The podcast that keeps you up to date on the latest happenings with the iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, AppleWatch, Apple TV, iOS and iPhone Apps . We have news, tech tips, hacks, App reviews and interviews all centered around the iOS, iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and Apple Watch.
Tii - iTem 0306 - Fred Wilson says dumb things - Again
08/05/2014 Duration: 01h07minTii - iTem 0306 - Fred Wilson says dumb things - Again Links Mentioned in this Episode: Today's Sponsor - Apple Claims to be aware of email attachment issue in iOS 7.1.1 IPhone bug leaves emails vulnerable Your iPhone Passcode May Not Be As Effective As You Think Andreas Kurtz: What Apple Missed to Fix in iOS 7.1.1 Fred Wilson Thinks That By 2020, Apple Won't Be A Top Tech Company Anymore Venture capitalist Fred Wilson sees Apple going nowhere by 2020 G+ Community When Hitting ‘Find My iPhone’ Takes You to a Thief’s Doorstep Before Apple's iPhone was too small, it was too "monstrously" big Images of alleged white and silver iPhone 6 dummy unit surface Reviewing the latest rumors iOS 8: What Can We Expect? - MobiDev One-Time Samsung Lawyer Admits that Samsung Couldn't Tell the Truth if their Lives depended on it The Great Smartphone War: Vanity Fair TTi-100 - Kickstarter Touch ID for iPhone 6, iPad Air 2, and iPad mini 3 | iMore Apps Mentioned in this Episode: Tii Garageband Phonto Purga
Tii - iTem 0305 - FreedomPop Interview
01/05/2014 Duration: 01h25minTii - iTem 0305 - FreedomPop Interview Links Mentioned in this Episode: Today's Sponsor - Unraveling the 'iScheme' at Apple Stores The Android to iPhone switchers guide Investor Relations Verizon Sprint quarterly conf call FreedomPop engadget article G+ Community Apple started replacement program for faulty power button in iPhone 5 Apple Expands Capital Return Program to Over $130 Billion Apple: What Do The Bears Say Now? MacBook Air Siri References for the Apple TV Found in iOS 7.1 Code iPhone 6 Cad Drawings iPod Touch Does More Web Traffic Than Windows Phone And BlackBerry Combined Android security issues | F-Secure Lunecase - Kickstarter The Rufus Cuff - Indiegogo Turning the table on bullies iOS 7.1.1 brings huge battery life improvements for iPhone users New apps power Apple's new TV ad Apple Mobile Payments E-Commerce - Business Insider Apps Mentioned in this Episode: Tii App Garageband Aftertext Find My iPhone Purgatory - iBook FreedomPop App iEmpire Star Walk I
Tii - iTem 0304 - iOS 7.1.1 and Apple finds Nessie
23/04/2014 Duration: 01h03minTii - iTem 0304 - iOS 7.1.1 and Apple finds Nessie Links Mentioned in this Episode: Today's Sponsor - Analysts expect Apple to report a decline in iPad sales for Q2 2014 Apple Releases iOS 7.1.1 With Touch ID Improvements iOS 7.1.1 makes sure you know which apps have in-app purchases Google + Community AT&T's Management Discusses Q1 2014 Results Apple reportedly interviewing execs for new payments business AnandTech | S5 vs 5S Mac world - Why Apples A7 chip is better than the competition In the Battle for Best Smartphone, Apple Still Beats Samsung Which Smartphone Is Tougher? SITU - Kickstarter Google+ - Lets talk travel apps. Has the Loch Ness Monster been spotted on Apple Maps? Tim Cook Narrates Apple Ad on Saving the Planet Apple Quarterly results Conf Call PR - Quarterly Results PDF - Financial summary Apps Mentioned in this Episode: Tii App Garageband PicTapGo Flash SMS iMassage - Thai Massage Cyclemeter GPS Strava Cycling Map My Ride RunKeeper RAAHTracker Runtastic Road Bike
Tii - iTem 0303 - WWDC 2014 Date is set
18/04/2014 Duration: 01h05minTii - iTem 0303 - WWDC 2014 Date is set Links Mentioned in this Episode: Today's Sponsor - Apple's next big announcements coming in June What Does Apple's WWDC 2014 Logo Really Mean? How many iPhones did Apple sell last quarter? Google Plus community The Ultimate Guide to Solving iOS Battery Drain 3 Amazing iPhone 6 Features Android Wishes It Could Match Why Apple has to make a bigger-screen iPhone 6 Is the iPhone 6 really as big as this alleged battery leak suggests? GTAT Mobile malware authors 'almost exclusively' focused on Android in 2013 OPEN TOTALLY WINS The Fallacy Of Android-First Death of Steve Jobs prompted Samsung’s U-turn on Apple attack ads More experts dispute GoBe’s BS medical claims The Mini Mobile Robotic Printer — Kickstarter Compare Excel for iPad with Excel for Mac and Excel for Windows Compare Word for iPad with Word for Mac and Word for Windows Compare PowerPoint for iPad with PowerPoint for Mac and PowerPoint for Windows RadioShack drops iPhone 5s pricing to $99
Tii - iTem 0302 - MS Office for iPad
01/04/2014 Duration: 52minTii - iTem 0302 - MS Office for iPad Links Mentioned in this Episode: Today's Sponsor - Today's Sponsor - - Promo Code = tiitv todayinios - NCAA Pool Do not download the latest Pebble for iPhone update | iMore Without Much Fanfare, Apple Has Sold Its 500 Millionth iPhone Microsoft Office Finally Comes to iPad; Apple Gets 30% Cut of Office 365 Subs iPad: The Missing Printing Manual | ZDNet iPad Air & iPad mini with LTE Performance Available in China Today San Francisco Giants (and most of MLB) adopt Apple's iBeacon Apple: The world's most hated stock? Apple TV Air Concept Nikkei: iPhone 6 component output ramping Rumor: iPhone 6 to Appear 'As Early As September' Apple tips hand on sapphire displays with patent for oleophobic coatings iPhone 6 Leaks Claim To Come Straight From Foxconn After two months with Android, I'm going back to iPhone. Slimo - Kickstarter MicroView - Kickstarter Roku CEO Calls Apple TV a Money Loser rumr: anonymous messaging on the App Store
Tii - iTem 0301 - Loopy HD and the Sweet 16
25/03/2014 Duration: 59minTii - iTem 0301 - Loopy HD and the Sweet 16 Links Mentioned in this Episode: Today's Sponsor - Today's Sponsor - - Promo Code = tiitv todayinios - NCAA Pool Apple, Comcast nod to Net TV future Inside the iPad rig Jimmy Fallon used to duet with Billy Joel on 'The Tonight Show' Plantronics Voyager Legend UC Google Plus Community How to place folders within folders on iOS 7.1 iPhone 5c 'failure flop' outsold Blackberry, Windows Phone and every Android in Q4 iOS tops Android for Web browsing in U.S. and other developed nations Head of Windows Phone Joe Belfiore tweets from an iPhone Tii Blog Post - iPhone upgrades compared Musaic - Kickstarter The Dash – Kickstarter FireChat lets you text friends, even without a signal Get on Apple’s Radar iOS 7.1 Has Been Jailbroken On The iPhone 4 Time is ticking for Apple to announce an iWatch Podcast101: Creating and Hosting an Audio Podcast by Rob Walch Apps Mentioned in this Episode: Tii Garageband Photo Editor Aviary EZ-Sync
Tii - iTem 0300 - iBook, Healthbook, and iOS 7.1 feedback
19/03/2014 Duration: 01h29minTii - iTem 0300 - iBook, Healthbook, and iOS 7.1 feedback Links Mentioned in this Episode: Today's Sponsor - Today's Sponsor - - Promo Code = tiitv todayinios - NCAA Pool Apple's iOS 7.1 adoption hits 12% in 48 hours iOS 7.1 grabs 21 percent usage share in 3 days Apple’s iOS 7.1 Update Actually Made Touch ID Worse For A Lot Of Users iOS 7.1 Gets Rid Of Nested Folders iPhone/iPad/iPod battery drain after iOS 7.1 update Google+ Community Feedback IDC Smartphone Forecast Is Bullish For Apple Apple Updates Most Affordable 9.7-inch iPad with Retina display Apple Launches 8 GB iPhone 5c, Relaunches 16 GB iPad 4 - Mac Rumors Apple May Reintroduce Discontinued iPad 4 Alongside 8 GB iPhone 5c Tomorrow Apple iOS 8 Rumors: iWatch integration Here's What Apple's Healthbook App May Look Like Apple TV rumor iPhone 6 May Include Temperature, Pressure and Humidity Sensors Android app scams users out of real money Samsung spokesperson LeBron James tweets about smartphone crash AirBu
Tii - iTem 0299 - iOS 7.1 and Tim Cook needs a new Hobby
11/03/2014 Duration: 01h34minTii - iTem 0299 - iOS 7.1 and Tim Cook needs a new Hobby Links Mentioned in this Episode: Today's Sponsor - Today's Sponsor - - Promo Code = tiitv todayinios - NCAA Pool Apple Releases iOS 7.1 Apple Sold $1 Billion Apple TVs in 2013 Apple TV is Apple’s fastest-growing product New Apple TV To Feature Games And Apps (Rumor) Apple’s “iOS in the Car” Becomes CarPlay The real impact of CarPlay Man named Sam Sung no longer works at Apple GooglePlus Community Apple's new finance steward Maestri takes over $160 billion cash haul Tim Cook Chooses the Environment Over Profit Apple: Steve Jobs Was Right iPhone 5s Drops Way Down to $119 at Walmart Intel Corporation (INTC) news: Apple Outguns Intel Apple's A8 Chip Production for iPhone 6 Underway at TSMC Student hackers make Apple's iOS 7 Siri way more useful GoogolPlex | Better Than Siri Ellen DeGeneres Was Caught Cheating On Oscars-Sponsor Samsung SlatePro - Kickstarter Apple ID 2-Step Verification System Apple preparing soft
Tii - iTem 0298 - iOS 7.0.6 Goto Fail Goto Fail
28/02/2014 Duration: 01h16minTii - iTem 0298 - iOS 7.0.6 Goto Fail Goto Fail Links Mentioned in this Episode: Today's Sponsor - - Promo Code = tiissl Update your iThings NOW Apple security flaw could allow hackers to beat encryption ImperialViolet - Apple's SSL/TLS bug New iOS flaw makes devices susceptible to covert keylogging, researchers say Background Monitoring on Non-Jailbroken iOS 7 Devices Why Is an App Worth as Much as a Small Oil Field? Google+ community Apple values your privacy, ads firms complain Real or not, 'iPhone 6' photos are everywhere Wall Street Journal Offers Apple TV Clues Samsung Announces Gold Galaxy S5 To Match The iPhone 5s Google’s Sundar Pichai: Android not designed to be safe Microsoft Office Word Processor for iPad - Kickstarter Goodbye SkyDrive and Hello OneDrive - The Melting Kilt The company behind Candy Crush withdraws US trademark application for 'candy' evasi0n iOS 7.x Jailbreak Stitcher Listener of the Year PORTERS PODCAST Apps Mentioned in this Episode: Tii App
Tii - iTem 0297 - Android Tablet is so Crappy
18/02/2014 Duration: 01h13minTii - iTem 0297 - Android Tablet is so Crappy Links Mentioned in this Epsiode: Today's Sponsor - - Promo Code = tiicook Apple Sales Surpass All Windows PC Tim Cook Calls Android Tablets Crappy Apple's Tim Cook Discusses Emerging Markets and Plans for Cash It’s official: Apple sells more computers than all Windows PCs combined iOS, iPhone, iPad, & Apple TV - MODERATED - Community - Google+ Apple set to discontinue legacy, non-Retina iPad 2 New Apple TV '4,1' could arrive as soon as March iOS 7.1 rumored to arrive in March with enhanced Mobile Device Management Flappy Bird For Android Clones Are Rife In Play Store, Comes With Malware Neutron S - Kickstarter Ultima S - Kickstarter Podcast Movement 2014 - Kickstarter Apple Brings iTunes Radio to Australia Apple May Have Considered Purchasing Tesla Apps Mentioned in this Episode: Tii App Garageband Cycloramic Pro Lottery Clone Blaze&Graze Slender Man Origins Feed Me Munchy fotor PDF Master PDF Expert PhoneDrive
Tii - iTem 0296 - iOS 7.1 Beta 5
11/02/2014 Duration: 01h10minTii - iTem 0296 - iOS 7.1 Beta 5 Links Mentioned in this Episode: Today's Sponsor - - Promo Code = tiibeta5 Pebble App Store Out on iOS, Android Version Upcoming The Pebble App Store Is Open: Here's What to Grab First The Real Reason Why Flappy Bird Got Pulled from iTunes Apple Releases iOS 7.1 Beta 5 To Developers Cult of Mac Apple Releases iOS 7.1 Beta 5 to Developers Mac Rumors iOS 7.1 Beta 5 Download Released by Apple iOS, iPhone, iPad, & Apple TV - MODERATED - Community Apple Yanks World's Most Popular Bitcoin Wallet From App Store Breaking: EVERYTHING we know about the iPhone 6 | TUAW Why Future iPhones Could Have A Sapphire Screen How to Use Your Unlocked iPad Air on Any Carrier | Steve Wozniak thinks Apple should build an Android smartphone Padcaster Mini - Kickstarter Cargo Stand - Kickstarter - Cancelled Cargo Stand (Canceled) Kickstarter Facebook launches Paper app Introducing Paper – Stories from Facebook iPad Mini Keyboard Case | ClamCase Pro Touch ID not workin
Tii - iTem 0295 - Can you Spot the Bubble
01/02/2014 Duration: 55minTii - iTem 0295 - Can you Spot the Bubble Links Mentioned in this Episode: Today's Sponsor - - Promo Code = tiicash iOS 7.0.5 for iPhone 5s/5c With Fix for Network Provisioning in China Apple Q4 2013 Quarterly Report The best and worst Apple analysts: Q1 2014 Why Nothing Apple Does Is Ever Good Enough Google+ - Can you spot the bubble? Lenovo to buy Google's Motorola Google+ Community Apple TV Gains New Prominence in Apple Online Store Apple adds Red Bull TV channel to Apple TV The age of the iPod is over | The Verge Banking apps on Android phones most at risk of virus: Kaspersky Samsung’s strategy is failing Apple's iPhone 5c boasts most available advertised memory grip 2 for iPad mini Retina - STM Bags popSLATE Apple bombarded with candy-themed games in protest Should Your Podcast Have Its Own App? MacVoices #14004: NMX - Rob Walch Everything From This 1991 Radio Shack Ad You Can Now Do With Your Phone Apps Mentioned in this Episode: Tii App Garageband Doodlebuddy INstography Sl
Tii - iTem 0294 - iOS 7.1 Beta 3 and Beta 4
21/01/2014 Duration: 52minTii - iTem 0294 - iOS 7.1 Beta 3 and Beta 4 Links Mentioned in this episode: Today's Sponsor - - Promo Code = tiichina portrait of Rob by artist René Van Belzen Over-the-Air iOS 7.1 Download Files Deletable in Beta 3 Apple Releases iOS 7.1 Beta 4 to Developers China Mobile iPhone hits market iOS, iPhone, iPad, & Apple TV - MODERATED - Community - Google+ Why Apple’s iBeacon Is Under-Hyped Apple to begin in-store iPhone 5c screen repairs Practical Meter w/ Fast-Charge Cable. How to Make the Switch from Android to iOS - Gizmodo SmartWallit - Kickstarter Snooperscope - Indiegogo Guided Access is the single greatest iOS feature for parents and kids How to Block Facebook’s Annoying New Autoplay Video Ads | Unlock iOS 7: How to untethered jailbreak iOS 7 iOS 7 Compatible Cydia Apps List - Picture How to Fix the iPhone 4S Wifi Problems After iOS 7 Update The Record Apps Mentioned in this episode: Tii App Garageband Skytchy Immigtation App Status Bar Themes INstography Slow Motion
Tii - iTem 0293 - CES and a creative email
15/01/2014 Duration: 01h11minLinks Mentioned in this Episode: - promo code - tiices ODOYO Case - Power+Shell EX Ballistic Case - Tough Jacket Maxx iRig MIC Cast Mic Neet Cable Management STM Bags - Velo 2 Hipplay Samson - Meteor Mic Tripit Neuvue Prong Sensus Typo Keyboards Google Buys Nest Korean Press Shocked at Samsung's Galaxy S4 Sales Disaster Apps Mentioned in this Episode: Tii Garageband Instagram Over Major Circle of Fifths Inspire Personal Productivity BBC's Walking with Dinosaurs Immigration App StatusBar Themes Sktchy iBook - Transforming your Photos BossJock App
tii ces extra - thingcharger interview
10/01/2014 Duration: 10minThanks to for sponsoring this episode. Use Promo Code - tiices - to save 10% This is an interview with the developer of thingcharger on indiegogo. You have until Jan 12th to fund this one. This episode was recorded all on an iPhone using the BossJock App and the iRig MIC Cast Mic
Tii - iTem 0292 - China Mobile and a Nerd Fight
24/12/2013 Duration: 01h24minTii - iTem 0292 - China Mobile and a Nerd Fight Links Mentioned in this Episode: iPad Air Warranty - iPhone 5S Warranty - USELL - Apple Slips: Keep the Faith on China Mobile Deal Say BMO Apple inks China Mobile deal Apple - Press Info - China Mobile & Apple Bring iPhone to China Mobile evasi0n iOS 7.x Jailbreak - official website of the evad3rs Jay Freeman (saurik) on Twitter Letter to the Community Geohot Takes The Evasi0n7 Jailbreak Apart Google+ community for Tii Apple - Holiday - TV Ad - Misunderstood - YouTube Apple acquired mapping firm BroadMap iPad Pro: Seeing Double? 2K, 4K iPad Models Coming The Day Google Had to 'Start Over' on Android Nokia: Offers free Lumia to Samsung user whose S4 caught fire Flashlight app settles with FTC over spying Google Removes Vital Privacy Feature From Android Octofire 8 — Kickstarter Candy Crush developers are worried they're a one-hit wonder Watchface Generator for Pebble A
Tii - iTem 0291 - iOS 7.1 Beta 2
17/12/2013 Duration: 01h13minTii - iTem 0291 - iOS 7.1 Beta 2 Links Mentioned in this Episode: iPad Air Warranty - iPhone 5S Warranty - USELL - All five major US carriers agree to let you unlock your phone Off-contract iPhone 5S and 5C to arrive at Straight Talk, Net10 Wireless Straight Talk iPhone 5s Release Brings 0% Financing Option Munster: Apple’s iPhone 5S Is Fully Stocked iPhones Dominate Sales at All Four Major U.S. Carriers Apple Seeds iOS 7.1 Beta 2 to iPad and iPhone Developers iOS 7.1 beta 2 to developers: here is what’s new Apple TV Adds Bloomberg, Crackle, KOR-TV and Watch ABC Channels Productivity Pad: Ctrl F on an iPad iOS, iPhone, iPad, & Apple TV - MODERATED - Community - Google+ Apple’s iWatch Delayed to Speed Up iPad Pro Development Phone 'blacklisting' blocks thieves | iPhone a Clear Favorite Among House Members - Press Pass A clear-eyed guide to Android's actual security risks It's Not You, It's Me: Breaking Up Wi
Tii - iTem 0290 - Siri is a Flyer Fan
07/12/2013 Duration: 01h32minTii - iTem 0290 - Siri is a Flyer Fan Links Mentioned in this Episode: iPad Air Warranty - iPhone 5S Warranty - USELL - iPad Art - Morgan Freeman Finger Painting - YouTube iOS-Android Shopping Traffic - Business Insider Apple's iPad comes out a big winner on Black Friday iPad Mini is the Hottest Seller on Black Friday at Walmart iPad, iPhone, and iOS 7 Adoption Trackers | Fiksu Apple shares are in the black for 2013 iOS, iPhone, iPad, & Apple TV - MODERATED - Community - Google+ Apple Updates Apple Store App with Support for iBeacon Systems Apple Acquires Social Analytics Firm Topsy for $200 Million - Mac Rumors Apple Recognizes Need for Social Analytics With Topsy Buy - Forbes Apple completes key China Mobile deal Apple, China Mobile Sign Deal to Offer iPhone China Mobile iPhone deal not likely included in Apple's guidance to investors Apple is reportedly testing 12.9-inch iPad with 2K, 4K resolution display The failur
Tii - iTem 0289 - iOS 7.0.4 and 7.1 Beta1
23/11/2013 Duration: 01h50minTii - iTem 0289 - iOS 7.0.4 and 7.1 Beta1 Links Mentioned in this Episode: iPad Air Warranty - iPhone 5S Warranty - USELL - Apple - Press Info - iPad mini with Retina Display Available Starting Today New iPad Mini goes on sale, but supplies limited - iPad Mini Retina Teardown - iFixit iPad Mini with Retina display and iPad Air nearly identical in terms of performance AnandTech | Apple iPad mini with Retina Display: Reviewed Retina iPad Mini Has Inferior Display to iPad Air, but Does It Matter? Image Retention on Retina iPad Mini – Apple's new iPad Mini ALREADY set for Black Friday PRICE SLASH • The Register iOS 7.0.4 comes with fix for Facetime bug and other issues All The Changes In iOS 7.1 Beta You’ll Actually Notice | Cult of Mac How to Create Ringtones Using Only an iPhone | AppChasers Apple maps: how Google lost when everyone thought it had won - Apple buys Israel's PrimeSense for $345 m
Tii - iTem 0288 - Its Going to be an iPad Christmas
12/11/2013 Duration: 01h36minTii - iTem 0288 - Its Going to be an iPad Christmas Links Mentioned in this Episode: iPad Air Warranty - iPhone 5S Warranty - USELL - Twitter - JeffJ6 - Music Five Year Old Genius Arden Hayes on Jimmy Kimmel Live Adoption Of Apple's iPad Air Is Already 5 Times That Of The iPad 4 IDC retroactively discovers ten million tablets sold in the year ago quarter iPad Air release sparks rise in tablet trade-ins - Telegraph AnandTech | iPad Air Delivers 24 Hours of Battery Life as LTE Hotspot Tablet Display Shoot-Out - Displaymate iPad Air Teardown - iFixit iPad Air is definitely lighter on Apple's wallet Finding Your Next iPad Just Got Harder, Thanks To Apple Takedown: Apple invokes the Digital Millennium Copyright Act iPad Air fails torture test against soft dirt? 49 Headhunters - YouTube Estimote Bluetooth Smart Beacon - iBeacon-compatible - YouTube Why Apple's 'indoor GPS' plan is brilliant - Co