Lets Connect thats what were all about! Connecting with YOU on your Success Journey, because together we can do so much more. So tap into weekly motivation, inspiration, life lessons and interviews to get enlightened, energized, and educated. And just so you know, we love to laugh while we share tips and strategies, and stories that will encourage and entertain you. On One Awesome Community Podcast youll hear incredible insights and tips on personal development, social media, marketing, blogging, health, happiness and more. This show is dedicated to connecting with you and helping you on your personal and professional success journey. And make sure you subscribe at to receive all the episodes and receive your FREE e-book Brand YOURSELF Awesome. And your host Gail Foley invites you to make a difference by simply passing on a smilecause its contagious you know. So lets start an epidemic!
OAC 307 So What's Your Image?
14/03/2018 Duration: 16minI sincerely apologize for my extended absence. But my technical issues still plague me and I will fix them, I promise. So this show is all about body image, and mental image. What do we focus on? What we love about ourselves, or what we hate about ourselves. This can be our personal image or how are goals are coming along. Are we doing the self talk of negativity or pumping ourselves up with awesome self talk? I'm pretty sure you're like me, and have had many different kind of self talks. But it's what we gnaw on that can destroy the image we project. Because what we feel internally is usually reflected externally. I'm never sure about talk show notes being read, so I'm make these short, but I really rather you listen because it's really hard to explain this in the written word. Hope you have an awesome day! Passing On A Smile, Gail
OAC 306 You Just Never Know!
26/02/2018 Duration: 17minThe first thing you will hear on this podcast is my apology for technical difficulty I had all week messing up my publishing this last Friday. I highly recommend to be very careful erasing all your cookies and history. It has played so much havoc on my daily tools! But I'm fixin' it! Here is the calendar link you'll hear me talk about - National Day Calendar The title of today's show came about with a series of things that happened to me. Not coincidences, but happenings that made me scratch my head. Basically, the life lesson is to always keep on keepin' on. Remember when you first start your business or new venture. We all want immediate success and we launch with passion and determination. We write our mission statement, we tell the world how we're going to make a difference and then nada. Nothing happens as fast as we planned. And our enthusiasm begins to fizzle and fade away. And sometimes so discouraged, we give up and turn to something new we can once again get excited over. I know - I've been
OAC 305 Enjoy Every Sandwich!
12/02/2018 Duration: 14minThis is an awesome story I heard from a friend! Basically, it's been what I've been preaching for years, appreciate your life, find the precious moments in every day! Life is way too short not to embrace it! I know it can be yucky at times, but that's part of life. And we move forward and continue until those moments are apparent again. I have heartaches and some major disappointments, but I have been looking for a 'bigger' meaning within these events for years. I have to, to get through some of those yucky times. And no, I don't always find one, but I still believe in "Enjoy Every Sandwich"! I elaborate on my show about how this phrase stirred me to focus on this today and I hope you can relate. Anyone ever ask you if you enjoyed yourself after an event? What about asking yourself if there was one moment of your day you enjoyed. We always talk about enjoying every day, but I love the twist on this one. Plus, I love sandwiches. Grilled cheese, hamburgers, tunafish...okay I think you've got the picture! B
OAC 304 Who's Pushing Your Buttons?
06/02/2018 Duration: 16minThis subject came to me today because of many conversations over the past couple days. And today the speaker at our Women's luncheon asked how do you deal with 'those' people at work? So it got me to thinking how some people in our lives love to 'nudge' us with sarcasm, criticism, and often just plain meanness! How do we deal with them??? Crazy, behavior that drives us crazy, right? I guess I agree that the best way is to have an open conversation before it builds out of proportion. I used to literally chew on things for months and they would grow and get nastier in my mind, over time. Once I learned that was most destructive on my part and adversely affected those in my life, I grew up and grew out of that behavior. Now, don't get me wrong, I am not fond of confrontation, but being able to clarify helps keep that at bay. At least for me it does. So our luncheon speaker addressed that fellow worker who got miffed and started a bit of a rumor over something. How to stop this, she suggested, is to find o
OAC 303 Things Are A Changin'!
29/01/2018 Duration: 16minI hope you'll get a chuckle out of this. I attempted to provide you with a video of me doing this show. However, when you visit the video you'll learn it did not happen quite as I expected... But, the message is still quite clear on my show that there are changes coming! If you've listened to me for awhile you'll know I talk about Cynthia Bazin of Smart Chic all the time. And I've been encouraging you to become a member of the Inner Circle. Well, as of today it is now known as the Laser Focused Tribe and is a mentoring membership program and so much more for everyone. I highly encourage you, if you've ever struggled with focus, accountability, or simply want connections, this is the place. Along with that change, Cynthia will once again co-host with me a few times a month, bringing back our 'tips' segments. I am also announcing some changes today. I started out as --> But because of expert input Cynthia and I both embarked on the niche market of "women entreprenuers". However, we've both determined
OAC 302 Brain Fog or Busy Brain?
22/01/2018 Duration: 16minThis is a subject that I have to address simply because when I have moments of concern...I often wonder, is this an early sign of Alzheimer's or Dementia??? Does this ever cross your mind when you cannot remember something or you do something really out of the ordinary? Like weirder than usual for me? So that's what I talk about on my show today. Here's a description of 'brain fog' thanks to one of my favorite experts. Dr. Axe Brain fog symptoms usually include: -low energy or fatigue (including chronic fatigue syndrome) -irritability. trouble concentrating. headaches. -forgetfulness and trouble remembering information. -low motivation, feeling hopeless or mildly depressed. -anxiety. confusion. Lots of symptoms for 'Brain Fog' and when I researched 'Busy Brain' there are a lot of studies on that, too. In the 'busy brain' sector it's all about keeping our brains active to keep them from deteriorating. But I also believe that we have so much going on in our brains it can also lead to a lot of confusion a
OAC 301 The Magical Power of Words!
09/01/2018 Duration: 17minI am so grateful, my awesome friend, Lisa Bechtol posted the Episode image and these words. This post inspired this podcast episode! Thank you, Lisa :-) #SpeakKindness "Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it." -- JK Rowling #WeChoose #LookInTheMirror #icare #CareWarrior#Believe I've spoken about the "Power of a Thank You" card, because that's the business I'm in. I'm an "Appreciation Consultant" educating and helping people with Relationship Marketing...but most vital to this show is to reflect how magical words truly are. This can be awesome magic, or black magic. Depending on who is saying what and the words that are spoken. Bullying has become an absolutely horrendous destructive behavior in our society. From day care to senior care - age does not discriminate on people being nasty to someone, just because they choose to be. I was bullied in school and my mother always said, remember: "Sticks and stones will
OAC 300 Are YOU Invigorated???
02/01/2018 Duration: 19minWow, wow, wow!!! I can't believe this is Episode 300 of One Awesome Community! Thank you for your ongoing listening! If not for you, there would be no Episode 300 :-) I hope you are feeling the energy of starting a new year brings! It's time to reflect and make some real decisions around your dreams and goals. I started my Podcast to bring awareness to my passion of Send Out Cards. I've been a marketing representative and now an Appreciation Consultant with them for 12 years. However, I've somehow missed the mark on that... So I began thinking what else I could do, maybe an Online TV show? So I started my research. Picked out the website program, the best video system, outlined the sponsorship package, etc. And was very 'invigorated' at the thought of a new project. Thankfully, a couple of simple events re-directed my attention. And what transpired from those events will be revealed when you listen to today's show! I can't divulge it all in the notes, why would you ever listen??? However, I will shar
OAC 299 Gratitude Rules!
14/12/2017 Duration: 17minSorry, I've been off creating Christmas Cards and helping my customers do the same. This is my 12th Christmas sharing how easy Send Out Cards makes it to send our seasonal cards - for every season! But it's a recent Weight Watchers brochure that actually gave me the title to today's show! This is a regular subject for me and I don't believe it can ever be re-visited too often. Because life circles around and sometimes we forget. Yet, I've learned that focusing on gratitude definitely is the best way for me to rule my life. And I express that every night in a 'gratitude journal'. Nothing fancy, just a notebook, with lines :-) and a pen and my thoughts of what I am grateful for that day. I believe, at least for me, when I reflect on who and what I am grateful for I can't focus on the negative crap that might be circulating in my life, directly or indirectly. I have a tough time listening to or watching the news. It is rarely uplifting and invigorating. So by choosing my own path of gratitude I can bloc
OAC 298 HELP Stop the Repeal of Net Neutrality!!!! NOW!
28/11/2017 Duration: 16minI have been posting and sharing this issue for several days after I found several posts on LinkedIn. However, I was greatly disturbed when I saw absolutely no mention on FaceBook about what may happen to our businesses and social connection if we do NOT stop this from happening! To learn more faster and to take action quicker here is an awesome link that helped me reach out and protest to our Congressmen and Senators, Speaker of the House, etc. Battle For The Net And here is another site with a link to the petition on the official White House website! There is another petition as well! I'm signing all of them! 6 Ways You Can Protest This is a very serious show about a very destructive action about to take place if we don't stand up and fight this. I want to keep telling my stories on my podcast, I want to do videos on YouTube, I want to buy from you, your products, your services, but I just have one voice to help protect our rights! Let's join hands and do this because together we can do this!!!! We ha
OAC 297 With A Song In Your Heart!
17/11/2017 Duration: 15minI start off by talking about a song in 'My' heart, but this is really about all of us finding that song in our hearts. It doesn't have to be a vocal song, it may come in another form that makes your heart sing. Do you tune into your body's vibrations? Do you listen as your heart feels heavy vs feeling full of joy? I know, a lot of skeptics are saying - "Really, Gail, a heart is an organ, plain and simple." I have read too many stories not to know how emotions physically affect our heart. And I know when mine is singing to me. So my show today is basically to encourage you to continuously know your heart will guide you to your purpose, expose you to your passion. This subject came to be as I've been watching the playoffs on the TV Show "VOICE". It never ceases to amaze me how much talent is out there and I love seeing people experience this awesome dream they have! We don't all want that, but I believe most of us want to feel that song in our heart. Whether it comes from being a parent, a teacher, an act
OAC 296 Thank You Vets!!!
10/11/2017 Duration: 08minI am saluting you and appreciating every Vet that has ever served our country. We all live free because of their sacrifice, but are you honoring them when you see someone in uniform? Have you yourself defended our country? My Dad served, my husband's Dad served, my former husband gave his life to Viet Nam, years afterwards due to Agent Orange. And my son-in-law retired from the Air Force serving for 25 years. Please take a moment on this Veterans Day to say thank you, by attending a parade, sharing a moment of silence, saying a prayer, sending a gift, saluting...Because where would we be if not for these people stepping up to defending our shores. This podcast is a tribute and a simple note of appreciation for all of you. I hope you as a listener will share this, just to honor as many men and women as we can. I'm not the most eloquent speaker, but this comes from my heart. I cannot imagine the strength and courage it takes to serve our country. The sacrifice is far and wide and impacts their lives in so m
OAC 295 Let's Celebrate!!!
02/11/2017 Duration: 19minLife is a celebration! I hope you believe that and embrace it! It does not have to be big achievements in life, it can be something so simple. Because if it puts a smile on your face and a spring in your step - CELEBRATE!! I am bouncing, I'm so full of celebration! First of all, thank you to each and every one of you that listen to me. My journey with One Awesome Community just hit the 3 year mark! Yep, doing a happy dance for sure. When you listen in to the show you'll hear 2 awesome comments from 2 dear friends, and regular listeners. And then in just a few days I will be celebrating my incredible journey with Send Out Cards. I have been an Independent Marketing Rep now known as an "Appreciation Consultant" (new marketing term :-) for 12 years! Cannot believe it. And so much more. I hope you believe that every day there is something to celebrate. And I know, I know, someone is not in a place where they feel this is do-able. I've been there. But I also know, that when you find a tiny little nugg
OAC 294 What's Scarier Than Halloween?
26/10/2017 Duration: 16minThe artwork for this show is actually the front of one of our Send Out Cards. The inside says "Nothing". It's funny because I'd thought of this title and then had to laugh when I found the exact words on this card... However, I totally disagree with the inside sentiment. There is a whole lot in life that's scarier than Halloween - for me, at least. So as always, this is all from my perspective, but I truly believe you'll relate to some of it. First and foremost, I talk about those late night calls I get on December 24th with my customers panicked on getting their Christmas Cards sent. I'm scared, they'll get mad at me when I tell them they won't get there in time! I caution all my card senders and those that are sending any kind of Christmas cards - December 15th is the cut off for on time delivery. Millions of cards are sent from Send Out Cards alone and you mix in everyone else...card jam for sure! We can help you do them faster, but will always recommend December 15th! Scary, too, is that first day
OAC 293 Puzzles, Plans and What?
18/10/2017 Duration: 16minI know you must be scratching your head over this title, but think about it. Is life not like a puzzle and our plans always have pieces that we want to fit together? Like I had planned to do this show on Monday, but WHAT? Something came along that kept that from happening. So do I give up for the week and say, 'hey I missed it, so never mind.' Or do I just find another time slot. You know the answer if you've listened or are reading my notes. Anyways, today is all about helping you realize it is okay to have a Plan B because plans can suddenly have missing pieces. A lot of people will tell you that you'll never get to your goal if you have a back up plan. That that way of doing things is not showing confidence, that it keeps you from driving forward. What? I truly believe, that having security in one arena while you embrace something new helps keep you from a panic state. Panic does not help you progress. Plan B are your plans, puzzles are your life pieces... The key is for the audience never to kn
OAC 292 Did You Blink?
12/10/2017 Duration: 16minSeriously, did you blink and suddenly summer has been replaced by fall? What the heck? I'm still planning summer activities! Guess I better add them to my 2018 calendar because I never got to them this year! I also talk about blinking when you place orders online. Are you paying attention to the details of the transaction? You'll want to listen in for this because it's too much to type out. Just be aware at every step of the way what you're clicking and paying for and where it's actually coming from. And then let's throw a little rant in there about Equifax just now telling us all about a major hack that occurred in March!!! HELLO!!! Maybe there isn't much we can do to protect ourselves, thank you so much for your lack of security, but we have a right to know sooner rather than later! Add yourself to So be careful. Don't blink! Watch out for those trial offers that take an act of Congress to cancel, but not before they charge you again and again! Don't blink when it comes to those on
OAC 291 Prayers for Vegas.
02/10/2017 Duration: 03minWords cannot convey the horror that struck our hearts on October 2, 2017. This podcast is a short dedication to all the people touched by this tragedy. What we can do is to love one another, be kind, be there for each other and pray as we hold each other tight. We are in a void of feeling helpless and devastated in the aftermath that no one saw coming and could not stop. But we can pray, we can care, we can do what we can do each day to help each other. Prayers for Vegas is all I can say. Gail
OAC 290 Cordelia Gaffar - the Stress Less Mom!
18/09/2017 Duration: 25minKnown as the Stress Less Mom, Cordelia loves helping women, especially moms, to build a system of self-nurturing so that they can get from the chaos of wanting to be healthy to the calm of doing it. As a corporate accountant and a commuting mom in 2002, Cordelia found self-care overwhelming and needed to find a way to easily provide a peaceful environment and wholesome food for her family. Beginning with a stressful second pregnancy resulting in postpartum depression and excessive weight gain, she started researching and implementing foods and exercises to be centered, peaceful, and whole. Fast forward to 2010, Cordelia started blogging during her fifth pregnancy which were the humble beginnings of her book, 'Workout Around My Day: the Only Health Guide Moms Need.' She created a three step process over the past fifteen years to help her raise her six children. With this program moms can thrive and prioritize themselves by nourishing with wholesome food, energizing with movement and encouraging themselves wit
OAC 289 Spammers, Scammers and Turmoil!
11/09/2017 Duration: 16minFirst and foremost, sending lots of prayers, love and energy to all of those people in the destruction of Irma. I cannot imagine the devastation or the heartache everyone is feeling right now. And that's why I have to address what's going on right now! People are actually out there trying to scam money from people for their own pockets. NOT to send it on to really help the victims! So be very cautious where you chose to donate funds. Many, many organizations collect funds that never, ever reach the people in need. It's called covering their administration fees, first. Fortunately, or rather, unfortunately, we have some Send Out Card families we were able to donate directly to. Then there are the spammers out there using our email addresses, and information to extort from us through hacking huge credit card clearing houses like Equifax! And they knew about in July and now in September we are just learning of it! We have panhandlers in our town that we have learned are banking $900 and change every day
OAC 288 And What Do You Do?
07/09/2017 Duration: 17minAre you out networking on a regular basis? You passing out your business cards and collecting a few, too? Well, that's why I ask this question. So many times I ask someone what they do and if they like it, etc. Lots of questions. And then I'll ask for their business card. Now to me, in true networking etiquette, it is then that person's turn to say "And What Do You Do?" But sadly, often times that question is never asked. They are simply there to get and not give. And what exactly does that mean? It's the person that simply is out to get the deal and collect tons of business card, but with no real interest in you. Their only interest is if you like their pitch and will do business with them. But I think you know be by now that building a relationship in business is an absolute first step. People do business with those they like, know and trust. Think about your own buying choices. Here's a great read I highly recommend if you want to grow your business. "The Go-Giver" by Bob Burg and John David Man