The Tasty Minstrel Games (TMG) Podcast, hosted by Lance Myxter.
The TMG Podcast - Seppy Yoon, boardgame publisher and designer, joins me to talk about growing up in the 70's (among other things) - Episode 071
19/10/2018 Duration: 29minSeppy Yoon gave up his lucrative career in software advertising to chase his dreams of being a boardgame creater, designer, and publisher. He also group up in northern Mid West like me and lived through the cold war and irrational hatred for D&D. He is also one of the kindest most true people I have ever met.
The TMG Podcast - Tasty Take - What are Paul Grogan's thoughts on Key Forge? - Episode 070.2
17/10/2018 Duration: 11minMe and Paul are looking forward to playing Key Forge. Are you?
The TMG Podcast - Tasty Take - What is Paul Grogan's favorite scary movie? - Episode 070.1
15/10/2018 Duration: 06minPaul tells us about his favorite horror movies now that it is getting close to celebrate Halloween!
The TMG Podcast - Paul Grogan from Gaming Rules! comes by to talk about finding a job in the boardgame industry! - Episode 070
12/10/2018 Duration: 32minA few years back, Paul Grogan decided to give up on his day job to start creating boardgame media full time. He talks about that choice with me and also where his accent comes from, and one of his favorite Stefan Feld games, Luna!
The TMG Podcast - Tasty Take Bonus - Seth reviews Dice Forge and Eminent Domain online! - Episode 069.2
10/10/2018 Duration: 06minSeth has been playing quite a bit of games online lately at Board Game Arena and he tells us about them!
The TMG Podcast - Tasty Take Bonus - Seth gives me his thoughts on scary movies! - Episode 069.1
09/10/2018 Duration: 05minIt's October, and that means Halloween! Seth tells me about his experience with scary movies!
The TMG Podcast - Seth Jaffee takes a wee break from fatherhood to talk Belfort and game development! - Episode 069
05/10/2018 Duration: 29minSeth Jaffee is a big proponent of game developers and what they do. He takes a break from taking care of his young son to talk to me about the development he has done on several games and also why he himself doesn't use a game developer!
The TMG Podcast - Hot Take Bonus - Jay and Sen each review a game they have been playing recently! - Episode 068.2
03/10/2018 Duration: 08minIn this bonus episode, Jay and Sen talk about some recent games they have played and review them!
The TMG Podcast - Hot Take Bonus - Jay and Sen tell me what games they wish they had designed! - Episode 068.1
01/10/2018 Duration: 04minJay and Sen (designers of Belfort - check out the Kickstarter!) take a moment to tell me what games they wish they had created!
The TMG Podcast - The Belfort Kickstarter launches on Oct 2 so the designers Jay and Sen sat down with me to talk about it! - Episode 068
28/09/2018 Duration: 34minJay Cormier and Sen-Foong Lim are two of the nicest gents I have ever had the honor of calling my friends, and they also find the time to design some really good boardgames. We talk about the development of Belfort, how it came to be, and also all the brand new expansion content that will be available for the first time ever in the upcoming 10th Anniversary Kickstarter.
The TMG Podcast - Bonus Game Review: Daniel Hadlock gives us his mini-review of Element! - Episode 067.2
26/09/2018 Duration: 06minDaniel loves abstract strategy games, and he loves the game Element. In this mini bonus episode, he shares with us the reasons why!
The TMG Podcast - Bonus Hot Take: What game does TMG President Daniel wish he could publish? - Episode 067.1
24/09/2018 Duration: 05minA quick hot take and bonus episode where you find out, if money and time and resources were not a factor, what game would Daniel Hadlock have TMG publish just so he would own a copy!
The TMG Podcast - Hail to the Chief! President Daniel joins me to talk Belfort KS, your FLGS, and life! - Episode 067
21/09/2018 Duration: 35minDaniel Hadlock is the president of TMG and he joins me to talk about his recent trips to local game stores, how TMG is looking to support them, and also - the upcoming Belfort Kickstarter!
The TMG Podcast - Hell in a Cell wrestling predictions with Michael Fox - Episode 066
16/09/2018 Duration: 01h37minSpecial bonus episode! We pick the winners and I take moon shot guesses at the results for Hell in a Cell 2018!
The TMG Podcast - Upcoming TMG Games and Monkey Poo Coffee with Aaron Walth - Episode 065
15/09/2018 Duration: 36minAaron Walth is the TMG manager of production, logistics, and manufacturing. He just recently returned from a trip to Indonesia with his wife and he gets me up to date on his travel, and also what is in the pipeline for TMG.
The TMG Podcast - The Top 5 takes in professional wrestling with Michael Fox - Episode 064
09/09/2018 Duration: 54minMichael Fox is the designer of the highly anticipated game Holding On and is also my go to guy when it comes to the world of professional wrestling. I took (what I thought) were the top 5 controversial topics in the world of the fake sport that I love and asked him for his thoughts.
The TMG Podcast - A minister makes a game about killing Hitler with Philip duBarry - Episode 063
03/09/2018 Duration: 38minPhilip duBarry has long been one of my favorite designers and I am lucky enough to call him a friend. He is a teacher, a minister, a game designer, and a dedicated family man, and also one heck of a nice guy. TMG published his fantastic game Battlecruisers set in the Eminent Domain universe, and will soon publish another of his designs, Embark. This is our conversation we had recently about his life in the gaming world, and how he somehow finds the time to create new games with all of his other responsibilities.
The TMG Podcast - Your Local Game Store isn't owed anything - Episode 062
24/08/2018 Duration: 37minMy friend Rich Early has own and run a local game store for 25 years, and he doesn't think that any game store ever is owed anything by anyone. Listen in and hear what he has to say about distributors, big box stores, Kickstarter, and a whole lot more.
The TMG Podcast - Summer Slam 2018 Predictions with Michael Fox - Episode 061
18/08/2018 Duration: 01h19minIt is the biggest event of the summer - if you are a wrestling fan. Summer Slam 2018 predictions, theories, jokes, and groans, with my fellow "smark" - Michael Fox
The TMG Podcast - Anthony Racano guest "stars" and takes down another "Hot 5 Takes" from yours truly - Episode 060
17/08/2018 Duration: 51minI surprise Anthony Racano with another hot 5 takes about the gaming industry and ask him for his off the cuff opinions on all of them!