The TiVoMike Show: A Pop Culture-Infused Godcast is a daily Christian podcast that explores redeeming messages from secular shows worthy of being watched. Hosted by passionate TV enthusiast Michael "TIVOMIKE" Jefferson. Co-Hosted by "Entertainment Guru" Mike Warner.
Noah Puckerman from "Glee" Commits Suicide
15/02/2018 Duration: 31minNoah Puckerman from "Glee" Commits SuicideHEAR TODAY'S EPISODE! | How hopeless must one really be to end their own life at such a young age? How do the deaths of both Puck and Finn from the Ryan Murphy created hit-series "Glee" connect? Plus we discuss Will Smith mocking son's Jaden's latest music video.
Kate Killed Jack! #ThisIsUs
13/02/2018 Duration: 33minKate Killed Jack! #ThisIsUsHow hard did you cry last week during two unrelentingly heartwrenching episodes? This Is Us offered fans the answer to the long-awaited question, "How did Jack die?" Plus, Entertainment Guru Mike Warner offers TIVOMIKE important coping skills that will help him offer forgiveness.
Knowledge of the Classes! #MoneyMonday
12/02/2018 Duration: 32minKnowledge of the Classes! #MoneyMondayDo you know which class you're in? TIVOMIKE discovered he's Middle Class. Plus, we discuss what you need to do to keep moving on up in the world.
The Good Place Isn’t Good!
06/02/2018 Duration: 40minHEAR LATEST EPISODEEp. 459 - The Good Place Isn’t Good!February 6, 2018Is the Emergent Church producing an entire generation of people that can’t recognize the truth? Are they mistaking love for tolerance? Plus, we ponder the future of “Kevin Probably Saves the World”.
Dave Ramsey’s Money Plan! #MoneyMonday
05/02/2018 Duration: 32minDave Ramsey’s Money Plan! #MoneyMondayWill today be the day you heed to God’s simple stewardship plan? The plan is simple; doing it is hard. Plus, we discuss the Super Bowl and last night’s dramatic “This Is Us” episode.
Establishing Wealth and Giving It Away #MoneyMonday
09/01/2018 Duration: 31minEstablishing Wealth and Giving It Away #MoneyMondayMoney Coach Michael "TIVOMIKE" Jefferson and the Entertainment Guru Mike Warner take the first episode of 2018 to encourage and remind the listeners to maintain their financial resolutions.TIVOMIKE points out to all the saints that when it comes to personal finance, the goal is to obtain wealth and the mission is to give it away, according to God's will. Listen in and be empowered by today's message.Glory!
Box Office Numbers Are Insane!
01/12/2017 Duration: 32minBox Office Numbers Plus on today’s agenda: Jaden Smith's New Album
Sexual Abuse Scandals that Rock the Hollywood Nation #MeToo
30/11/2017 Duration: 32min*PLEASE NOTE* This episode was recorded prior to Matt Lauer's firing.Sexual Abuse Scandals that Rock the Hollywood Nation … and it’s latest victims.Also on today's agenda: - Movies we recommend
Kate's Miscarriage and Family Healing #ThisIsUs
29/11/2017 Duration: 31minTIVOMIKE and Entertainment Guru discuss last week's episode of NBC's "This Is Us" and highlight God's word found throughout the episode.Plus on today's agenda: - Chicago Med's Season Premiere episode!
Giving Responsibly #GivingTuesday
29/11/2017 Duration: 31minMoney Coach Michael "TIVOMIKE" Jefferson and Entertainment Guru Mike Warner discuss how to give according to your means.Plus on today's agenda: ? CyberMonday ? Post Thanksgiving ? Jeff Bezos’ $100B Man ? President Trump: Take the Day Off
It's Thanksgiving Eve! #ChicagoPD
23/11/2017 Duration: 32minEntertainment Guru Mike Warner and TIVOMIKE discuss their upcoming Thanksgiving Day plans and discuss the powerful message revealed in last week's episode of Chicago PD.Glory!
Oh Kevin Blows It Again! #ThisIsUs
22/11/2017 Duration: 34minNBC's This Is Us Superfans TIVOMIKE and Entertainment Guru discuss last week's episode and illuminate on what it says about personal failure.Plus hear how Kevin's story is relatable to the hosts' lives.Glory!
Do What Wealthy People Do #MoneyMonday
22/11/2017 Duration: 32minPersonal Money Coach Michael "TIVOMIKE" Jefferson walks fellow believers through the characteristics and actions that have proven to end poverty.Plus Entertainment Guru Mike Warner shares his financial testimony!Glory!
Redemption and Grace revealed in ABC's How To Get Away With Murder
10/11/2017 Duration: 33minRedemption and Grace revealed in ABC's How To Get Away With Murder TIVOMIKE and Entertainment Guru talk redemption and grace found in the latest season of ABC's How To Get Away with Murder.Plus: Scripture of the Day, Quote of the Day and What's On Our TiVo Tonight.Glory!
Redemption and Grace revealed in ABC's How To Get Away With Murder
09/11/2017Redemption and Grace revealed in ABC's How To Get Away With Murder TIVOMIKE and Entertainment Guru talk redemption and grace found in the latest season of ABC's How To Get Away with Murder.Plus: Scripture of the Day, Quote of the Day and What's On Our TiVo Tonight.Glory!
The DNC Scandal and Lies We’ve Been Told
08/11/2017 Duration: 31minThe DNC Scandal and Lies We’ve Been ToldTIVOMIKE and the Entertainment Guru talk politics and entertainment news. Plus the Scripture of the Day, Quote of the Day and What’s On Our TiVo Tonight. Glory
Kevin's Envy and Jealousy Betray His Career Goals #ThisIsUs
07/11/2017 Duration: 34minKevin's Envy and Jealousy Betray His Career Goals #ThisIsUsTIVOMIKE and the Entertainment Guru discuss the latest episode of This Is Us and speak on God's message revealed in it. Also on today's episode: Scripture of the Day, Quote of the Day and What's On Our TiVo Tonight. Glory!
How To Get Out Of Debt The Right Way #MoneyMonday
06/11/2017 Duration: 32minHow To Get Out Of Debt The Right Way #MoneyMondayMoney Coach Michael "TIVOMIKE" Jefferson discusses the process to eliminate the debt that is blocking your freedom and wealth.Also on today’s episode: Trump’s Twitter Shutdown, DNC’s Exposed, Scripture of the Day, Quote of the Day and What's On Our TiVo Tonight.Glory!
Todd Hampson Is On A Mission To Mobilize The Church To God's Mission
03/11/2017 Duration: 35minTodd Hampson Is On A Mission To Mobilize The Church To God's MissionRhode Island Perspectives Coordinator Todd Hampson speaks with Teaching Pastor and Elder Michael "TIVOMIKE" Jefferson and Disciple Mike Warner about the discipleship course he leads at Christian Hill Community Church.If you're in the Rhode Island area this Winter and wish to take your discipleship to the next level so that you may be a part of the mobilization of God's mission, sign up for the Perspectives course this January! up today and start your journey tomorrow.Glory!
Let's Talk Murder and Fire! #HTGAWM #OneChicago
02/11/2017 Duration: 27minLet's Talk Murder and Fire! #HTGAWM #OneChicagoTIVOMIKE and the Entertainment Guru discuss the latest episodes of How to Get Away with Murder and Chicago: Fire and speak to its relevance in today's society.Also on today's episode: Scripture of the Day and What's On Our TiVo Tonight!Glory!