Hosted by productivity strategist Mike Vardy, The Productivityist Podcast is a weekly show that discusses tips, tools, tactics, and tricks that are designed to help you take your productivity, time management, goals, to do lists, habits, and workflow to new heights - both at work and at home. If you're looking to focus your efforts on getting the right things done and start living the good life, then this weekly conversational podcast crafted in the tradition of Slate's Working, Back to Work, and HBR IdeaCast is for you.
Making Better Meetings with John Poelstra
05/04/2016 Duration: 45minOn this episode of The Productivityist Podcast, I speak with podcast producer and meeting facilitation expert John Poelstra about how we can go about making better meetings. We dive into the “MAP” you need to make your meetings better, how to improve your meeting facilitation skills, how to deal with latecomers and attendees who take over meetings, and much more. Relevant Links Webinar Ninja The True Cost of Meetings | ReadyTalk The Upsell Podcast Listen to #QOTD What would you do to make meetings better? | Kick The Chair: How Standing Cut Our Meeting Times By 25% | Forbes Get The 2PR Meeting Attendee Tool The Productivityist Podcast | Patreon Meeting Makeover | A Productivityist Podcast Exclusive Offer (Note: The above link takes you to a direct purchase page so you can get the bonus offer described in the podcast. Want to know more about Meeting Makeover before buying? Click here.) John Poelstra’s Website John Poelstra (@johnpoelstra) | Twitter If you enjoy The Productivityist Podca
Getting Momentum with Jason and Jodi Womack
29/03/2016 Duration: 39minOn this episode of The Productivityist Podcast, I speak with Jodi and Jason Womack. They are the wife and husband team behind Get Momentum, a coaching program designed to help people realize their full potential. They are also the co-authors of the book of the same name. During our conversation, we talk about what it takes to get and maintain momentum, what questions you should ask yourself in order to become a better version of yourself, and much more. Relevant Links Get Momentum Get Momentum: How to Start When You’re Stuck by Jason W. Womack & Jodi Womack | Amazon Jason W. Womack (@JasonWomack) | Twitter Jodi Womack (@JodiWomack) | Twitter A Special Get Momentum Bonus Offer Be More Successful: The Top 10 Productivity Podcasts for 2016 | If you enjoy The Productivityist Podcast I'd appreciate a rating and review in iTunes or your podcasting platform of choice. It helps people find the show easier and will help me make improvements on the show by seeing what you have to say. Want to discover
What Goes Into a Task App with Amir Salihefendic
21/03/2016 Duration: 41minThis week on the podcast I speak with the founder and CEO of Doist (the makers of Todoist), Amir Salihefendic. We discuss what prompted him to create Todoist, what system he uses to complete his tasks, and dive deeper into what it’s like to work on developing a task management application in today’s age. Relevant Links Todoist Systemist: A modern productivity workflow | Todoist Blog How to create sub-tasks? | Todoist Todoist Business Amir Salihefendic (@amix3k) | Twitter As a special bonus, the promo code "Productivityist" can now be redeemed at for 3 months of free premium. Want to discover some of the books mentioned on the podcast? Check out Scribd, my reading app of choice. If you enjoyed the episode, please leave a rating and/or review wherever you listened to the episode. Also, don't forget to check out all of our podcast sponsors found on our podcast sponsors page. If you enjoyed the episode, please leave a rating and/or review wherever you listened to the episode. And if you
The Year of Fear with Kendra Wright
14/03/2016 Duration: 35minOn this episode of The Productivityist Podcast, I speak with my friend Kendra Wright. We talk about how we each treat fear, our to do lists, our calendars, and a whole lot more. One of the biggest takeaways from this discussion was how I look at fear and treat as the enemy and how Kendra treats it as if it is her friend. Neither way is wrong or right, but you’ll hear how our approaches differ and why they work for us. Relevant Links Hey Kendra | Kendra’s Website “No, Fear.” -|Productivityist What I Learned About Fear From 700+ Comfort Zone Challenges | Hey Kendra How Colour Can Help You Get the Right Things Done | Productivityist Think Better, Live Better The 106 Year Old Problem | Productivityist Kendra W. (@freehighfives) | Twitter Take The Comfort Zone Challenge If you enjoy The Productivityist Podcast I'd appreciate a rating and review in iTunes or your podcasting platform of choice. It helps people find the show easier and will help me make improvements on the show by seeing what you have to s
Overnight Success with Aaron Mahnke
07/03/2016 Duration: 48minThis episode features a conversation with Aaron Mahnke, accomplished author and the man behind the award-winning podcast Lore. The road to Lore wasn’t a straight one for Aaron, so we talk about the journey he had to overnight success and how he used to work versus how he works today. Relevant Links Lore Why I Created Lore | Aaron Mahnke Frictionless Wet Frog Studios Home Work Aaron Mahnke’s Now Page Aaron Mahnke (@amahnke) | Twitter Lore Podcast (@lorepodcast) | Twitter Thanks again for listening to the show – and if you have any feedback you can leave a comment below and/or rate and review the podcast in iTunes or whatever service you’re using to subscribe to the show. Not a subscriber yet? Click here to make that happen in iTunes and click here to grab the RSS feed! Want to discover some of the books mentioned on the podcast? Check out Scribd, my reading app of choice. If you enjoyed the episode, please leave a rating and/or review wherever you listened to the episode. Also don't forget to check
Getting Reading Done with Mike Dariano
01/03/2016 Duration: 45minOn this episode of the show, I’m joined by Productivityist’s resident book reviewer and fellow avid reader Mike Dariano. We talk about how we go about reading and what we do differently to keep our reading workflow…flowing. The goal of this episode is to inspire you to find a way to read more without overwhelming you in the process. I hope it does the trick! Relevant Links Mike Dariano at Productivityist A Mindful Conversation with Patrick Rhone | The Productivityist Podcast Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder (Incerto) by Nassim Nicholas Taleb | Amazon Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain | Amazon Blinkist Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman | Amazon The Score Takes Care of Itself: My Philosophy of Leadership by Bill Walsh, Steve Jamison, Craig Walsh | Amazon Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World by Adam Grant | Amazon The Practicing Mind: Developing Focus and Discipline in Your Life — Master Any Skill or Challenge by Le
A Mindful Conversation with Patrick Rhone
23/02/2016 Duration: 40minOn this episode of the podcast, Patrick Rhone returns so that we can have another great conversation. This time around we focus on reading more (and better), mindfulness (and Patrick's new book "Mindfulness for Mere Mortals), and much more. I always have a blast talking with Patrick. I hope you enjoy the show as much as I enjoyed putting it together (with help from producer John Poelstra). Relevant Links 2015 in review — 1 year after I quit blogging | Nathan Barry Ethan Waldman at 10 Simple Rules for a Successful Whole30 (or any diet change) | Courtney Carver Austin Kleon Think Clearly. Garrick van Buren – 612 325 9110 James Shelley · Knowledge Translation Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World by Adam Grant How to Read More (and Read Better) | Productivityist This is Water | Vimeo Mindfulness for Mere Mortals | 137 Books in One Year: How to Fall in Love With Reading by Kevin D. Hendricks | Amazon The Productivityist Podcast 73: Cal Newport |
ADHD Productivity with Ryan McRae
16/02/2016 Duration: 30minThis week I speak with Ryan McRae, better known as The ADHD Nerd. We talk about how ADHD has affected his productivity, what time management tips he recommends to those who have ADHD, and how anyone should combat the perils of procrastination. Relevant Links The ADHD NERD World Domination Summit Workflowing #11: An Unfocused Look at Focus | 5by5 You’ve Just Been Diagnosed With ADHD. Now what? | The ADHD NERD The Ultimate ADHD Guide to Time Management | Medium The Productivityist Podcast 73: Cal Newport | Productivityist The Ultimate ADHD Guide to Procrastination. | The ADHD NERD Productivity Powerhouse Panel | January 27, 2016 2 Experts Share Exactly How to Use a Productivity Journal (& Increase Productivity by 23%) | The Fizzle Show Snapchat FYI | C.C. Chapman IFTTT Ryan McRae on Gumroad Ryan McRae (@TheRyanMcRae) | Twitter A special offer from Ryan exclusive to listeners of The Productivityist Podcast Want to discover some of the books mentioned on the podcast? Check out Scribd, my reading
Think Productive with Graham Allcott
08/02/2016 Duration: 37minOn this edition of the podcast, I speak with founder of Think Productive and productivity ninja Graham Allcott. We focus on the nine characteristics you need to have to become a true productivity ninja and dive into a myriad of other offshoot topics as a result. I had a lot of fun chatting with Graham and I’ll be having him back on in short order to dive deeper into even more! Relevant Links Think Productive UK How to be a Productivity Ninja by Graham Allcott | Amazon The Productivityist Podcast 77: Chris Bailey Plagiarists’ Corner | Stewart Lee 9 Characteristics of a Productivity Ninja | Think Productive Nozbe Headspace Think Productive (@thinkproductive) | Twitter Graham Allcott (@grahamallcott) | Twitter Want to discover some of the books mentioned on the podcast? Check out Scribd, my reading app of choice. If you enjoyed the episode, please leave a rating and/or review wherever you listened to the episode. Also don't forget to check out all of our podcast sponsors found on our podcast sponsors
Freakishly Productive with Annie Mueller
01/02/2016 Duration: 33minIn this episode, I chat with Annie Mueller from Freakishly Productive about tactical time management tips. We discuss how Annie is able to be productive while homeschooling four kids and running a business, and a whole lot more. Some of the highlights include: Women in productivity: Where are they and why Annie thinks there is a stigma Categorizing by energy levels: Energy fluctuations and working with them Homeschooling: How to use things like Minecraft and how it can help with productivity To Do Lists: Short or long, should you include routine tasks or not Capturing ideas and thoughts Can you apply her method to a 9–5? Why not being afraid to change the narrative will help your productivity Relevant Links Freakishly Productive The Productivityist Podcast 55: The Productive Woman with Laura McClellan | Productivityist Bullet Journal Categorize your work into energy levels | Freakishly Productive Simple to complex, complex to simple | Freakishly Productive The two worst enemies of good time ma
The Productivity Project with Chris Bailey
25/01/2016 Duration: 30minIn this episode of the podcast, I chat with the author of The Productivity Project, Chris Bailey. We talk about Chris’s new book, the process of writing the book, why quantitative and qualitative data are both needed to measure productivity, and whether or not Chris identifies as an early riser or a night owl. Relevant Links The Productivity Project: Accomplishing More by Managing Your Time, Attention, and Energy by Chris Bailey | Amazon A Life of Productivity Work the System: The Simple Mechanics of Making More and Working Less by Sam Carpenter | Amazon ALifeofProductivity (@ALOProductivity) | Twitter Chris Bailey (@wigglechicken) | Twitter Want to discover some of the books mentioned on the podcast? Check out Scribd, my reading app of choice. If you enjoyed the episode, please leave a rating and/or review wherever you listened to the episode. Also don't forget to check out all of our podcast sponsors found on our podcast sponsors page. If you enjoyed the episode, please leave a rating and/or review
Better Email Habits with Andy Mitchell
19/01/2016 Duration: 41minIn this episode, I speak with the founder of ActiveInbox, Andy Mitchell. We talk about email and how you can (if you want) use it as a task manager. (It’s not something I do (or advocate) but for those of you who want to hear why you may want to give this a go…then this episode is for you.) We also talk about the “snoozing” feature that some email apps have, the shifting from app to app and how it can affect productivity, and the different roles people have and how that can impact how productive they can be. Relevant Links ActiveInbox Inbox Zero: Processing to zero | 43 Folders How We Use Slack | Productivityist Hit The Snooze Button To Be More Productive | Productivityist Workflowing #55: Checking The Mailbox with Gentry Underwood Andy Mitchell (@andymitchell) | Twitter Want to discover some of the books mentioned on the podcast? Check out Scribd, my reading app of choice. If you enjoyed the episode, please leave a rating and/or review wherever you listened to the episode. Also don't forget to check
Level Up Your Life with Steve Kamb
12/01/2016 Duration: 43minIn this episode, I speak with the founder of Nerd Fitness and the author of the book Level Up Your Life, Steve Kamb. We talk about what it takes to take your life to the next level in a variety of ways and go over what’s happened in both of our journeys since the very first interview we ever had over 7 years ago. (Note: I said 9 years ago on the podcast, but that was because I got caught on the fact we spoke in 2009. My bad…sorry!) Relevant Links Nerd Fitness Level Up Your Life: How to Unlock Adventure and Happiness by Becoming the Hero of Your Own Story by Steve Kamb | Amazon Camp Nerd Fitness | September 21–25, 2016 Level Up Your Life | Steve Kamb Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi: Flow, the secret to happiness | TED Talk | Chris Hardwick | Nerdist The Rise: Creativity, the Gift of Failure, and the Search for Mastery by Sarah Lewis | Amazon Steve Kamb (@SteveKamb) | Twitter Want to discover some of the books mentioned on the podcast? Check out Scribd, my reading app of choice. If you enjoyed the ep
The Real Inbox Zero with Dmitri Leonov
05/01/2016 Duration: 33minThis week on the show I speak with Dmitri Leonov, co-founder of SaneBox. We talk about why it isn’t always a good idea to use every aspect of a tool (SaneBox naturally gets mentioned here) and a ton of other thoughts surrounding a productivity pain point for many: email. I always enjoy when I speak with someone who makes a tool to help with productivity saying that the tool is not the entire solution to the problem. We dive into that during our discussion, what role automation plays in productivity (and where it can be put in place far too much), and what Dmitri’s definition of Inbox Zero is. Relevant Links SaneBox Forget ‘Inbox Zero’: Your empty email account means nothing The Ultimate Way to get to Inbox Zero The One Email Trick That Keeps My Inbox In Shape | Productivityist Talking Inbox Zero and Email Overload Inbox Zero vs. Inbox 5,000: A Unified Theory | The Atlantic The MacSparky Email Field Guide Dmitri Leonov (@dmitri) | Twitter How do you deal with email? Do you strive for Inbox Zero ever
Deep Work with Cal Newport
02/01/2016 Duration: 45minTo ring in 2016, on this episode of the show I speak with my friend Cal Newport, the author of So Good They Can’t Ignore You and his latest effort, Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World. We talk about the difference between deep and shallow work, why focusing on doing more deep work may not be for everyone, and how you can start to create more time to do deep work. Relevant Links Excerpt from DEEP WORK by Cal Newport | Medium Resolve to Live a Deep Life | Cal Newport I Want to Show You Exactly How I Prioritize Deep Work in My Busy Life | Cal Newport Adam Grant | Give and Take Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World by Cal Newport Want to discover some of the books mentioned on the podcast? Check out Scribd, my reading app of choice. If you enjoyed the episode, please leave a rating and/or review wherever you listened to the episode. Also don't forget to check out all of our podcast sponsors found on our podcast sponsors page. If you enjoyed the episode, please
Simplicity and Impact with Simon Tyler
26/12/2015 Duration: 39minIn this edition of The Productivityist Podcast I speak with Simon Tyler, author of The Impact Code and The Simple Way. We talk about raising your impact level in business, simple ways to be more productive, and much more. Relevant Links Simon Tyler | Website The Impact Code by Simon Tyler The Simple Way by Simon Tyler Simple Notes | Simon Tyler Effortless Gent Simon Tyler (@simplysimont) | Twitter Thanks again for listening...and happy holidays! Want to discover some of the books mentioned on the podcast? Check out Scribd, my reading app of choice. If you enjoyed the episode, please leave a rating and/or review wherever you listened to the episode. Also don't forget to check out all of our podcast sponsors found on our podcast sponsors page. If you enjoyed the episode, please leave a rating and/or review wherever you listened to the episode. And if you want to have easy access to the archives of the show and ensure you don't miss the new episodes to come then subscribe to the podcast in the app you'r
Relentless Sales Success with Chris Johnson
18/12/2015 Duration: 38minIn this installment of the podcast, I’m joined by my friend and principal owner of Simplifilm Chris Johnson. We dive into a lot of things but really focus on how to work on sales technique and how being relentless in the sales arena – and in life – can go a long way. Relevant Links Simplifilm World Domination Summit 5 Steps to Land Your Dream Clients: The 10–10–10 Strategy | Fizzle Specialist or Jack-of-All-Trades? The Answer’s Obvious to Me | Gary Vaynerchuk No more yes. It’s either HELL YEAH! or no. | Derek Sivers Experimenting with A.J. Jacobs | Workflowing #64 Chris Johnson’s Website & Blog Chris Johnson (@genuinechris) | Twitter Want to discover some of the books mentioned on the podcast? Check out Scribd, my reading app of choice. If you enjoyed the episode, please leave a rating and/or review wherever you listened to the episode. Also don't forget to check out all of our podcast sponsors found on our podcast sponsors page. If you enjoyed the episode, please leave a rating and/or re
The Art of the Side Hustle with Nick Loper
11/12/2015 Duration: 36minOn this episode of the podcast, I speak with the founder of Side Hustle Nation, Nick Loper. We talk about some of the unconventional productivity tactics he uses and dive into some of the equally unconventional side hustle experiments he’s undertaken. Relevant Links Nick Loper (@nloper) | Twitter The 3 Laws of Side Hustle Physics | Side Hustle Nation How I Got on the Homepage of Fiverr and Earned $920 in 10 Days | Side Hustle Nation My Time Tracking Results: My Decidedly Un–4-Hour Workweek and Passive vs. Active Income Time | Side Hustle Nation The Definitive Guide to Rat Race Math | Side Hustle Nation The 5 Step System to Quit Your Job In the Next 12 Months | Side Hustle Nation Confidence Power Plus Motorized Electric Treadmill | Amazon FitDesk v2.0 Desk Exercise Bike with Massage Bar | Amazon Herman Miller Envelop Desk | Amazon Cold Shower Therapy™ | Joel Runyon Ice Face: Hack To Get the Benefits of Cold Thermogenesis | The Bulletproof Executive Tony Robbins on Morning Routines, Peak Performanc
Boosting The Brain with Dr. Andrew Hill
05/12/2015 Duration: 59minI had an absolute blast spending time with the Lead Neuroscientist of truBrain, Dr. Andrew Hill, on this episode of the podcast. We talk about a ton of “brain stuff”, including the importance of getting things out of your head, how decision fatigue works, and more. Relevant Links truBrain | (re)Designing Focus The Pomodoro Technique® The Productivityist Podcast 66: A Doer Who Likes To Be with Michael Townsend Williams | Productivityist Morning Pages | Julia Cameron Comedian | Official Site Pavlok | Break Bad Habits in Five Days Andrew Hill, PhD (@AndrewHillPhD) | Twitter Peak Brain Institute Note: Apologies for the sound on this episode. For some reason Skype defaulted back to the laptop microphone port which I had my iPhone headphones plugged into. I’m not sure why this happened – and I didn’t catch it during the recording. There was also noise and the guest's side my producer John Poelstra did the best he could with, but is still present. That said, I think the quality of the conversation still h
Military Time with Julie Sheranosher
27/11/2015 Duration: 39minOn this episode, I chat with military veteran and fellow productivity professional Julie Sheranosher. We talk about the story behind her developing a passion for productivity, the lessons she learned in the military that she uses today in her new profession, and the various other time and task management tactics that she explores…and employs. Relevant Links I’m Julie | Julie Sheranosher Tony Robbins explains how he stays energetic | Business Insider 3 Things You Should Put On Your Calendar | Productivityist TPP #9: Modes, Themes, MAPS & Late Nights with Mike Vardy | Paul Minors Time Savings Toold | I’m Julie Energy, Time, Priority, Work/Life: 4 New Ways To Organize Your To-Do List | 99u Julie Sheranosher (@ImJulieTweets) | Twitter Want to discover some of the books mentioned on the podcast? Check out Scribd, my reading app of choice. If you enjoyed the episode, please leave a rating and/or review wherever you listened to the episode. Also don't forget to check out all of our podcast sponsors found o