Property Investory is a podcast bringing you the latest stories, life experiences and case studies from Australias most innovative people. Your host Tyrone Shum will begin to explore the daily lives, influences, and worst and best moments of his guests. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced investor, this podcast will bring you the latest stories, strategies, and case studies from Australias most innovative property experts such as Jan Somers, Steve McKnight, Cherie Barber, Margaret Lomas, John L Fitzgerald, Jane Slack-Smith, Chris Gray, John Lindeman and many others. Your host Tyrone Shum will begin to explore the daily lives, influences, and worst and best property investing moments of his guests. Then in a future podcast, youll be led step-by-step through each property investors unique strategy to success.Tune in at home or on the go via iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play or through
How Investing In Yourself And Education Can Help Build A Successful Property Portfolio With Sanjeev Sah
29/01/2020And we're back with Sanjeev Sah, property buyer’s agent and founder of Investor’s Dream. We are continuing our discussion with Sah and we delve into how he was able to learn from some of the great minds within the property industry. Without any previous experience he worked hard and invested in educating himself to become the best possible investor that he could be.Join us as we find out about some of his best property deals, we learn about his worst investing moments and how that helped him in the long run, how building rapport and trust with your colleagues can be extremely beneficial in finding the best deals, when he knew that he was starting to build a successful property portfolio, how he started his investing company, and much much more!
How You Can Teach Yourself To Become A Successful Property Investor With Sanjeev Sah
27/01/2020Sanjeev Sah is a property buyer’s agent and founder of Investor’s Dream. He helps clients buy the best property for them whilst also working hard to negotiate the best deal possible. It has been a long journey for him to get to where he is today, from traveling all the way from India and educating himself on the best strategies and how to employ them in the property world.Come with us as we discuss his background from starting in India and making his way to Australia, deciding to change his career from being an engineer to getting into the property industry, how his property investing journey began, hear some amazing stories about his first property deals, what he had to do to learn about property and who he learnt from and much much more!
Strategy With Daniel Walsh
24/01/2020Daniel Walsh is a property buyer’s agent and founder of Your Property Your Wealth. He helps his clients purchase investment properties in growth areas. The company’s aim is to help build their clients’ property portfolios and provide useful strategies that can adapt depending on each individual’s circumstance.Join us as Walsh answers some of your burning questions and he gives us his expert advice on varying aspects of property investing. We delve into how to start building your property portfolio and where you should be looking when you are beginning your property investing journey, how to invest in property if you only have a small amount of money saved up, why refinancing your mortgage can help you in the long run, and much much more!
Learn How You Can Identify Growth Areas With Daniel Nesseim
22/01/2020We are once again joined by the founder of the financial concierge company, Accord Partners. Their main goal is to help people invest and manage their money in the most efficient way possible. They will supply strategies and plans that can be adapted in various situations that will help you on your property investing journey.Join us as we discuss what type of properties he has been interested in investing in, why he wanted to manage properties that he could do individually, we hear a recent example of a project that he has been working on, what it is that keeps him motivated to invest in more properties, some of the strategies he has learnt throughout his experiences and much much more!
How To Become A Successful Property Investor With No Experience With Daniel Nesseim
20/01/2020Daniel Nesseim is the founder of financial concierge company, Accord Partners. His company helps their clients manage their finances and then invest it in the smartest way possible. They help you come up with a plan and provide strategies so that your money is well protected.Come with us as we delve into Daniel Nesseim’s journey from Egypt to the United Kingdom and eventually to Australia, his early studies in engineering, why he chose to dive into property rather than the share market, the amazing story of his first investment property and much much more!
Excellent Structuring of Your Investments with David Woo
17/01/2020And we're back in this episode of Property Investory with David Woo, successful chartered accountant and property investor. Join us as we chat about Woo's best investing moment, wherein he bought an excellent piece of land, how he structures his portfolio, from buying land and building projects to diversifying into non-residential, and what separates successful property investors from those who are less successful, along with some of the common strategies developers and investors use to create real wealth.We'll also be delving into the importance of good structuring when it comes to investing, including an example of what a good structure can do in terms of profit and what kind of structure is good for passing investments to the next generation and the various aspects of property needed to be examined before one even thinks about buying anything, from tax to risk. Learn about the mentors Woo sought for advice from along his property journey, the best advice he ever received which is important to remember for
Demolishing and Building with David Woo
15/01/2020Meet David Woo, a chartered accountant in private practice specialising in accounting and tax, in particular advising on property-related matters in regards to tax, and successful property investor. Born and raised in Hong Kong, he came from a middle-class family before moving to Australia, where he made the switch in his career from science to accounting, completing a Master of Commerce. After university, he applied for a job at the firm Richard A. Bobb and got the role and eventually became a partner of the firm.In this episode of Property Investory, find out why their accounting firm focuses on property and why David Woo thinks property is so powerful and what it can do for your life. Also, we will be delving into his surprising first property where the house he was demolishing had to be taken away on a truck, his journey of property investments after that, from one in Queensland to another in NSW, his worst investing moment and much, much more!
How To Take Control of Your Own Life - Mindset Monday With Jill McIntyre
13/01/2020Jill McIntyre is a property and life coach that through her numerous years of experience is able to pass on some of her knowledge to help other people. We are lucky enough to have her share some advice and strategies on how you can better your own life. There is no one that is more qualified than her to listen and learn from.Join us in this special episode of Mindset Monday as we delve into the topic of Leadership. We discuss just what leadership really means, we learn of different strategies we can use to take control over our own life, come to an understanding about how there are times when you must look after yourself before looking after others, how to set goals and plan on working towards them, and much much more!
Melissa Morgan Shows You How To Turn An $800,000 Profit
10/01/2020We are once again joined by property manager, licensee and founder of Progressive Property, Melissa Morgan. We jump in right where we left off as we discuss further about her property journey. We talk about her leap from development into the managerial type of role which she has now.Join us as we discuss her amazing aha moment, how she was able to start her business, Progressive Property, and what strategies she implemented from the start, how she is able to help her clients through the years and years of experience that she has, some priceless advice that she continues to apply to her career and life, and much more on this episode of Property Investory!
How To Bounce Back From A $200,000 Loss With Melissa Morgan
08/01/2020Melissa Morgan is a property manager, licensee and founder of Progressive Property. The business helps the client manage their property and look after it as if it were their own. Melissa Morgan has nearly two decades worth of property investment and development experience and can provide invaluable stories and lessons that she has encumbered along her journey.Come with us as we delve into her background and where she grew up as a child, what inspired her to get involved in the property industry, the role her parents played in her career, an unbelievable story that everyone can learn from and much more on this episode of Property Investory!
How To Buy Property Like A Professional - Invest Like A Pro with Simon Loo
06/01/2020Simon Loo is a successful professional property buyer’s agent and director of buyer’s agency, House Finder. He has been working in the property industry for many, many years and is kind enough to share his knowledge with us here at Property Investory. We learn about different strategies and he provides some advice that can help us build our own successful portfolio.Learn in this episode of Invest Like A Pro about how to buy property like a professional as we delve into stories about some of his clients and how he was able to help them strengthen their portfolio, how to research a property properly before diving in and purchasing, how to gain an understanding of the changes happening within a particular area and much much more on this special episode of Invest Like A Pro presented by House Finder!
From Pests to President: 500+ Properties with Steve McKnight
01/01/2020 Duration: 25minSteve McKnight is a successful property investor and bestselling author of From 0 to 130 Properties in 3.5 Years. With 500+ properties in his portfolio, the ex-accountant will uncover the cockroach horror stories, the presidential residents, the severe health issues that led to a lifestyle change and how he learnt that money is a tool, not a weapon.From McKnight wealth of knowledge you will learn how to overcome any obstacle you come across in your journey - from a big career change to the exorcism (or intense renovation) of a property - and how if you want something, you need to make it happen yourself!
The Housewife Millionaire: Jan Somers
30/12/2019 Duration: 20minWe’re chatting with Jan Somers, a woman and mother at the helm of a multimillion dollar empire and author of a series of award-winning books on property. Like renovating a house from the ground up, Somers will share her story and show you how you can manage your money by thinking big, but starting small!The founder of Somersoft will discuss how she fell into property investing after a long career of teaching high school students, how she manages a plethora of projects at once and how she juggles all of this while dabbling in renovation and spending time with her family.
Vendor Finance Strategy With Winston White
27/12/2019 Duration: 18minWe're back with buyer's and selling agent Winston White in another episode of Property Investory, where we will be delving into the nuts and bolts of White's property strategy, which involves a great deal of vendor finance, where vendors are asked to assist with deposits for properties in return for getting higher prices for their properties. With a portfolio of six properties, we'll learn about Winston White's recommendation for when to renovate property and the most restricting part about property of which buyers need to be aware.Also in this episode, we'll find out about the importance of mindset on your property journey, why Winston White decided to invest in properties and enter the field, the mentors that have helped him along the way and so much more!
Renovating and Selling 15 Properties with Winston White
25/12/2019 Duration: 29minWinston White is a buyer's and selling agent as well as property investor who has renovated and sold at least 15 different properties on his own and helped acquire another 20 properties for a company. As part of his work, he helps people get into the property market, usually those who don't have a big deposit on hand, and helps sellers move their properties who may be struggling to sell in a downturn market. He has experience not only in project marketing wherein he helped developers move their stock but has also worked with house and land packages.In this episode of Property Investory, tune in to hear about Winston White's technique of splitting profits with the vendor to create a win-win situation, his highs and lows on his property investing journey and his lightbulb moment and much much more!
Strategy With Daniel Walsh
23/12/2019 Duration: 28minDaniel Walsh is a buyer’s agent and founder of Your Property Your Wealth which helps clients purchase investment properties in growth areas. His company’s aim is to help people build their property portfolio and provide adaptable strategies that can be utilised depending on each client’s circumstance.Join us as Walsh answers the questions that you want to know about and he gives us his expert advice on varying aspects of property investing. We delve into how to invest inside and outside of your super fund, what to think about before investing in a block of units, the risks behind buying rural acreage as an investment, how to invest if you are out of the work force and much much more!
Learn How To Build A Property Portfolio That Reaches Your End Goal With Babak Haeri
20/12/2019 Duration: 18minWe are joined once again by director of Bobby’s Landscaping, Sydney Strata Gardens, and The Investors Agency, Babak Haeri. We are continuing to talk about his property investing journey and will be finding out more about some of the properties he is currently working on and where he is looking to purchase properties in the future.Join us as we delve into some of the strategies that Haeri uses when buying investment properties, the goals he is looking to achieve in the near future, why he wanted to get into the property industry after already establishing 2 successful companies, the best piece of advice he has received, some of his personal habits that have helped him become successful and much much more!
How To Be A Successful Property Investor Whilst Directing 3 Companies With Babak Haeri
18/12/2019 Duration: 24minBabak Haeri is a property buyer’s agent and the director of three different companies, Bobby’s Landscaping, Sydney Strata Gardens and The Investors Agency. We learn more about how he is able to juggle three successful companies, his role in each of them and how he was able to start them.Join us as we delve into his transition through different industries, how he started his property investing journey, the interesting story of the role his father played in purchasing his first investment property, the types of properties he likes to buy which you will not want to miss, the amazing moment he realised that he was going down the right track and much more on this episode of Property Investory!
Why Financial Freedom? Mindset Monday With Jill McIntyre
16/12/2019 Duration: 40minJill McIntyre is a property and life coach that has had a number of years working within the property industry. She takes from her own life experiences and uses them to help coach her clients through their own circumstances. There is no one else that is more qualified to share her tips and advice when it comes to bettering yourself in order to achieve the goals you have set for yourself.Join us on another installment of Mindset Monday as we delve into the topic of, ‘Why Financial Freedom?’, we discuss what that means and McIntyre explains the advantages of being able to set realistic goals that can be achieved in the now, the obstacles that we face every day that we might not even know about, we hear an amazing story about a young boy that started his own business and much much more!
Buying a 1.1 Million Dollar Shopping Centre with Brian McNicol
12/12/2019 Duration: 17minJoin us in this episode of Property Investory as we delve into how Brian McNicol managed to use the strategy of splitting to accumulate 14 residential properties and how venturing into the property landscape in New Zealand gave him extra leverage. Having purchased three commercial properties unencumbered to help support his lifestyle, he tells us about why commercial property investments can be better than residential and what he looks for when searching for a commercial property to purchase.Learn about how he bought a 1.1 million dollar shopping centre that provided a net rental income of $92,000, the size of the deposit required when investing in commercial property and the biggest reason he became a buyer's agent and property investor. What's more, you'll hear all about the mentors and resources that have helped him along the way, what he would tell himself 10 to 20 years ago, what he is most excited about in the next five years and so much more! So what are you waiting for? Click that play button and let'