A podcast about education inside the classroom and out.
Ep. 30: Getting Hired
11/04/2017 Duration: 17minNick and Marc begin a new series of mini episodes entitled, FROM SURVIVING TO THRIVING: A road map to mastery. Listeners are welcome to ask a question, suggest a topic or share their thoughts: Subscribe to us on iTunes Links from the show: Hiring the right person
Ep. 29: Who's DeVos?
27/02/2017 Duration: 21minNick and Marc debate the prospects of newly appointed U.S. Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos. Listeners are welcome to ask a question, suggest a topic or share their thoughts: Subscribe to us on iTunes Links from the show: Rolling back rights for transgender students Neurocore article (NYT) For profit schools (NYT) Read Jeremy Scahill
Ep. 28: ACT v. SAT
25/11/2016 Duration: 35minNick and Marc sit down with Tom Ehlers, founder and owner of Method Test Prep, to delve into the world of nationwide testing. Tom provides incredibly valuable information about these exams, plus offers some really smart tips to maximize student achievement. NOTE: Method Test Prep is not a sponsor, nor is this a paid endorsement. Quite simply, Tom is a very bright guy with a great program that helps kids. Listeners are welcome to ask a question, suggest a topic or share their thoughts: Subscribe to us on iTunes Links from the show: Method Test Prep
Ep. 27: A Lesson in Understanding
18/11/2016 Duration: 51minNick and Marc welcome a special guest, Jared Fox, LGBT Community Liaison for the New York City Department of Education. Listeners are welcome to ask a question, suggest a topic or share their thoughts: Subscribe to us on iTunes Follow us on Twitter: @soepodcast Links from the show: Jared Fox on Twitter: @edugaytional
Ep. 26: EdCampLI - Part II
10/10/2016 Duration: 52minWhat do The Godfather movies and the State of Ed Podcast series from EdCampLI have in common? Part II is even better than Part I. In this show, Nick and Marc host a round table discussion with educators seeking to understand more about podcasting and how they can utilize it to improve instruction. Listeners are welcome to ask a question, suggest a topic or share their thoughts: Subscribe to us on iTunes Follow us on Twitter: @soepodcast Links from the show: Common Sense Education Emath Instruction
Ep. 25: EdCampLI - Part I
02/10/2016 Duration: 37minNick and Marc attend their first EdCamp. Part I features discussions with: Audra Beberman (@audrab_edtech) Don Gately (@donald_gately) Ed Kemnitzer (@kemnitzer3) & Joe Wiener (@jmwiener) Stay tuned for Part II... Listeners are welcome to ask a question, suggest a topic or share their thoughts: Subscribe to us on iTunes Follow us on Twitter: @soepodcast Links from the show: EdCamp homepage
Ep. 24: We Ain't No Finland
02/08/2016 Duration: 46minAfter a long hiatus, Nick and Marc return with a show about why America's education system shouldn't be compared to Finland's. "Methods Lab" - How do babies learn and how can that research improve classroom instruction? Listeners are welcome to ask a question, suggest a topic or share their thoughts: Subscribe to us on iTunes Follow us on Twitter: @soepodcast Links from the show: How young children learn Diane Ravitch on Common Core Why we’re not Finland How much American doctors earn 4 Reasons why schools in Finland are better Unicef study on child poverty rate
Ep. 23: The Gilder Lehrman Institute
30/04/2016 Duration: 55minNick and Marc celebrate the show's first anniversary at the Gilder Lerhman Institute in Manhattan and interview their president, Dr. James G. Basker. Topics include: Teaching through primary source documents Promoting a love of history in our schools Opportunities for teachers to study abroad "Methods Lab" - Bringing Hamilton, the man and the musical, to urban schools Listeners are welcome to ask a question, suggest a topic or share their thoughts: Subscribe to us on iTunes Links from the show: The Gilder Lehrman Institute Oxbridge Academic Programs Hamilton educational outreach Nominate someone for National History Teacher of the Year
Episode 22
17/03/2016 Duration: 35minNick and Marc discuss the recent Tri State Technology Conference, sponsored by EdSurge. "Methods Lab" - One to One Implementation How do we avoid turning tablets into really expensive notebooks? Listeners are welcome to ask a question, suggest a topic or share their thoughts: Subscribe to us on iTunes Links from the show: SAMR Model Tri State Technology Conference
Episode 21
20/02/2016 Duration: 52minNick and Marc discuss the movie THE MARTIAN, tearing up student work and Internet access in Mississippi."Methods Lab" - Untimed AssessmentsHow will these new changes in New York State impact students?Will testing ever be the same?Listeners are welcome to ask a question, suggest a topic or share their thoughts: ask@stateofedpodcast.comSubscribe to us on iTunesLinks from the show:PBS piece on Internet access in Mississippi schoolsClip from THE MARTIAN (spoiler alert)NYT article on The Success Academy Charter School in Brooklyn
Episode 20
08/01/2016 Duration: 42minNick and Marc discuss the newly enacted Every Child Succeeds legislation, as well as two articles illustrating the vast educational disparities that exist from community to community. "Methods Lab" - Midterms Should we continue to administer midterm exams? What do quality midterms look like? Listeners are welcome to ask a question, suggest a topic or share their thoughts: Subscribe to us on iTunes Links from the show: NYT article on Ethnic Divide in New Jersey NYT article on diminishing value of high school diplomas Every Child Succeeds Act
Episode 19
04/12/2015 Duration: 33minNick and Marc discuss Secretary Duncan's recent about face on the abundance of standardized testing time."Methods Lab" - Flippin' ReviewHow much time, if any, should be dedicated to review?Nick offers a great solution for increasing test preparation while preserving instructional time in the classroom.Listeners are welcome to ask a question, suggest a topic or share their thoughts: ask@stateofedpodcast.comSubscribe to us on iTunesLinks from the show:NY Times article on the rollback of testing time by Secretary DuncanA listener shares a great video
Episode 18
11/11/2015 Duration: 38minNick and Marc welcome Dr. Carol Burris, former New York State High School Principal of the Year and current Executive Director of the Network for Public Education Fund, as well as the co-director of the Schools of Opportunity Project at the National Policy Education Center."Methods Lab" - The Observation ProcessWhat is a principal looking for?What makes for an effective post-observation conference? Listeners are welcome to ask a question, suggest a topic or share their thoughts: ask@stateofedpodcast.comSubscribe to us on iTunesLinks from the show:NY Times article on the rollback of testing time by President ObamaDr. Burris takes on
Episode 17
30/10/2015 Duration: 32minNick and Marc welcome Karen Bronson, former teacher and principal, who currently serves as a staff developer for SAANYS. "Methods Lab" - Professional Development Why does PD get such a bad wrap? What are the keys to providing quality PD? Listeners are welcome to ask a question, suggest a topic or share their thoughts: Subscribe to us on iTunes
Episode 16
04/10/2015 Duration: 41minNick and Marc discuss Arne Duncan's exit and the arrival of John B. King as U.S. Secretary of Education. "Methods Lab" - The First Progress Report How optimistic should the first one be? To what extent does student behavior change around this time? Listeners are welcome to ask a question, suggest a topic or share their thoughts: Subscribe to us on iTunes Links related to this episode: Arne Duncan is leaving
Episode 15
19/09/2015 Duration: 58minNick and Marc welcome Dr. Christina Sapienza to the show. They discuss the impact that gender bias is having on young girls and the role schools can play in ending this unfair practice."Methods Lab" - Teacher TrainingAre new teachers adequately trained to enter the classroom?Listeners are welcome to ask a question, suggest a topic or share their thoughts: ask@stateofedpodcast.comSubscribe to us on iTunesLinks related to this episode:Teacher Training piece in NY TimesThe Threat of Stereotype by Joshua AronsonAronson’s research - Women and mathDr. Sapienza’s links on gender biasseejane.orgBechdel test
Episode 14
21/08/2015 Duration: 43minNick and Marc discuss some changes to A.P.P.R. in New York State, an ongoing legal action by a teacher in Great Neck and a valedictorian's appeal for greater college affordability. "Methods Lab" - The First Days of School How can you turn a traditionally rote, boring day into one that fosters excitement and interest? Listeners are welcome to ask a question, suggest a topic or share their thoughts: Subscribe to us on iTunes Links related to this episode: Great Neck teacher’s trial Kacie Candela’s Newsday piece Victor Fleischer’s indictment of Yale First Five Days Twitter Hashtag on First Days
Episode 13
06/08/2015 Duration: 01h09minNick and Marc welcome Barry Isseks, former Technology Coordinator of the San Ramon Valley Unified School District, to discuss the infrastructure and software that has driven unprecedented change in education over the past two decades. "Methods Lab" - Distance Learning To what extent is this transforming learning? Can we ever truly replace a three-dimensional learning environment? Listeners are welcome to ask a question, suggest a topic or share their thoughts: Subscribe to us on iTunes Links related to this episode: NY Times: Disconnecting From Our Digital Lives
Episode 12
29/07/2015 Duration: 42minNick and Marc discuss social-emotional learning (a.k.a. character education) and how it can create improved learning environments in schools. "Methods Lab" - Vocabulary How can we improve students' vocabulary skills? Is a dictionary better than Listeners are welcome to ask a question, suggest a topic or share their thoughts: Subscribe to us on iTunes Links related to this episode: Overcoming Obstacles NY Times: Teaching Social Skills
Episode 11
14/07/2015 Duration: 48minNick and Marc welcome their first guest, Mary Craig, to the show. They discuss the ousting of Pearson, the Value Added Model and the incredible efforts of librarians and teachers in Charlottesville, Virginia to bring books to underprivileged children. "Methods Lab" - Summer Assignments What does a quality assignment consist of? Listeners are welcome to ask a question, suggest a topic or share their thoughts: Subscribe to us on iTunes Links related to this episode: Carole Burris’s Blog Post Pearson Is Out in NYS Link to the Books on Bikes program Books on Bikes on Facebook David Brooks’ column on attention span