Nordea Marketsin podcastit tarjoavat uusia näkemyksiä, katsauksia markkinatalouteen ja pinnalla oleviin trendeihin, sekä finanssimaailman oppeja ja oivalluksia. Podcasteja juontavat Nordea Marketsin asiantuntijat yhdessä mielenkiintoisten vieraiden kanssa.
Korttidatasta reaaliaikaista tietoa taloudesta
15/01/2021 Duration: 17minNordea on viime vuoden keväästä lähtien julkaissut dataa korteilla tehdyistä maksuista. Korttidata antaa lähes reaaliaikaisesti tietoa talouden aktiviteetin kehityksestä eri toimialoilla. Korttidatan käänteistä koronavuonna ovat keskustelemassa ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen ja analyytikko Robert Suomi. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take i
Nordea Marketsin joulupodcast 2020
16/12/2020 Duration: 26minVuosi 2020 oli erityisen mieleenpainuva ja Nordea Marketsin joulupodcastissa vuosi pannaan pakettiin sekä siirretään katse jo ensi vuoteenkin. Äänessä koko Nordean tutkimus. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and
Asuntomarkkinoilla imua
10/12/2020 Duration: 23minAsuntokauppa on jatkunut vahvana läpi syksyn ja asuntojen hinnat ovat jatkaneet nousua koronakriisistä huolimatta. Asuntomarkkinoiden hyvän kehityksen taustoja ovat pohtimassa Annukka Mickelsson Kiinteistönvälitysalan Keskusliitosta sekä Nordean Jussi Palaja ja Juho Kostiainen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the indivi
Rokkaako rokote?
20/11/2020 Duration: 24minViruksen värittämät lähikuukaudet näyttävät vaikeilta monissa talouksissa. Rokoteuutiset tuovat optimismia pidemmälle tulevaisuuteen mutta eivät käännä talouden suuntaa hetkessä. Suomen ja maailmantalouden näkymistä keskustelevat pääekonomisti Tuuli Koivu, pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich ja ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and
Brexit: Kauppasopimusta etsimässä
06/11/2020 Duration: 28minBritannia on eronnut Euroopan unionista, mutta kauppasopimuksesta neuvotellaan kiivaasti. Miten yritykset ovat varautuneet eri skenaarioihin ja mitä uusi suhde tarkoittaa Britannialle ja EU:lle jatkossa? Aiheesta keskustelemassa Elinkeinoelämän keskusliiton johtava asiantuntija Janica Ylikarjula sekä Nordealta Kristian Nummelin ja Juho Kostiainen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually
Toisen aallon talousnäkymät
22/10/2020 Duration: 23minKiinan talous porskuttaa hyvässä vauhdissa kohti kommunistisen puolueen vuosikokousta, mutta euroalueen näkymiä varjostaa koronarajoitteiden nopea lisääntyminen. Miten Suomi pärjää talousnäkymien ristiaallokossa? Talousennusteita pistävät uusiksi pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich, pääekonomisti Tuuli Koivu ja ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored inves
Painavat panokset
25/09/2020 Duration: 24minYhdysvaltojen vaalivuosi kiinnostaa aina, mutta tänä vuonna panokset ovat poikkeuksellisen korkeat. Kiihtyykö kauppasota, taantuuko talouden toipuminen, masentuvatko markkinat ja saadaanko ylipäänsä selvää vaalitulosta? Näitä kysymyksiä pohtivat Kristian Nummelin, Tuuli Koivu ja Jan von Gerich. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into ac
Valtionvelka vaarallisilla vesillä?
08/09/2020 Duration: 29minSuomen valtion arvioidaan tarvitsevan tänä vuonna uutta velkaa 17,6 miljardia euroa. Samaan aikaan valtion lainakorot ovat tippuneet ennätysmatalalle. Kuka sijoittaa valtiolainoihin negatiivisella korolla? Mitä tilanteesta ajattelevat luottoluokittajat? Onko näköpiirissä velkojen uudelleenjärjestelyjä? Valtionvelasta keskustelemassa Valtiokonttorin rahoitustoimialan johtaja Teppo Koivisto sekä Nordean pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich ja ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended a
Kiire asuntokaupoille?
21/08/2020 Duration: 18minAsunnonostajat näyttävät viitanneen kintaalla koronan ensimmäiselle aallolle, mutta jatkuvatko positiiviset tunnelmat syksyllä. Suomen asuntomarkkinoista ja talousnäkymistä keskustelemassa Nordean kiinnitysluottopankin toimitusjohtaja Jussi Pajala, ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen ja pääekonomisti Tuuli Koivu. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not ta
Maailman ympäri 20 minuutissa
14/08/2020 Duration: 21minMiten talous selvisi koronakesästä? Uhkaako toinen aalto sumentaa myös syksyn? Miltä näyttävät Suomen, euroalueen, Yhdysvaltojen ja Kiinan näkymät? Talouden yleiskuvaa ovat pohtimassa Nordean asiantuntijat Tuuli Koivu, Juho Kostiainen, Robert Suomi ja Jan von Gerich. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investo
Korttidata kirkastaa kesälomat
07/07/2020 Duration: 20minKorttidata on ekonomistin aarreaitta. Data avaa kiinnostavia näkökulmia Pohjoismaiden toipumiseen koronakriisistä ja osoittaa kuluttamisen olleen viime viikkoina vahvaa. Toisin on Yhdysvalloissa, jossa viruksen pelätään tuovan toisen huonon aallon talouteen jo kesällä. Kesän viimeisessä podcastissa äänessä ovat Nordean pääekonomisti Tuuli Koivu ja pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus i
Eurooppalainen elvytys
05/06/2020 Duration: 26minEuroopan toipuminen koronakriisistä on käynnistynyt, ja sitä pyritään pönkittämään monenlaisin elvytystoimin. Mitä voimme toipumisesta nyt päätellä, millainen oli Saksan elvytyspaketti, ratkaiseeko EU:n elvytysrahasto talousalueen ongelmia ja tuleeko elpymistä sotkemaan vielä sopimukseton brexit? Pääekonomisti Tuuli Koivun piinapenkissä kaikkiin näihin ja moneen muuhunkin kysymykseen vastaavat pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich ja analyytikko Kristian Nummelin. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a pers
Podcast: Virus ei vaikuta kaikkeen kauppaan - asuntokaupan monet trendit
29/05/2020 Duration: 29minPohdimme koronakriisin vaikutuksia asuntokauppaan. Vaikka kauppamäärät keväällä laskivat, hintoihin kriisi ei ole vielä vaikuttanut. Myytävistä asunnoista on pikemminkin pulaa. Miten trendit kehittyvät jatkossa, sitä pohtivat pääekonomisti Tuuli Koivun vieraina Maria-Elena Ehrnrooth Kiinteistönvälitysalan Keskusliitosta ja Jussi Pajala Nordea Kiinnitysluottopankista. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not
Horjuuko euroalueen tärkein tukijalka?
15/05/2020 Duration: 21minEuroalueen tärkein tukipilari tässäkin kriisissä on ollut Euroopan keskuspankki mittavine velkakirjaostoineen. Ovatko velkakirjaostot nyt tulleet tiensä päähän Saksan perustuslakituomioistuimen rajoittavan tuomion myötä. Onko koko euroalue vaarassa, jos Saksan keskuspankki joutuu vetäytymään velkakirjaostoista? Tulenarkaa tilannetta pohtivat Jan von Gerich ja Kristian Nummelin. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus i
Suomen talous koronakriisissä
24/04/2020 Duration: 22minIndikaattorit kertovat Suomen talouden olevan syvällä koronamontussa. Miltä lähitulevaisuus näyttää ja miten kuopasta noustaan ylöspäin? Sitä saapui pohtimaan EK:n johtava ekonomisti Sami Pakarinen yhdessä Nordean analyytikko Kristian Nummelinin ja pääekonomistin Tuuli Koivun kanssa. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the i
Toivoa toipumisesta
09/04/2020 Duration: 32minMeno rahoitusmarkkinoilla on ollut hurjaa, mutta pahin turbulenssi on jäänyt ainakin hetkeksi taakse. Millä mielin lähtevät pääsiäislomalle pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich ja analyytikko Kristian Nummelin, sitä kyselee pääekonomisti Tuuli Koivu. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financia
Euroalue eristyksissä
27/03/2020 Duration: 18minEuroalueen talous sukeltaa ja valtioiden velkatasot nousevat nopeasti. EKP on tarttunut toimeen, mutta hallitusten kesken solidaarisuutta ei ole vielä syntynyt. Euroalueen tilannetta analysoivat pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich ja pääekonomisti Tuuli Koivu. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particula
Sijoituspodi: Miten sijoitan koronahuolten keskellä?
05/03/2020 Duration: 23minPörssikurssit ovat painuneet hurjaa kyytiä koronahuolten kasvettua. Miten sijoittajan kannattaa tässä tilanteessa toimia? Pitääkö nyt ostaa vai myydä vai vaan panikoida? Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and exp
Kallis karanteeni
27/02/2020 Duration: 23minVirus leviää maailmantalouteen, mutta onko paniikki pahempi uhka taloudelle ja markkinoille kuin itse koronavirus? Taloudesta koronan armoilla keskustelemassa Tuuli Koivu, Jan von Gerich ja Sanna Kurronen.
Tarttuuko tauti talouteen?
14/02/2020 Duration: 21minKiinan talouden hyytyminen alkuvuonna näyttää väistämättömältä, kun taistelu koronavirusta vastaan sulkee tuotantoa. Pysyvätkö talousvaikutukset Kiinassa ja kuinka syväksi pudotus voi mennä? Koronaviruksen vaikutuksista keskustelevat ekonomistit Tuuli Koivu, Kristian Nummelin ja Sanna Kurronen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into ac