FOR YOUR EARS ONLY/ON AIR -- a unique, far-ranging weekend news program produced and hosted by veteran journalist/broadcaster David Alpern from April 1982 through September 2014 for U.S. stations, the Pentagon's American Forces Radio Network, and podcast listeners worldwide. Formerly Newsweek On Air, the show became independent in 2010 with tax-deductible status as a project of non-profit Gatewave, Inc. and The New York Foundation for Arts. Search subjects and guests at:
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 06/17/2012
17/06/2012Care After Court, Terror War Leaks, Military Suicide, Serious Games, Summer Song, Archive: Anti-Social Network (06/18/11)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 06/10/2012
10/06/2012On Wisconsin, Sandusky and Zimmerman, Populist Capitalism, Precious Element, Yiddish, Sedaka and Song, Archive: Weiner and Gingrich (06/12/11)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 06/03/2012
03/06/2012Tiananmen to Occupy, Campaign Ads, Egypt and Syria, Vets and Jobs, Centennial Songbook, Archive: Know Thine Enemy (06/05/11)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 05/27/2012
27/05/2012Campaign-Congress Connections, NATO and Afghanistan, Faith and Philanthropy, NRC Fallout, Singing the Sixties, Archive: Iraq Remembered (05/29/11)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 05/20/2012
20/05/2012Romney and Chase, Afghan Diary, Greece on the Edge, Marx: Soap to Song, Cars: Redesign Discount, Archive: Stockman on Debt Ceiling (05/22/11)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 05/13/2012
13/05/2012Euro Pushback, Cracking Al Qaeda, Jackie After O, Summer Cinema, Chocolate Cure, Archive: Caro, Power and Prose - NOA (02/08/2009)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 05/06/2012
06/05/2012Obama-Osama, Re-Occupied, Worse Than It Looks, Kovacs Kapers, Mind-Body Medicine, Archive: Lessons From Lincoln Distraction (05/08/2011)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 04/29/2012
29/04/2012Arguing Arizona, Campaign on Campus, World of G-Zero, Bullets, Bones and Bears, Loud and Proud, Archive: Royal Distraction (05/01/2011)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 04/22/2012
22/04/201230th Anniversary: Politics of Economics, Sandusky Book, Musical Lane, Maye Time, First Words 1982, Archive: Madness and Massacre (NOA 04/22/2007)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 04/15/2012
15/04/2012Romney Remans, Obama Gameplan, MPG Debate, How Cook Cooks, What Mike Meant, Archive: Cronkite on Cronkite (FYEO 07/19/2011)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 04/08/2012
08/04/2012Focus on Fall Campaign, Syrian Stand-Off, Social Media for Social Change, Meet "The Master", Titanic Rising, Archive: Mounting "The Mountaintop" (FYEO 10/26/2011)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 04/01/2012
01/04/2012Care v Constitution, Persistence of Profiling, e-Privacy Challenge, Mad at Mad Men, Hunger for the Hunger Games, Archive: Teens at Risk Online(FYEO 04/03/2011)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 03/25/2012
25/03/2012What Trayvon Teaches, Etch-A-Sketch Politics, To Keep "Touch" True, Alzheimer's Book, Hollywood Auction, Archive: Surviving "Stormy Weather"(FYEO 03/27/2011)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 03/18/2012
18/03/2012Afghan Outrage, Persistence of Newt, Transportation Confrontation, Wall Street Resignation, Artificial Intelligence Threat, Archive: Old Songs for Youn Ears(FYEO 11/06/2011)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 03/11/2012
11/03/2012GOP Quitting Time?, Bombs Away?, Cyber Censorship, Anatomy of Injustice, Cautiously Optimistic, Archive: Quake Gone Nuclear (FYEO 03/13/2011)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 03/04/2012
04/03/2012Beyond Super Tuesday, Saving Syria?, College Snobs and Jobs, School Shooter, Tanya's Turn, Archive - Libya and Terror (FYEO 03/06/2011)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 02/26/2012
26/02/2012Social Issues and Wild Cards, Roots of Mideast Rebellion, Insecure Security, Attacking Asthma, What is Love, Archive - Digital Dangers(FYEO 02/27/2011)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 02/19/2012
19/02/2012Santorum Surge, Obama Budget, To Save Syria, What Whitney Teaches, NY Fashion Week, Archive - Tea and Black History(FYEO 02/20/2011)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 02/12/2012
12/02/2012Presidency and the Pill, Cairo versus DC, Learning to Lead, Regards to Broadway, Black Gold, Archive - Breast Cancer (FYEO 02/13/2011)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 02/05/2012
05/02/2012Campaign Controversies, Afghan End Games, Risks Around the World, Red Tails Remembered, I'll Take Romance, Archive - Safety and Super Bowl (FYEO 02/06/2011)