Prosperity On Air

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 28:21:03
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Welcome to the Prosperity on Air podcast. Im your host, Paola Devescovi and Im here to help you create FREEDOM and PROSPERITY in your life with a location-independent business that you can run from anywhere in the world. After a 26-year long career as a conference interpreter, I started my entrepreneurial journey building 3 location-independent businesses with 3 very different business models: a coaching and consulting business, an app for smartphones and tablets and an education and training business. In this podcast we will explore what to me are the 5 pillars of a prosperous online business: a prosperity mindset, recurring income sources, marketing, Personal Branding, networking. And I will make all this very easy!


  • [026] Increasing Engagement and Sales Through Automation with Emma Hammond

    10/12/2019 Duration: 22min

    Increasing engagement and sales is key to ensure the success of your business.There are different ways, tools and strategies to do that. However, being advised by an expert not only ensures that the strategies and tools that you will implement are the ideal ones for your particular business, but - and this I think is probably even more important - allows you to avoid all the trial and error not to mention the enormous amount of time required by testing all those tools and strategies.Automating certain parts of your business is one of these successful strategies. However, you must know what to automate and when.In today's episode of the ProsperityOnAir podcast, we will explore this topic and much more with The Queen of Automation,  Emma Hammond.This is what we'll cover in this episode:- Automation allows you to simplify your business- The most commonly automated processes for online businesses - The initial phases of an online business: what you need to clarify- Chat bots: how to harness their full potential i

  • [025] Finding Your Voice, Being Clear on Your Needs and Worth with Lara Noormahomed

    03/12/2019 Duration: 36min

    Finding your voice means being connected with who you really are, and this allows you to create your story, design and live your life on your own terms.Many women are afraid to be what they are for fear of being stopped, criticized, labeled as selfish. Most of us have been raised in environments - home, school, church, work - where women are supposed to be, behave, speak, think, feel in a certain way.The corporate environment is one of those contexts where this conditioning is most evident. To be successful women try to fit into a way of being and behaving that is typical of their male counterparts.In today's episode of the ProsperityOnAir podcast, we will explore this topic and much more with business coach: Lara NoormahomedThis is what we'll cover in this episode:- Becoming who you really are vs trying to be someone you are not- How being connected with who you are allows you to create your own story - How women are afraid of being who they are for fear of being stopped, criticized, considered selfish- As a

  • [024] Aligning With Your Purpose With Sharon Eden

    26/11/2019 Duration: 28min

    We always have a choice: we can either follow our intuition (or inner guidance), or we can ignore it.I know many people who have ignored it. I am one of them. There has been a long time in my life I have ignored what my inner guidance was saying to me. Had I listened to it, I wouldn't have gone through the hardships of the last 10 year of my life. Maybe I would have faced other hardships, who knows, but not these ones for sure.My guest today is an expert in inner guidance and she helps women live a life in alignment with their purpose: Sharon Eden.Sharon is a registered and accredited psychotherapist, member of the British Association for counselling and psychotherapy with over 30 years successful private practice in the field including a masters’ degree. As The Wild Elder, psychotherapist-alchemist-guide, she inspires women who don’t want to die with a wasted life to manifest what they desire in a no bullshit way!This is what we'll cover today:- What is a psychotherapist-alchimist guide- The importance of ac

  • [023] Never Ever Give Up on Your Dreams with Anita Smith

    19/11/2019 Duration: 36min

    How many people, especially women, give up on their dreams. There is always something more urgent, more important, a contingency, another priority... and their dreams are set aside, forgotten.Helping women avoid making their dreams die, is Anita Smith's mission.Anita is your Wealth With Heart Coach, who after having two children decided it was time to go for her dreams. Having the high level corporate job, house, husband, children, pretty clothes and holidays were no longer fulfilling her soul. Anita knew if she didn't go for her dreams, she'd live with regrets until it was too late to do anything about them. So she packed her family and moved 1200 miles away to her dream destination; back home. Today she helps women from all over the world to build the courage up which is needed to go for their dreams so that they can live the life THEY want. With a no BS but always loving approach she supports her clients through life changing mindset work and helps them implement a plan that feels good for them.This is wha

  • [022] How to Powerfully Combine Intuition and Strategy for Your Business Success

    08/10/2019 Duration: 44min

    Strategy, intuition and the power of words: this is a recipe for success in business, but also in life.To explore this powerful combination, I have invited Debora Luzi, an amazing intuitive business coach and a beautiful person who every day inspires many women to become a better and bigger version of themselves.Debora specializes in client attraction and combines strategy and intuition in order to help entrepreneurs to show up big for their business, bolder and more authentically, creating deeper connections with their audience which eventually leads to more sales.This is what we’ll cover in today's episode:- The powerful combination of strategy and intuition- Connecting with your higher self to be guided in business and in life- Intuition: the words of your pure higher self- How to be sure it's your intuition, and not your mind, speaking to you- The importance of trusting your intuition- How to ask the right questions to clients, your coach(es), your intuition- What gives clarity to your message- The secret

  • [021]Turning Life Challenges into Opportunities for Personal Growth with Margreeth Van Der OOrd

    26/09/2019 Duration: 47min

    After working as a principle of a school, Margreeth studied Pyschology and in NewYork became familiair with management. Back in Holland, she worked as an executive recruiter and after her divorce she became an entrepeneur..She married the love of her life, but only after a few years her husband developed an incurable disease. This experience led her to look more deeply into wellness and health and influence of stress and developed a National support system for partners of prostate cancer patients.She certified as  a Mindfulness and Meditation teacher, trained by Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach, specializing in trauma, loss and grief and effective methodes of healing. Margreeth now offers her work to the world with the intention to help as many people as possible benefit. Her own experience with the impact of a life threatening disease, loss and grief make it possible to look at the world through eyes of compassion. This is what we’ll cover in today's episode:- Making a difference in the world by supporting each

  • [020] Find Your Passions, an Effortless Path to Your Purpose with Clara Overes

    10/09/2019 Duration: 39min

    Sometimes you may feel there is something missing in your life, or that you are stuck, or confused; you may feel doubtful or unsure when you have to make an important decision. Somebody offers you a new opportunity or a job, but there is a feeling inside and you are not sure whether you want to take it or not.As an entrepreneur, at times you may feel unclear as to the direction for your business.These moments - and the feelings that accompany them - may be a sign that you need to ask yourself: "Is this in line with my passions?"I will speak about passions and how important it is to be clear about yours with Clara Overes, my guest in today's episode of the Prosperity On Air podcast.This is what we’ll cover in today's episode:- Getting clear as what you want in life so that you can really create it- The importance of verifying that your choices serve your passions- Using your passions as your internal "GPS"- How the Passion Test allows you to choose the "right" passions to design your business and life for your

  • [019] 3 Questions You Should Ask Yourself for Your Business Success

    03/09/2019 Duration: 23min

    I transitioned from my freelance interpreting career to business in 2010. At that time what is now Project Prosperity was a side business. Actually, it started as a blog where I wanted to share what to me was prosperity.When I started, it was only a way to explore the Internet world that was taking off around those years.Since then things have taken twists and turns. Project Prosperity turned into business coaching programs mainly, I’ve launched other business projects and joint ventures, some successful, other failed.As I look back on how far I’ve come as an entrepreneur, I wish I had started out by asking myself the 3 questions that I am going to share with you in today's episode of the ProsperityOnAir podcast and especially taking the time throughout the year to go through them again and again to check whether I was still going in the direction I set up for me or not, and if not why.To get today's FREEBIE and access the show notes, visit:

  • [018] One Year of Prosperity - Part 3

    06/01/2019 Duration: 19min

    Part 3 of the 5 episode series devoted to creating and planning your prosperity in the new year.Doday's episode is devoted to a key part of your planning: your vision.Your vision sets the direction you need to follow in order to accomplish your goals in every Prosperity Area of your life. A generic vision or dream will not allow your mind to focus on the direction that will take you to the concrete realisation of your vision.When you describe your vision in a very specific language and with lots of details including feelings and emotions, your mind - and you thoughts - will align consciously and subconsciously with that vision and you will keep following the right direction.To access the show notes of this episode, visit:

  • [017] One Year of Prosperity - Part 2

    26/12/2018 Duration: 28min

    Part 2 of the 5 episode series "One Year of Prosperity". Your prosperity involves all your being: your body, mind, emotions and spirit and all areas of your life - from your health, to the environment where you live and work, to your intellectual life and spirituality. Consequently to create and experience prosperity in your life, you have to remove the blocks that prevent you from feeling happy, balanced and prosperous in the 12 areas of prosperity we will explore in this episode.To access the show notes and download the FREE "One Year of Prosperity Guide", visit:

  • [016] One Year of Prosperity - Part 1

    23/12/2018 Duration: 26min

    Just a few days to go and we will welcome 2019? Have you decided the goals you want to reach in the new year? Have you planned them?This is the time of the year when you take stock of the year that is about to end and you prepare your "new year's resolutions". Do you know that approximately 90% of the new year's resolutions remain resolutions that are never turned into reality?Today's episode is the first in a series of 5 episodes entirely devoted to planning your prosperity for the new year. This is a topic that is very dear to my heart and is one of the pillars of my coaching programs. Planning your prosperity -not only your financial prosperity - in every area of your life and putting this plan on paper is the first step to ensure that your achieve your goals.If you want to listen to this episode again and access the show notes, visit:

  • [015] How and Why to Re-Connect with Your Inner Guidance: Interview with Laurie Seymour

    24/02/2018 Duration: 29min

    Every day in my coaching practice I realize that people tend to be more and more disconnected with their inner selves. We tend to look for our happiness, satisfaction, reward, success outside of ourselves and when we are not working we are in front of a display, be it a TV screen, a computer or a smartphone. And I bet that a part from a quick glimpse at the sky in the morning to see whether or not you should take an umbrella with you, most people hardly take the time to feel the breeze on their face, or listen to the birds chirping, appreciate the beauty that surrounds them.  And how many of us take the time to explore how you feel when you are about to make important decisions.... I bet not many.Is intuition important in your professional life? How can we reconnect with our inner self? To answer these and other important questions I have a special guest in today's episode is Laurie Seymour. - This is what we’ll cover:- Your Compass Within, your guidance system- How to understand that it is your intuition spe

  • [014] Success As a Result of Failure: Interview with Linda Williams

    22/09/2017 Duration: 41min

    In life everyone has baggage and it may happen that this baggage affects our personal and professional life in a negative way. In fact, who we are and what we do is also the result of our past experiences. Sometimes this emotional baggage and our past can become oppressive. For example, if relationships always fail for the same reasons, if the way we are perceived is often wrong, then it's time for a self-reflection.We can improve our life by taking responsibility of our choices and actions. The first step to understand what is not going well in life is to be honest with ourselves. It is very important to analyze for example our habits and how we communicate. If we start to accept responsibility, we can change our behavior for the better. In today's episode I am very honoured to talk with Linda H. Williams about this topic and how to achieve success, even after a difficult past.This is what we’ll cover:- Everyone has a past- How our past affects our present- How to take responsibility for your life- The reaso

  • [013]Age Is No Obstacle to New Beginnings

    03/06/2017 Duration: 38min

    Sometimes age is an excuse for not making a change or not taking our life to a new level. But the truth is that it's never too late for new beginnings. At some point in life, women especially tend to feel they are too old for new projects. Being a mature woman instead offers great opportunities in personal life and in business. Mature women know better themselves, often have a deeper awareness of who they are and a deeper sense of freedom.To Faith Barnard age was no obstacle to her personal development and to entrepreneurship. This episode of ProsperityOnAir is a special rebroadcast of the interview with this beautiful soul and wonderful woman, who is no longer with us. Faith has always been and continues to be an inspiration to me. This episode is a tribute to her memory and an encouragement to whoever feels stuck in his/her life because he/she thinks age may be an obstacle to the realization of their dreams or desires.The show notes and the FREE download for this episode are available at: http://www.project

  • [012] Balance: Key to Success and Prosperity

    26/05/2017 Duration: 57min

    What is the biggest challenge and what are the major internal and external obstacles, that a person and specifically a woman has to face when building a new business? And how to balance the desired professional success and personal prosperity?Today's episode is dedicated to a special rebroadcast of my interview with Michelle Dawson.Michelle Dawson, as Founder and President of Catalyst Enterprises International, is devoted to "help organizations and individuals turn potential into performance".For Michelle success is a continuous process consisting of balance.Sometimes career success means public success and private failure. Often women have to face this condition. Balance is the key to achieving career dreams, while bringing prosperity to life.Balance is: setting goals and at at the same time setting some necessary boundaries. Wholeness and balance are precious prosperity secrets for all of us. In fact our mindset plays a fundamental role in developing a flourishing business.Access the show notes for this epi

  • [011] 4 time traps that destroy your productivity and that can be easily eliminated forever

    19/05/2017 Duration: 36min

    Thus in today's episode of ProsperityOnAir podcast, I will talk about time management. Actually, instead of using the expression: manage the time, I prefer to say: "optimize the way you organize your time".We will see, which are 4 time traps, that suck your energies, without being profitable for your business. And we will see the necessary steps to take back control of your time.These tips are very important for entrepreneurs, business owners and professionals. Probably you have already heard many times the following recommendation: as a business owner it's necessary to work on your business, not in your business!Following these tips you will discover how much time you can save and how to take your time off! And you can also learn how to put these unproductive tasks on someone's else to-do list, delegating for example to a VA.I have also prepared a freebie for this episode: a "Time Management Workbook" to help you get rid of these 4 time traps forever and optimize the way you organize your time.ùTo access th

  • [010] Why Intellectual Property is relevant to your business

    05/05/2017 Duration: 32min

    When it comes to legal aspects, building up and running a business become really challenging, if you lack legal knowledge.Thus today we talk about Intellectual Property (IP). Probably you've heard about Intellectual Property. But do you know exactly what it is, which are the strategies to protect your IP and the related costs?If we consider the online businesses, for example, it's a very complicated landscape, in terms of protecting websites layout, design, products, services etc. It's important for the entrepreneurs, both for online and off-line businesses, to talk about IP with a qualified attorney.In this episode I'm interviewing Mark Field, who has a wide experience in assisting both small enterprises and 500 Fortune Multinational companies, domestic and international clients, in different business matters, including intellectual property.When it comes to legal aspects, building up and running a business become really challenging, if you lack legal knowledge.Thus today we talk about Intellectual Property

  • [009] Virtual Assistant: work from home creating the desired lifestyle

    28/04/2017 Duration: 21min

    So many times I hear “excuses” for not going after that dream, take that holiday, open the business you’ve always wanted, create the lifestyle you desire…. And often the most common excuses are “I’m too old” and “I don’t have the time”.One way we can assuage the “too old for my dream” fear and “no time” excuse is to let go of how the dream will be achieved and start taking baby steps towards that dream. There may be alternative routes to the dream that we didn’t see because we were focusing on one particular method. We need to be open to follow unexpected paths when they present themselves to us. It may be challenging, but is definitely worth it. Too often our lifestyle is determined by circumstances; if we stick to our projects we can eventually change them and create the lifestyle we desire.In today’s episode you will meet Jutta Dudley who didn’t let either age or time interfere with her desire of creating a lifestyle that better suits her values, desires and dreams and started her new Virtual Assistant

  • [008] How to Use Facebook Groups to Build Your Brand and a Growing Community

    19/03/2017 Duration: 35min

    Building an engaged community around your (Personal) Brand is one of the key strategic elements I personally apply in my business and that I teach my clients. Facebook groups are perfect for starting and growing a community around the topic of your expertise.In today's episode I'm interviewing Nathalie Villeneuve who in 2010 started one of the most engaged communities on Facebook that has almost reached 7000 members and that keeps growing every day.You can find the links mentioned in this episode in the show notes for this episode at:

  • [007] 4 Pillars of Social Selling

    20/02/2017 Duration: 30min

    What exactly is Social Selling? Is it the same as Personal Branding? Do you combine Social Selling and Personal Branding?These are some of the questions I’ve been asked by some of my customers and my audience and I’ve decided to devote this episode of the ProsperityOnAir podcast to try and shed some light on the concept of Social Selling.You can find the links mentioned in this episode in the show notes for this episode at:

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