Kinky And Curious - Bs'ing With Barak & Sheba

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 44:29:28
  • More information



Got a question about Kink? Just Curious about what the Kink Lifestyle has to offer you? Listen to the Kinky & Curious Podcast with Barak & Sheba, as we answer all kinds of questions about what it is that we do. You never know what topics will come up or what kind of kinky things will go down! Join us for some fun, some facts, and some frivolity!


  • KaC055 - BS'ing about poly

    09/01/2016 Duration: 51min

    Buckle your seatbelts and hang on… this is a longer ride as we talk about open relationships!  Even though we are rushing headlong towards Wicked -with only 4 weeks away… and  The Space almost open, and regular scheduling – We still find time for a little BSing – and since we had a special guest fly through Ohio to spend the day… We figured it was a great time to BS about Poly!  On this month’s episode of the Kinky & Curious Podcast – BSing with Barak & Sheba,we talk about Meeting the Mrs.!  It’s a Pretty Poly Program this time on the podcast, and we get into all kinds of Poly topics - Check out what we did get into:   Anticipation and trepidations of the “Poly First Meeting” If there is a “primary partner,” how do they want to be treated? What are the signs of a “good poly date?” A little about Progress at the Space What was for dinner with CockTails… Plus – we talk why some poly people try to “keep the peas and carrots from touching,” Who is the count of Monte Cri

  • KaC054 - BS'ing Evokes Dominance

    13/12/2015 Duration: 28min

    Where does the time go…?  Between Wicked, The Space, and presenting around… we don’t know which way is up!  And we were finally able to get some time away to BS!  On this month’s episode of the Kinky & Curious Podcast – BSing with Barak & Sheba, we open up some interesting topics…    You never know what kinda fun things will happen… Check out what we did get into:  ·         What does it take to Give up the Ghost?·         What makes Barak all mumbly?·         What kind of positive reinforcement evokes dominance?·         Why the AIS December 11 Meet N Greetis the day before the The Seasons Beatings party·         And What’s coming up at CORG this weekend Plus – we talk about presenting at Spanksgiving, the STL3 Space and The Columbus Space, Bar Rescue, Spike and Barak & Sheba, Who’s coming to Wicked?  We discover the correct Pronunciation or Domme, and finally discuss the progression of Humans, Gentle Persons, then Kink Roles.  And while it might be shorter than

  • KaC053 - BS'ing for the title!

    03/11/2015 Duration: 22min

    Wow, it’s been a busy month, with all that is going on with the Space – and the national opening of Winter Wickedness 2016 and final wrap ups from COPE… it’s been a really busy month!   But we were still able to grab a few moments and let everyone know what is going on with AIS and what kinda wildness we were getting into… on this month’s episode of the Kinky & Curious Podcast – BSing with Barak & Sheba!     We talked about all kinda fun things… in this short episode - What did we get to?  Well…   10 years of AIS Kevin $ katie’s Power Exchange Couple Title run Wicked Presenter announcements Why the AIS November Meet N Greet (**  is This Friday – Nov 6th And What’s coming up at CORG this weekend Plus – we talk about Binding and Bondage for the Bigger, Bountiful Body, Did we go to Spanks or Beat Me?  What kinda classes are we presenting there?  Some Random happenings, and all kinds of BSing!  It ends up being a bit shorter than norma

  • KaC052 - BS'ing in the eye!

    05/10/2015 Duration: 28min

    Well, COPE has come and gone, and we have a ways to go before Winter Wickedness. We are recovering… but still need a little more time to get everything back together. Plus! AIS is having AIS Meet n Greet and The AIS One Night Party this coming weekend… Sheba has a bit of a cold, and Barak is sleepy… but WTF? Even though this one was a hot mess, it’s still time for some BSing on this month’s episode of the Kinky & Curious Podcast – BSing with Barak & Sheba! We BS’d about COPE, Where we were, what we have been doing, and a while bunch more! What kinda things came up? Well, check this - · How important is eye contact during oral sex?· During a Scene?· Why Sheba doesn’t want her bottom in Subspace· How “Office Sex” is great! Plus – we talk about some Wicked Plans, The One Night Party, CORG, Sheba and the Nyquil, and so much more. Check it all out on this month’s episode of the Kinky & Curious Podcast – BSing with Barak & Sheba and see what else we gots going on!   Twistedly,Barak & Sheba For m

  • KaC051 - BS'ing on fire!

    08/09/2015 Duration: 38min

    It’s 4 days and a wake-up prior to COPE ( and we have a guest with us for a fantastic show of BSing… This one was a hot mess, with our guest Trxz from Trxz’s Fire Brigade… and the Big Girl Burlesque! You won’t believe what happened. All kinds of interesting discussions on this month’s episode of the Kinky & Curious Podcast – BSing with Barak & Sheba! We BS’d about the BGB, Sinergy, the Fire Brigade and gave some insights into what what happening at COPE! What kinda things came up? Well, check this - · What’s in a Name? Who got a taste of Exploding Coffee? Why does Michigan have a “Flap Jacks” and Ohio doesn’t? The One Twue Way – The Dominants Handbook · And finally, “Oh Switchy, Switchy, Switchy, Switch!!” Plus – we talk about all things newbie, what Trxz is going to be organizing for COPE, How long you can make a large bottle of ID Glide Lube last, and finally, our patent pending for Pasta In a Bag!” Check it all out on this month’s episode of the Kinky & Curious

  • K&C050 - BS'ing on the Open Relationship Road

    04/08/2015 Duration: 41min

      Getting closer and closer to COPE and this weekend we were up in Kent for a Kink Event – but came back for some great BSing.  We had some wonderful discussions for this month’s episode of the Kinky & Curious Podcast – BSing with Barak & Sheba!   We talked about Cigars, Bourbon and Leather, Polyamory, and had some fun riding through the Gorgeous states of West Virginia (I know right?) and Pennsylvania.  What did we get to?  Well…   How we do poly What does a veto do for us? Why an NCSF Fundraiser? Who is Frank Lloyd Wright?    Plus – we talk about FallingWater, Diners, Drive ins and Bistros in the middle of no-where…  Some more hints about the Space, Where in Sinergy and what kind of presenting will we do up there…and finally, give some fun shout outs.  Check it all out on this month’s episode of the  Kinky & Curious Podcast – BSing with Barak & Sheba  and see what else we have cooking!    Twistedly,
Barak & Sheba For more fun AIS Stuff? You can catch it all on the AIS Website http://w

  • KaC049 - BS'ing with OhioDom69

    10/07/2015 Duration: 41min

    Well, with all the planning, pontificating and property stuff that is going on with the Space – and the national opening of COPE ( - it’s been a really busy month!   But we were still able to grab a fun-loving community member and bring em to the studio for this month’s episode of the Kinky & Curious Podcast – BSing with Barak & Sheba! We talked about Consent, Being New, Our first experience at playing and so much more.  What did we get to?  Well…   ·Can Consent be withdrawn after the act? ·Ethics in Topping ·Sheba wanting a good Yiffing ·And how did OhioDom69 get his Fet Handle? Plus – we talk about Spin Art and unethical Domination; is it a 69 or a 70?  Will Kimsasexibitch kill him when she hears this?  How many things pop up like all the AIS events?  It ends up being a bit longer than normal… but it’s a great time here on this month’s episode of the  Kinky & Curious Podcast – and see what kind of ridiculousness is going on!    Twistedly,
Barak & Sheba AIS W

  • KaC048 - BS'ing about PXS'ing

    04/06/2015 Duration: 40min

    What a month! PXS was this past weekend… and we are still raving about it! So, most of this episode of the Kinky & Curious Podcast – BSing with Barak & Sheba is all about it! Plus, we BS more about the national opening of COPE - and all the tickets, info, and wildness that is coming. There was so much to talk about, we didn’t even get to a question… but who cares? It’s BSing after all. What did we get to? Well… Victorian Style Power Exchange Barak the Observer and Sheba gets immersed What do you mean, Queen takes Knight? Who are Kevin & katie, and Ms Brenda and arcane? Plus – we talk all about the BIG Space Announcement; COPE Tickets, Where we have been, where we are going, the excitement of Twisted Tryst, the AIS Barbarian Whore’d, The New 2 Kink Meetings, and so much more… Take a moment or 40, and listen in to this month’s episode of the Kinky & Curious Podcast – BSing with Barak & Sheba and see what kind of ridiculousness is going on! Twistedly, Barak & Sheba For more fun AIS Stuf

  • KaC047 - BS'ing for the guys

    04/05/2015 Duration: 33min

    The UN-Conference has come and gone – and it was amazing! So, of course we had to talk all about it on this month’s episode of the Kinky & Curious Podcast – BSing with Barak & Sheba Now that it is over? What are we doing? Well… we are getting prepped for the launch of COPE - and are getting ready to be part of the 4th annual Power eXchange Summit!** This time we actually get to a gent’s 4 part question – · So if I came to see u guys to learn more, could I bring my penis pump of my own? · Can I get naked there? · What can I do? · Jerk off any? Plus – we talk about more Space News, COPE Tickets, Where we have been, where we are going, the AIS Calendar, guidelines on Wanking, Masturbating, and Self-Pleasuring at events, The New 2 Kink Meetings, a coming article… So listen in to this month’s episode of the Kinky & Curious Podcast – BSing with Barak & Sheba and see what kind of shenanigans is going on! So join us for some fun, some weird, wacky and kinky silliness! Twistedly,
Barak & Sheba  

  • KaC046 - BS'ing while getting over the Itis

    07/04/2015 Duration: 29min

    Well the seasons have certainly changed… and it was warm and sunny for the past couple weeks. And with Spring coming, so are a lot of other Columbus events meetings and gatherings! So we decided to jump right in with some Easter BSing! We are starting off the events with The AIS Un-Conference - coming the weekend of April 24-26! But since we have some time before that, let’s get in some BSing! On this month’s episode of the Kinky & Curious Podcast – BSing with Barak & Sheba. We chit chat about most of the stuff that we have been doing over the past month… This time, we BS’d so much we didn’t even get to a question! But we did talk a lot about the Columbus Space, and how little time is left to jump into the The Columbus Space Fund Plus we talked about our trip to Baltimore for the NCSF Coalition Partner Meeting. Then, our amazing hosts out there, the FemDom Fund Raiser for the NCSF, The Baltimore Playhouse, the Charm City Playspace, and how much crab we ate! Plus we talk about Barak and the “Itis,” How

  • KaC45 - 50 Shades of BS'ing

    03/03/2015 Duration: 33min

    Despite the cold, and the snow on the ground, we are eagerly anticipatingThe AIS March Spring Fling this coming Saturday night! But before that, we were able to get to a bit of BSing! Since January and February were so freaking busy, we took our time and BS’d about all the fantastic things that happened during both of those months…including a recap of Wicked! On this month’s episode of the Kinky & Curious Podcast – BSing with Barak & Sheba we talk about most of the events that made us so busy! This time, we were even able to get to a couple questions – 1. Is it true that a collaring is akin to a marriage? 2. What about using your real name when introducing yourself in the kink community? We answer those and more – We BS about Butch & Sundance; Dan & dawn’s anniversary; Ginger the Poly-Puppy and the PAWS rating system; 50 Shades of Grey the AIS Movie event; Spanked – The 50 Shades Parody; Rope, Pies and Pizza; Sheba’s desire to poke bruises… Plus – we BS as much as we can aboutThe Columbus Spac

  • KaC044 - BS'ing with a little squeeze

    03/02/2015 Duration: 28min

    Well… Winter Wickedness is almost here! And in between all the preparations, we were able to squeeze in a little BSing! January has been a really busy month, and February is looking the same way… So on this month’s episode of the Kinky & Curious Podcast – BSing with Barak & Sheba we go over what the heck has been going on with AIS. In this episode, we don’t even have time for a question and we stick to what we might be getting good at – Simple and straight to the point BSING! First on the agenda is Sexapalooza! We had a great time running the “Dungeon” for them, then we get around to Wicked and finally some new announcements! We give several shout outs – some for a certain magazine article in a local mag… and more about some other events in the area… So join us for some fun, some weird, wacky and kinky silliness! Check it out and let us know what you think! The February Kinky & Curious Podcast – Bsing with Barak & Sheba Twistedly, Barak & Sheba

  • KaC043 - BSing with a bottoms toy bag

    05/01/2015 Duration: 37min

    Well… Winter Wickedness is getting closer and closer – and since we didn’t put out a December episode - there is so BS to catch up on! We touch on all the great events we have been to and share all about what’s going on in the world of AIS - on this month’s episode of the Kinky & Curious Podcast – BSing with Barak & Sheba In this episode, we get to another question – but not for a while… We first hit on the International Sign for BDSM, then talk about rare meat at events and STL3, and ask the question, Are STL3 Events as good or better than AIS Events… and should we keep competing? We mention Liquor in the front… and where Poker is… We chat about some of the Non-monogamous events in the country, and pump the fantastic event that will be Winter Wickedness, other AIS happenings, and what’s next! So join us for some fun, some weird, wacky and kinky silliness! Plus, on this month’s Kinky & Curious Podcast – BSing with Barak & Sheba we talk about what is going on with AIS, where we will be, and wha

  • KaC041- BS'ing with enough lube

    05/11/2014 Duration: 36min

    Well… Winter Wickedness tickets registration opened up... The clocks fell back an hour… Trauma has come and gone… Beyond The Love is this coming weekend… Spanksgiving is a couple weeks away… and there was so much to BS about! Hear all about what’s going on in our world on this month’s episode of the Kinky & Curious Podcast – BSing with Barak & Sheba! In this episode, we do get to a question – but not before all kinds of silliness ensues. We talk about all things Anal for a butt… Then chat about SuperTroopers and the “Meow” game; Do VHS videos still exist? Did Video kill the radio star? We talk about the fantastic event that will be Winter Wickedness, other AIS happenings, and what’s next! So join us for some fun, some weird, wacky and kinky silliness! Plus, on this month’s Kinky & Curious Podcast – BSing with Barak & Shebawe talk about what is going on with AIS, where we will be, and what’s happening within the AIS circles! We also chat about these fine subjects - 1. Sheba’s favorite Kink – S&

  • KaC040 - BS'ing Causes Unsolicited Sex Talk

    06/10/2014 Duration: 45min

    Well… COPE has come and gone... We’ve taken a couple weeks off – and are celebrating the last day off with a No Shower Sunday!   Hear all about our day of debauchery on this month’s episode of the Kinky & Curious Podcast – BSing with Barak & Sheba.  In this episode, we kinda get to a question, but it’s more the subject matter that has us talking.  We talk about the fantastic event that was COPE, other AIS happenings, and what’s next!  So join us for some fun, some weird, wacky and kinky silliness! Plus, on this month’s show we talk about what is going on with AIS, how much time we are taking off, and we define a No Shower Sunday!  We chat about these fine subjects - 1. What’s in a Label, and who gets to bestow one on you?      2. Should you use an Honorary with people you don’t really know?  Why and/or why not? 3. How to change your profile to possibly discourage or encourage the “Have sex with me now…” Fetmail.         We also talk about switching it up with Sheba; How to serve a dick up in a big pan

  • KaC039 - BSing about Mr. Cocky’s travels

    01/09/2014 Duration: 34min

    Well… it’s less than 2 weeks before COPE - and we are neck deep in all the rushing about getting everything done! But… we were able to make some time to squeeze in the September episode of the Kinky & Curious Podcast – BSing with Barak & Sheba In this episode, once again we completely derail the regular Q&A to give Sheba a chance to rant about Genital Avatars. We go round and round about “Mr. DickHead” and the ultracool Mr. Cocky. We talk about the fantastic event that is COPE, and other AIS happenings… So join us for some fun, some weird, wacky and kinky silliness! Plus, on this month’s Kinky & Curious Podcast – BSing with Barak & Shebawe talk about what is going on with AIS, and take a moment out to chase eachother around the house. We chat about these fine subjects - 1. Can you contact Sheba and then dick-tate terms to her? 2. What surprises we have in store at COPE… 3. Why does Sheba keep talking about sitting on Barak’s face? We also talk about Mr. Cocky’s travels; why it’s great to

  • KaC038 - BS'ing about 50 Shades

    05/08/2014 Duration: 37min

    It’s the middle of summer and we are all kinds of slap happy from all the COPE preparations. We have so much going on in August, from Motorcycle Rides to Meetings and Gatherings. In this episode we don’t cover anything! We talk about Hashtags, Douchbags and Doo-rags. We talk about the tidal wave of 50 Shades, how it is a frame of reference, and what is the community doing about it? So join us for some fun, some weird, wacky and kinky silliness! Plus, on this month’s Kinky & Curious Podcast – BSing with Barak & Shebawe talk about what is going on with AIS, and instead of answering questions we BS through the entire podcast. We chat about these fine subjects - 1. Why can’t E.L James say, “Cunt” or “Pussy” in the series? 2. Is it a Tsunami? A Tidal Wave? The Storm of the Century? Or just another Smut movie that will be forgotten about after a year? 3. Remembering AIS Event Bloopers - We also talk about Movies with everything but the sex, taken in hand, and all that! What ever happened to the Leather Cand

  • KaC037 - Kinky & Curious

    07/07/2014 Duration: 29min

    It’s just after the fireworks, and we are taking it easy… after a long motorcycle ride.  Getting ready for the full weekend with AIS coming July 18-19, we take time out for a little BSing.  We cover some important topics, make some announcements about what's next, talk about COPE tickets, and give a shout out to the Dread Pirate.  So join us for some fun, some weird, wacky and kinky silliness! Plus, on this month’s Kinky & Curious Podcast – BSing with Barak & Sheba we talk about what is going on with AIS, and answer these questions- 1. Is it “normal” to be more into kink – or a different kink – than your partner?  2. I am newer, and don’t have rope, experience, or a partner.  Will I get something out of the The AIS Rope Bondage Intensive?  We also talk about shoehorning Sheba; our Heteronormative power exchange fail; why are Barak & Sheba’s kinks so different, and what they do about it…; Is everything awesome with Kink Labs?  What about that Meet N Greet?  What is

  • KaC036 - BSing after PXS!

    03/06/2014 Duration: 25min

    We had a fantastic time at PXS, the 3rd annual Power Exchange Summit... and went right into the next episode of BSing with Barak & Sheba! So, while this is a short one, we do cover some important topics, make some announcements about what's next, talk about COPE tickets, and get a quote from Shan-Wow! So join us for some fun, some weird, wacky and kinky silliness!   Plus, on this month’s Kinky & Curious Podcast – BSing with Barak & Sheba we talk about what is going on with AIS, and answer these questions- 1. Scene space - what it is, and how to respect it 2. What happened at PXS? 3. What does Shan-Wow say? We also talk about Barak & Sheba’s girl, what kind of fun we had at the AIS Big Bash, and the huge amount of new people at the Meet N Greet. Plus - COPE Tickets are on sale now... and how fast they are selling... You never know what's gonna happen, or what we might say! So, tune in for these things and more! Check it out and let us know what you think! BSing with Barak & Sheba Twistedly,

  • KaC035 - BSing before the Blitz

    05/05/2014 Duration: 39min

    It's a little past the first Monday of the May, but we finally got it all out there.  That’s right, it’s time for another episode of BSing with Barak & Sheba!  We had a great time in April – Bsing with Mom, but we just got off the phone with Shock-Jock – Loper from The Blitz – 99.7FM here in Columbus, and will be on the air for an interview and some Rope Fun… Friday May 9th morning, around 8:30am for who knows what kind of hilarity!  Plus, on this month’s Kinky & Curious Podcast – BSing with Barak & Sheba we talk about what is going on with AIS, and answer these questions-     1. If a submissive calls their dominant – Sir or Ma’am, what does the D-type call the sub? 2. What is Top Space, and how can we get there?  3. If you squirt… how and where should you do it?  Can you squirt onto the Main Playspace floor?       We also talk about Barak & Sheba’s power exchange – and why Barak gets the small letter; Being on the Radio; what kind of connection allows you to label another person;  The The AIS

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