; @AllysonApsey Michelle Moore: @Michelle4EDU Nichole Allen: @nicwithanh73 Listeners are welcome to ask a question, suggest a topic or share their thoughts: Subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts or follow on @soepodcast Follow Marc on Twitter @marcisseks or online: Show Notes: Check out Allyson's wonderful Serendipity series... Check out Marc's book, available wherever books are sold.
Ep. 43: Cultures of Bravery
04/03/2020 Duration: 53minNick and Marc are joined by guest Dr. Tracey Benson, associate professor at UNC Charlotte, academic activist and co-author of Unconscious Bias in Schools: A Developmental Approach to Exploring Race and Racism. In this very candid conversation, they discuss the importance of addressing race in schools, as well as strategies to bring people together and work towards eradicating the negative impact of implicit bias. Follow Marc on Twitter @marcisseks or online: Guest: Dr. Tracey Benson @DrTraceyBenson Show Notes: Tracey Benson's website Multicultural BRIDGE
Ep. 42: Cultivating Kindness
11/12/2019 Duration: 26minRecorded at VSTE19 in Roanoke, Virginia. Marc is joined by author and educator, Tamara Letter. They discuss Tamara's book, "A Passion for Kindness: Making the World a Better Place to Lead, Love and Learn" and how small, selfless acts can make all the difference. Listeners are welcome to ask a question, suggest a topic or share their thoughts: Subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts or follow on @soepodcast Follow Marc on Twitter @marcisseks or online: Show Notes: Tamara Letter on Twitter: @tamaraletter Tamara’s website Tamara's book Dr. Masaru Emoto’s work on shaping water with words Check out Marc's new book, available wherever books are sold.
Ep. 41: Wired to Learn
06/12/2019 Duration: 38minMarc is joined by guest co-host, Denise Hayden, a College Board consultant and extraordinary high school educator. Their guest is Dr. Ken Wallace, Superintendent of Schools, Maine Township High School District 207, in Illinois. They discuss Ken's role as a founder of the highly acclaimed Chicago Coaching Center, how learning is often messy and the importance of building for the long haul. Listeners are welcome to ask a question, suggest a topic or share their thoughts: Subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts or follow on @soepodcast Follow Marc on Twitter @marcisseks or online: Guest: Dr. Ken Wallace @kenwallace207 Show Notes: Chicago Coaching Center (Watch their inspiring video) Illinois Personal Learning Network Chicago Coaching Center Podcast Check out Marc's new book, FORWARD FAST, available wherever books are sold.
Ep. 40: Thought Partners
23/10/2019 Duration: 18minMarc is joined by Jackie Levine from Putnam-Northern Westchester BOCES. Recorded at the SAANYS 2019 Conference in Lake George, NY, Marc and Jackie discuss equity, trends and effective ways to support educational leadership. Listeners are welcome to ask a question, suggest a topic or share their thoughts: Subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts or follow on @soepodcast Follow Marc on Twitter @marcisseks or online: Guest: Jackie Levine @jackielevinePNW Check out Marc's new book, available wherever books are sold.
Ep. 39: EdCamp19 - The Dream Team
09/10/2019 Duration: 15minFinal session. Launching a great conference, or unconference in this case, is all about having a great team. Marc sat down with three of the dedicated educators who helped make EdCamp LI a reality. Listeners are welcome to ask a question, suggest a topic or share their thoughts: Subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts or follow on @soepodcast Follow Marc on Twitter @marcisseks or online: Guests for Session 3: Sari Goldberg @sgteach_sari Corey Mammolito @coreymammolito Whittney Smith @whittneysmith_ Check out Marc's new book, available wherever books are sold.
Ep. 38: EdCamp19 - Creativity & Innovation in the Classroom
09/10/2019 Duration: 34minMarc is back for round 2. This time, it's a round table discussion regarding strategies to increase creativity and innovation in the classroom. Listeners are welcome to ask a question, suggest a topic or share their thoughts: Subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts or follow on @soepodcast Follow Marc on Twitter @marcisseks or online: Guests for Session 2: Allison Kaminsky @allieminsky Marie Saint-Cyr - Instragram @mariesaintcyr_art Luisa Marino Rich Schwartz Lisa Wenc Kathy Regan Anna Domingo Check out Marc's new book, available wherever books are sold. Image
Ep. 37: EdCamp19 - Podcasting
09/10/2019 Duration: 24minMarc leads the first of three sessions at EdCamp LI 2019, in Commack, New York. Educators discuss how to use podcasts and other tech tools to promote student voice and increase engagement. Listeners are welcome to ask a question, suggest a topic or share their thoughts: Subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts or follow on @soepodcast Follow Marc on Twitter @marcisseks or online: Check out these instructional tools: Merge Cube, Padlet, Adobe Spark, Nuzzel, Google VR TourCreator Guests for Session 1: Jessica Morrocu Kim Lynch @mslynch5th Ed Murray @eddiecmurray Jan Kasal @jankasal Check out Marc's new book, available wherever books are sold.
Ep. 36: Jumping In
23/08/2019 Duration: 32minNick and Marc welcome Dr. LaTonya Harris, assistant principal of Burbank Elementary School in Hampton, Virginia. Dr. Harris discusses becoming an elementary administrator, introducing instructional technology into the classroom and how her determination has helped raise the bar for teachers and children... and even start a Double Dutch club! Listeners are welcome to ask a question, suggest a topic or share their thoughts: Subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts or follow on @soepodcast Follow Marc on Twitter @marcisseks or online: Dr. Harris on Twitter: @1learner4Life Dr. Harris on Instagram: LaTonya Harris NYTimes article - We Have Ruined Childhood by Kim Brooks Check out Marc's new book, available wherever books are sold.
Ep. 35: Live from the Coding Den
02/08/2019 Duration: 45minNick and Marc welcome Baxter Mante and Zachary Rankin of Kelvin Education, a California-based company dedicated to improving the way schools focus on and address social-emotion learning (SEL). Inspired by the challenges of their own childhoods, these two coder-engineers are driven to help educators create environments that will maximize the well-being of all students. Listeners are welcome to ask a question, suggest a topic or share their thoughts: Subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts or follow on @soepodcast Follow Marc on Twitter @marcisseks or online: For more on the great work at Kelvin Education, check out or follow them on Twitter: @kelvineducation Check out Marc's new book, available wherever books are sold. Image
Ep. 34: Droppin' Some NYC
08/06/2019 Duration: 19minNick and Marc welcome Jennifer Gunn and Vince Joralemon, two of the organizers and visionaries behind the popular EDxED NYC Conference held each year in Manhattan. They discuss the power of teacher-led professional development and what it takes to launch a 1200-person conference. Listeners are welcome to ask a question, suggest a topic or share their thoughts: Subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts or follow on @soepodcast Follow Marc on Twitter @marcisseks or online: Follow EDxED NYC Conference on Twitter: @edxednyc Check out Marc's new book, available wherever books are sold.
Ep. 33: Upskilling in HK
15/05/2019 Duration: 36minNick and Marc welcome Ryan Krakofsky, Digital Literacy Coach in an IB PYP school in Hong Kong. He discusses the importance of putting resources into people, challenging students with educational technology and where to find amazing dim sum! Ryan also shares how to play "rock, paper, scissors" Pacific-style... Listeners are welcome to ask a question, suggest a topic or share their thoughts: Subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts. Follow Marc on Twitter @marcisseks or online: Follow Ryan Krakofsky on Twitter @mrkpyp Check out Marc's new book, available wherever books are sold.
Ep. 32: Pacific Overtures
23/04/2019 Duration: 36minNick and Marc are back! In this (very) long distance episode, they talk with Lainey Morgan, primary school teacher at the American School Hong Kong, an ESOL Education school. Lainey shares some of her firsthand experience and insight into the similarities and differences in education spanning the continents, as well as explaining the phenomenon known as "China speed." Listeners are welcome to ask a question, suggest a topic or share their thoughts: Subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts. For information on international schools, Lainey recommends the following: ESOL Schools Search Associates International School Services For reviewing schools: International Schools Review International School Community Check out Marc's new book, available wherever books are sold.
Ep. 31: The Covenant
23/04/2017 Duration: 15minNick and Marc continue their series of mini episodes entitled, FROM SURVIVING TO THRIVING: A road map to mastery. Listeners are welcome to ask a question, suggest a topic or share their thoughts: Subscribe to us on iTunes Links from the show: Curriculum can wait