Property Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 194:24:35
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Property Investory is a podcast bringing you the latest stories, life experiences and case studies from Australias most innovative people. Your host Tyrone Shum will begin to explore the daily lives, influences, and worst and best moments of his guests. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced investor, this podcast will bring you the latest stories, strategies, and case studies from Australias most innovative property experts such as Jan Somers, Steve McKnight, Cherie Barber, Margaret Lomas, John L Fitzgerald, Jane Slack-Smith, Chris Gray, John Lindeman and many others. Your host Tyrone Shum will begin to explore the daily lives, influences, and worst and best property investing moments of his guests. Then in a future podcast, youll be led step-by-step through each property investors unique strategy to success.Tune in at home or on the go via iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play or through


  • Commercial Property Success After 14 Residential Properties with Brian McNicol

    09/12/2019 Duration: 25min

    Meet Brian McNicol, the successful commercial property investor and CEO of buyer's agency Commercial property, who made the transition into commercial property after having 14 residential properties under his belt. These days he specialises in finding commercial property for buyers with most of his clients focused on retail office accommodation and some on industrial, helping them to purchase those properties with recession-proof tenancy or a high net return. Born and bred in Brisbane, Brian McNicol studied Commerce at university and held a variety of roles, from accounting to clerical positions, before he made the jump into property, when a six-week role with the Queensland government resulted in close to nineteen years at the job that eventually led him to the role of property consultant.Learn more about the residential properties he managed to accumulate through renovation and splitting, the lessons he learned along the way, what inspired him to go into property in the first place. Also, we will be delving

  • How To Buy Property Like A Pro - Invest Like A Pro With Simon Loo

    06/12/2019 Duration: 27min

    Simon Loo is a successful property buyer’s agent and director of buyer’s agency, House Finder. He has many years of experience and is kind enough to share some of his knowledge with us here at Property Investory. We learn about different strategies we can use to help us build our own successful portfolio.Come with us as we delve into the topic of buying property like a pro. We find out about a particular client of Loo’s that he helped purchase their first property, what kind of research goes into finding the right property, some advice on what to look out for, and what you should do and what you shouldn’t do when buying property and much much more on this episode of Invest Like A Pro brought to you by House Finder!

  • Sneak Peek On How Naomi Findlay Profits From Renovations

    04/12/2019 Duration: 26min

    Renovation expert and owner of the business ‘Rapid Renovation Expert’, Naomi Findlay, joins us again in this episode to continue on with discussing how her work got the attention of others, which in turn got her clients to help, how to treat tradies and how her app can help someone doing their first renovation.Tune into this episode of Property Investory with Naomi Findlay to get a sneak peak into her mindset of how she is able to work so fast, her biggest why, best advice she’s ever received and much more.

  • Rapid Renovation Expert Naomi Findlay Shares Her Secrets

    02/12/2019 Duration: 36min

    Naomi Findlay the renovation expert, is the CEO of her own business called ‘Rapid Renovation Expert’. Findlay has previously co-hosted Channel 9’s series ‘Location Lifestyle Living’ and has been an interior designer expert on Channel 10’s series ‘The Home Team’. She not only teaches about renovation space and property styling for those who want to start a business or create wealth but she also runs events, mentors, creates tutorials, and working on her own renovation projects.Join us as we talk about Naomi Findlay and her adventurous background and the influence she’s had, how from her first renovation she learnt many things on a budget, how her worst investment property taught her a lesson, and much more in this episode of Property Investory.

  • Lindsay Stewart's Expert Strategies To Use When Investing In The US Property Market

    29/11/2019 Duration: 35min

    Founder and global operations manager of Star Dynamic Property Investments, Lindsay Stewart, joins us once again to talk about the most efficient and effective strategies to use if you are investing in properties in the US.Come with us as we find out more details on the difficulties that you can face when diving into the US property market, how to approach the financial side of investing in the US, what kind of properties that Lindsay Stewart likes to invest in and how he generates high returns on them, expert advice that he received from his mentors and so much more!

  • The Differences Between Property Investments In Australia And The United States With Lindsay Stewart

    27/11/2019 Duration: 27min

    Lindsay Stewart is the founder and global operations manager of Star Dynamic Property Investments. He has been investing in properties in Australia for nearly 15 years and moved into the US market about 6 years ago. Star Dynamic aim to help their clients get into the US market and provide expert advice on how to get into that market safely.Join us as we delve into Lindsay Stewart’s journey from his beginnings in rural New South Wales, how his job with Holden helped him realise what his real aspirations were, how he was able to jump into the US market after starting his property investment journey in Australia, the biggest differences he found between the two countries in relation to the property industry and so much more!

  • Successful Property Developments with Sanders Muleya

    22/11/2019 Duration: 27min

    And we're back with Sanders Muleya, property investor and buyer's agent extraordinaire and owner of MSISA Property and Consulting, this time to learn about the extensive study he completed prior to starting many property developments of own and the importance of understanding how councils work when you are a property developer. Learn about what he did after his first property development, which consisted of purchasing properties and more property developments, whether he keeps or sells the properties he possesses, in total of which he has accumulated 15, and how he managed to continually build his portfolio.Join us in this episode of Property Investory as we delve into the nuts and bolts of his property development strategy, how he manages to find suitable properties with which to execute the aforementioned strategy, and how he manages to handle different councils with properties in so many different areas across Australia. Also, we'll be exploring the current projects he is working on at the moment and his p

  • Accumulating 15 Properties in 6 Years With Sanders Muleya

    20/11/2019 Duration: 25min

    Join us as we have a chat with Sanders Muleya, successful property investor and buyer's agent of MSISA Property and Consulting. Born in Zimbabwe, Sanders Muleya worked as a nurse there until he moved to Australia in 2004 to carve out a new future for himself and his family, where he made his first purchase two years into settling into Australia which he later made readjustments to in order to bring in more income.Learn in this episode of Property Investory about how after some mistakes and educating himself on property investing, Sanders Muleya managed to achieve incredible success, acquiring 15 properties over the course of six years. Come along with us as we learn about the many different property investing courses Muleya enrolled in, his excellent advice when it comes to property investing, his “aha” moment when he made $280,000 profit from a property, whether he found it necessary to keep his nursing job or not after his success in property and much, much more!

  • Strategy With Daniel Walsh

    18/11/2019 Duration: 36min

    Daniel Walsh is a buyer’s agent and founder of Your Property Your Wealth that assists clients in buying investment properties in growth areas. The goal of his company is to help clients improve their property portfolios and provide strategies that are adaptable depending on each clients situation.Join us in this special episode of Strategy With Daniel Walsh as we delve into how to start building your property portfolio and some strategies you can use to make it more successful, why buying property interstate is becoming more popular, what you should avoid when trying to grow your portfolio and much more on this episode of Property Investory!

  • The Selling of a Farm for 13.6 million with Andrew Allen

    15/11/2019 Duration: 24min

    We're back in this episode of Property Investory with Andrew Allen, successful buyer's agent of Allen Real Estate and property investor. Join us as we delve into the criteria he looks for when purchasing properties using the buy and hold strategy and how the station his family grew up on, which makes use of various income sources, sold for 13.6 million, and the types of issues that can be encountered when you own a sheep and cattle farm. Learn how you can consistently buy properties and build your portfolio, the premium a good school catchment can be worth, and preferences of people with a certain level of purchasing power when it comes to buying properties for rental income.In addition, we'll be exploring how purchasing two or three smaller rental properties or purchasing one large rental property compare, the important attitude you need towards negative gearing when it comes to obtaining a high-quality property and how crucial renovation and developments are for increasing property value. Come along with us

  • Andrew Allen and His Winning Property Strategy

    13/11/2019 Duration: 26min

    In this episode of Property Investory, we are joined by Andrew Allen, a successful property investor who runs a buyer's agency called Allen Real Estate. Learn how he went from growing up in Western Australia on a sheep and cattle farm, and then a career playing and teaching chess, to working in the world of property. We will also be delving into his various property investments and how he increased their value exponentially, the general ratio when it comes to securing properties and his winning strategy when it comes to investing in properties.Come along with us as we chat to Andrew Allen and explore how he took advantage of the property boom in 2003 to great success and the conclusion he has come to about the amount of capital growth needed per year for a property to generate excellent profit. We'll also be talking about key factors about buying in Brisbane that is different from Sydney and Melbourne, the effect flooding in Brisbane has on insurance and the one kind of property that is the exception to the r

  • Back On The Bike - Mindset Monday With Jill McIntyre

    11/11/2019 Duration: 31min

    Jill McIntyre is a property and life coach that uses experiences from her own life to help others. She has suffered many tough losses and has had to get back on the bike more than once. There isn’t anyone else more qualified to share with us some tips on what you need to do to continue to move forward in life.Join us as we delve into the topic of ‘Back On The Bike’ with Jill McIntyre and she shares with us some of her personal stories of loss, some strategies that she urges people to implement into their day to day life, different concepts that can clear your mind and much more on this special episode of Mindset Monday!

  • How A Buyer's Agent Can Help Their Clients Build A Portfolio - Invest Like A Pro With Simon Loo

    08/11/2019 Duration: 24min

    Simon Loo is a successful investment property buyer’s agent and director of buyer’s agency, House Finder. He has an abundance of experience in the field of buying investment properties for his clients and he shares with us some of that knowledge on the strategies you should implement to help build a positive property portfolio.Join us as we delve into the topic of, “How an investment property buyer’s agent can help their clients buy the best properties for their portfolio,'' he shares stories about a specific client that has been able to build a portfolio worth approximately $2.8 million, the criteria that he adheres by when buying property, and the advantages you receive when you have a buyer’s agent and much more on this special episode of Invest Like A Pro brought to you by House Finder!

  • Simple Way To Get Free Advice From Experts On Property Investing Without Leaving Your Home With Liam Austin

    06/11/2019 Duration: 29min

    We are joined once again by co-founder of Next For Sale and Entrepreneurs HQ, Liam Austin. We get right back into the conversation of his businesses and how they are helping people make better decisions. With a virtual summit upcoming, he tells us about what the experts will be talking about and how they can help your career.Come with us as we find out about the moment he knew that he had made the right choice going on this property investing journey, how his virtual summits work and the ease in which you can join, some advice that has continued to inspire him, the way Austin is able to keep a clear mind so he doesn’t make irrational decisions and so much more on this episode of Property Investory!

  • From Residential To Commercial: The Unbelievable Story Of Liam Austin's First Property Purchase

    04/11/2019 Duration: 29min

    Liam Austin is the co-founder of Next For Sale and Entrepreneurs HQ. Next For Sale is a company that he created software that allows buyers to buy below market in order to get that instant equity. Entrepreneurs HQ focuses on virtual summits which allow people all over the world to attend a conference without actually having to leave the comfort of your own home. You simply need an internet connection.Join us as we delve into Austin’s upbringing and what career he dreamed of having as a young adult, what inspired him to create the business of hosting virtual summits, the role that his parents played in his career, the remarkable story of his first property investment purchase and much much more on this episode of Property Investory!

  • Sam Gordon's Expert Advice On How To Build A $5 Million Portfolio Before The Age of 30

    01/11/2019 Duration: 23min

    We are joined once again by property buyer’s agent and founder of buyer’s agency, Australian Property Scout, Sam Gordon. We dive deeper into his world and he shares the strategy that he has created that work for him and his clients and we also learn about the mindset that he has that enables him to be so successful.Come with us as we find out about the trident formula that Gordon has created and what that means, an example of the trident formula being put to use, why relationship building can play such a large role in the property industry, how he remains motivated and what his goals are in the near future, and so much more on this enthralling episode of Property Investory!

  • From The Farm To 18 Properties Now with Sam Gordon

    30/10/2019 Duration: 26min

    Meet Sam Gordon, the successful property investor and owner of Australian Property Scout. With 18 properties now, accumulated over the last 10 years, Gordon has been able to build a very impressive and successful property portfolio worth up to $5 million. At a young age he was on the verge of achieving his dreams of becoming a successful soccer player. Then was working on his family’s farm before becoming a buyer’s agent.Join us as we delve into Sam Gordon’s property investing journey as we talk about his upbringing on his family’s farm, his passion for soccer and what hindered him from further pursuing that dream, the moment that changed his career path, the incredible story about his first property purchase and much more on another exciting installment of Property Investory!

  • Matthew Sukkarieh's Property Financial Advice Can Change Your Life

    25/10/2019 Duration: 30min

    We are joined once again by financial planner and mortgage broker, Matthew Sukkarieh to discover more about his career change from IT into the finance and property industries, he talks about some factors you should think about and prioritise around before you buy a property, as in the area that you are looking at.Listen as we delve into the financial world with Matthew Sukkarieh as he explains to us the importance of super funds, he gives us some pivotal advice on how to start up your fund and what to keep an eye out for, and he discusses his ideas for the future and so much more!

  • Buying A House in Your Superfund with Matthew Sukkarieh

    23/10/2019 Duration: 29min

    As a financial planner and a mortgage broker, Matthew Sukkarieh is always kept busy by helping his clients with their financial situations whether it is their super fund or other financial ventures like property. Matthew Sukkarieh started off in the IT industry but eventually moved his way into the finance world as well as the property world which he had been learning about from his parents from a very young age.Come and join us as we explore Matthew Sukkarieh’s journey from being in the IT world to how he stumbled across his first property which led to him becoming a motivated property investor. He tells us a sad story from his past that made him who he is, some adversity he had to face and much more, all in this episode of Property Investory!

  • Q&A With Daniel Walsh

    21/10/2019 Duration: 30min

    Daniel Walsh is a buyer’s agent and founder of Your Property Your Wealth that assists clients in buying investment properties in growth areas. The goal of his company is to help clients improve their property portfolios and provide strategies that are adaptable depending on each clients situation.Join us as we hear the answers that Daniel Walsh has for the questions that you have sent in. We learn more about how to use your current income to invest in property, the role that your super fund can play when buying property, the best strategies to use when you’re looking to build a portfolio and find a home for yourself and much more on this edition of Q&A with Daniel Walsh on Property Investory!

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