FOR YOUR EARS ONLY/ON AIR -- a unique, far-ranging weekend news program produced and hosted by veteran journalist/broadcaster David Alpern from April 1982 through September 2014 for U.S. stations, the Pentagon's American Forces Radio Network, and podcast listeners worldwide. Formerly Newsweek On Air, the show became independent in 2010 with tax-deductible status as a project of non-profit Gatewave, Inc. and The New York Foundation for Arts. Search subjects and guests at:
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 01/29/2012
29/01/2012GOP Florida, SOTU and SEALS, The Healthcare Gap, Oscar Odds, Joni, Leonard and Lauren, Archive - Mideast Wildfire(FYEO 01/30/2011)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 01/22/2012
22/01/2012Campaign and Congress, War Over Web Pirates, Freedom Update, Shanghai Ghetto, Clutter Buster, Archive - Giffords and the Brain(FYEO 01/23/2011)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 01/15/2012
15/01/2012Battle for GOP Soul, Inisde Tea Party, Best of CES, Beatles Brideshead Boy Wonder Dad, Sexy Iron Lady, Archive - Reviving Sinatra(FYEO 08/29/2010)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 01/08/2012
08/01/2012New Hampshire and Beyond, Obama Wars, 2012 Risks, Export-Import Music, Girl With Empathy Tattoo, Archive - 2011 Trends (FYEO 01/09/2011)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 01/01/2012
01/01/2012BEST OF 2011, PART II - Fukushima Fallout, Occupation Proclamation, Mounting 'The Mountaintop', To Keep The Music Playing, Strauss-Kahn and 'Seduction', Archive - Conservative Case For Gay Marriage (FYEO 01/10/2010)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 12/25/2011
25/12/2011BEST OF 2011 - OBL DOA, Tahrir Fallout, The World She Made, Surviving Stormy Weather, Sheen Off-Screen, Archive - Sinatra, Song and Sheed(FYEO 11-12-95)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 12/18/2011
18/12/2011Russia Protests, Iraq and Euro, GOP Free-For-All, A Nation Transformed, Holiday Films, Oscar Buzz, Archive - Healthcare And Holbrooke (FYEO 12-19-10)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 12/11/2011
11/12/2011Gauging Gingrich, War with Iran, EuroFix, Occupy VC, Cheek to Cheek, Archive - Final Days (FYEO 12-10-10)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 12/04/2011
04/12/2011Recharging Change, Forgotten World, Beyond Cyber Monday, Crazy 1961, New Words, Archive - Wicked Leaks (FYEO 12-05-10)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 11/27/2011
27/11/2011Egypt Revolution Revisited, Deficit Debacle, Occupy and Business, Solyndra Syndrome, Piaf Lives, Archive -Voices of the Fallen (FYEO 11-28-10)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 11/20/2011
20/11/2011GOP Rollercoaster, After Occupy, Beyond Penn State, Hoover Fact and Film, Atilla the Sportscaster, Archive -Tempest at TSA(FYEO 11-21-10)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 11/13/2011
13/11/2011Euroquake, Cold War with Iran?, Higher Tech Higher Ed, Songs of the Road, Jefferson Bible, Archive - Facebook vs. Friendship (FYEO 11-14-10)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 11/06/2011
06/11/2011Razing Cain?, Occupy From Home, Threatened by Deficit, Music Makeover, See or No, Archive - Kennedy Compass (FYEO 11-07-10)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 10/30/2011
30/10/2011Occupation Expectation, Euro Deal, Flat Tax Fever, AfPak and Iraq, White House Moments, Archive - Juan Last Word (FYEO 10-31-10)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 10/23/2011
23/10/2011Lopsided Exchange and Libya, Iran Intrigue, "Strange Days" for McBroom, Addiction Addendum, Author Friendly e-books, Archive - Foreclosure Fiasco (FYEO 10-24-10)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 10/16/2011
16/10/2011Able Cain and the Occupiers, Drone Debate and Iran, Errico and Legrand, Mounting The Mountaintop, Meeting Martin, Archive - Lessons from the Underground(FYEO 10-17-10)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 01/02/2011
02/01/2011More Best of 2010, Lessons from Underground, Foreclosure Fiasco, Conservative Case for Gay Marriage, Keys to Caregiving, From Border to Bard, Archive - Caro Power and Prouse NOA 122709
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 12/26/2010
26/12/2010Best of 2010, Does Osama Still Matter?, Bartiromo on the Crash, BP and Risk, Vancouver Olympics, Wallis on New Values, Archive - Healthcare and Values NOA 122709
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 11/28/2010
28/11/2010Best of NOA, War and Peace, More War and Peace, That's Entertainment, Good Sports, First Words, Archive - Voices of the Fallen NOA 032507