The TiVoMike Show: A Pop Culture-Infused Godcast is a daily Christian podcast that explores redeeming messages from secular shows worthy of being watched. Hosted by passionate TV enthusiast Michael "TIVOMIKE" Jefferson. Co-Hosted by "Entertainment Guru" Mike Warner.
How To Lose Friends and Dissuade People #ChicagoPD
01/11/2017 Duration: 32minHow To Lose Friends and Dissuade People #ChicagoPDEntertainment Guru shares with TIVOMIKE his thoughts on Chicago PD's latest episode and how it reveals the danger of losing the art of influencing others to your position.Also on today's episode: Scripture of the Day and What's On Our TiVo Tonight!Glory!
Jack Has A Brother?! #ThisIsUs
01/11/2017 Duration: 33minJack Has A Brother?! #ThisIsUsTIVOMIKE and Entertainment Guru discuss the latest episode of NBC's This Is Us and contemplate the impact the latest reveal will mean for the show.Also on today's episode: Scripture of the Day, and What's On Our TiVo Tonight!Glory!
The True Cost of Commercial Streaming #MoneyMonday
30/10/2017 Duration: 32minThe True Cost of Commercial Streaming #MoneyMondayTIVOMIKE and the Entertainment Guru discuss the true cost the commercials have on the television fans.Also on today's episode: Scripture of the Day and What's On Our TiVo TonightGlory!
What Happens When Bad Story Lines Happen To Good Shows
27/10/2017 Duration: 30minWhat Happens When Bad Story Lines Happen To Good ShowsTIVOMIKE and Entertainment Guru give surprising updates on their favorite Thursday night Must-See TV shows.Also on today's episode: Scripture of the Day, Quote of the Day and What's On Our TiVo Tonight.Glory!
Is Snitching A Good Idea? #OneChicago
25/10/2017 Duration: 33minIs Snitching A Good Idea? #OneChicagoEntertainment Guru and TIVOMIKE discuss the lesson learned in the latest episode of Chicago PD.Also on today's episode:- Law & Order: SVU teaches Perseverance- Scripture of the Day- Quote of the Day- What's On Our TIVo TonightGlory!
Don't Grow Weary Doing Good #ThisIsUs
24/10/2017 Duration: 33minDon't Grow Weary Doing Good #ThisIsUsTIVOMIKE and the Entertainment Guru discuss the latest episode of "This Is Us" and reveal the message of God found inside.Also on today's episode:- Chicago PD- Scripture of the Day- Quote of the Day- What's On Our TIVo TonightGlory!
The Truth About President Trump's Tax Reform #MoneyMonday
23/10/2017 Duration: 33min#MoneyMonday The Truth About President Trump's Tax Reform Money Coach Michael "TIVOMIKE" Jefferson reveals the truth about President Trump's tax reform plan.Also on today's episode: Lifestyle Makeover: Living Your Wage, Scripture of the Day, Quote of the Day, and What's On Our TiVo TonightGlory!
TIVOMIKE Exposes The True Puerto Rico Problem
21/10/2017 Duration: 34minTIVOMIKE Exposes The True Puerto Rico ProblemMichael "TIVOMIKE" Jefferson exposes the true problem that Puerto Rico faces and offers his solutions.Also on today's episode:- This Is Us episode recap- Scripture of the Day- Quote of the Day- What's On Our TiVO TonightGlory!
Must-See TV: How Annalise Got Her Groove Back
19/10/2017 Duration: 33minMust-See TV: How Annalise Got Her Groove BackTIVOMIKE is excited to discuss the possible resurgence of great content on ABC's How To Get Away With Murder.Plus on today's episode:- Scripture of the Day- Quote of the Day- What's On Our TiVo TonightGlory!
Chicago PD and Law & Order: SVU
18/10/2017 Duration: 33minEntertainment Guru's favorite shows air tonight and on today's episode he reveals what he learned from and loved about the latest episodes.
This Is Us: Losing A Loved One
17/10/2017 Duration: 30minTIVOMIKE and Entertainment Guru's favorite show has decided it's ready to delve into the impact Jack's death on Kevin.
Must-Hear TV Salaries #MoneyMonday
16/10/2017 Duration: 25minTIVOMIKE and the Entertainment Guru discuss TV's top salaries and seek to help our listeners learn from their mistakes and successes.
Must-See TV Tonight!
12/10/2017 Duration: 32minTIVOMIKE and the Entertainment Guru share their insights on tonight's primetime lineup--including How to Get Away with Murder, Will & Grace, and Grey's Anatomy.
Chicago PD and Law & Order SVU - TVTalk
11/10/2017 Duration: 30minThe Entertainment Guru Mike Warner discusses the new season of two of his favorite television series with TIVOMIKE--Chicago PD and Law & Order: SVU.
This Is Us
05/10/2017 Duration: 37minTIVOMIKE and the Entertainment Guru discuss the latest episode of NBC's "This Is Us" and discuss the spiritual lessons learned.
#MoneyMonday Make MORE Money
03/10/2017 Duration: 32minMoney Coach Michael "TIVOMIKE" Jefferson and the Entertainment Guru discuss the necessity and joy of making more money.
Must-See Thursday Returns! Premiere Week!
28/09/2017 Duration: 35minTIVOMIKE and Entertainment Guru Mike Warner discuss the season premieres of their favorit Thursday night shows!
SVU and One Chicago Returns! Premiere Week!
27/09/2017 Duration: 31minEntertainment Guru Mike Warner expresses his ultimate enthusiasm for the season premiere of his favorite franchise shows--Law & Order SVU and Chicago.
This Is Us Returns Tonight!
26/09/2017 Duration: 33minTIVOMIKE and the Entertainment Guru are super excited about the season two premiere of "This Is Us."
#MoneyMonday: The Anticipation to Wealth
25/09/2017 Duration: 32minMoney Coach Michael “TIVOMIKE” Jefferson and Entertainment Guru Mike Warner discuss anticipating wealth on today’s #MoneyMonday.