Facebook Answerman

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 9:22:52
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The Facebook AnswerMan will answer all of your Facebook related questions! Please submit questions to the show to get them answered. Ask your questions at www.FacebookAnswerman.com


  • 6 Ways to Get More Likes On Facebook

    29/07/2013 Duration: 27min

    Let's talk about 6 ways to get more Likes on your Facebook posts. It's not that hard people!

  • Facebook Profile, Page or Both?

    19/07/2013 Duration: 22min

    Should you use a Facebook profile or page for your business? Or maybe both?Let's discuss that in today's show and I'll talk about how Mari Smith and Amy Porterfield do this very well.Do you have any Facebook friends who are actually businesses?Do you have friends with names like “Bob’s Taco Shop” or “Valley View Golf Course”?Did you know this is against Facebook’s Terms of Service?Here’s the relevant passage:You will not use your personal timeline primarily for your own commercial gain, and will use a Facebook Page for such purposes.Learn more about why using a profile to promote a business is a bad idea here:Facebook Profile or Fan Page — Which Should I Use for My Business?In this post, I want to talk about something different.I want to talk about:how & when to discuss your work on your personal profilehow to leverage both a profile & fan page when you yourself are the brandSo let’s get started.How & When to Talk Biz on your ProfileYou love your job & want to talk about it on your personal pr

  • Don't Be a #Facebook #Hashtag #Douchebag

    12/07/2013 Duration: 25min

    Hashtags are officially live on Facebook! #butyoudonthavetousethemoneverypostOk, that hashtag was a bit much — but it’s not that different from what I’m seeing on Facebook since hashtags went live.Don’t get me wrong — hashtags are awesome. They’ve been a valuable part of Twitter & Google+ for years.Why Facebook resisted them for so long I’ll never understand.The truth is, people have been using hashtags on Facebook forever — usually to convey irony or context.But now they’re officially live — ie. you can click & search them — so your business should make use of them.But please… not in a way that makes you a #FacebookHashtagDoucheBag!Tips on Avoiding #Facebook #Hashtag #Douchbaggery>>> 1. Don’t Use Hashtags in Every PostThe whole point of hashtags has always been to tag posts — so they can be grouped together around a certain subject or event — and searched.overusinghashtagSo just because you can add hashtags to your Facebook posts doesn’t mean you should.I’m already seeing businesses use hashtags in e

  • Reading My Facebook Spam Messages!

    02/07/2013 Duration: 14min

    Do you ever check your "Other" inbox on Facebook messages? I get so many that I stopped looking, at least on a regular basis. 110% of it is spam and I just can't help myself but read some of the crap to you!

  • #23: 7 Free Ways to Promote Your Page

    14/06/2013 Duration: 20min

    Plenty of businesses use Facebook advertising to promote their page apps, but the majority do not.If you’ve built an app that is unique & interesting to your fanbase — and has built-in sharing features as well as an awesome incentive (a prize, access to exclusive content, etc.), then you’re halfway there.And the truth is, you don’t need to spend money to get the word out about your cool new app.In this post I’m going to cover how your business can promote your business’s app to existing fans & people outside of your Facebook network, all without spending a dime.Tips to promote your app to current fans1. Post multiple status updates about your new appI’m going back to the basics with this first tip. If you want fans to know about something, you have to tell them — and keep reminding them.For example, if you just launched a contest app, make multiple Facebook announcements during different times of the day & throughout the week (or during the period of time the app is running).Also, don’t forget to

  • #22: 5 Easy Ways to Lose Facebook Fans!

    07/06/2013 Duration: 19min

    Want to start losing your Facebook fans today?Then make sure you’re doing the following 5 things ASAP.Because if these 5 actions don’t cause you to lose fans, nothing will!>> 1. Post Boring ContentPeople on Facebook love nothing more than being bored to tears.That’s why you should post nothing but very boring content every day — stuff that no one cares about and no one will comment on.Never include calls to action in your posts — because you certainly don’t want engagement!Please posts photos of your interns drinking coffee or wearing company t-shirts — because everyone just loves those!Everyone also loves seeing photos of your whiteboard filled with tons of scribbling & nonsense — so inspiring.And by all means, please post a photo of you in front of your computer while you’re conducting a webinar — because nothing brands your company better than a photo of the back of a guy’s head!Love it!!!BONUS: If you want to really bore your fans, be certain to post the same types of updates 7 days a week — so no one

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