Nordea Markets Insights Fi

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 75:39:39
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Nordea Marketsin podcastit tarjoavat uusia näkemyksiä, katsauksia markkinatalouteen ja pinnalla oleviin trendeihin, sekä finanssimaailman oppeja ja oivalluksia. Podcasteja juontavat Nordea Marketsin asiantuntijat yhdessä mielenkiintoisten vieraiden kanssa.


  • Turboa vai tuskaa Trumpin toimista?

    29/01/2025 Duration: 27min

    Trumpin toinen kausi on ollut alkuvuoden kuumin puheenaihe. Trumpin mahdollisista toimista ja niiden vaikutuksista keskustelemassa ekonomistimme Jan von Gerich, Juho Kostiainen ja Tuuli Koivu. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, inves

  • Jännittävä joulupodi

    19/12/2024 Duration: 23min

    Miltä kulunut vuosi näytti markkinoilla ja taloudessa? Mitkä asiat yllättivät? Entä millaiset ovat näkymät vuodelle 2025? Perinteisessä joulupodissa mukana Juho Kostiainen, Tuuli Koivu, Kristian Nummelin ja Jan von Gerich. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing

  • Ajaako Suomi päin Trumpin tullimuuria?

    15/11/2024 Duration: 19min

    USA on ollut viime vuosina Suomen tärkein vientimaa. Miten presidentiksi nousevan Donald Trumpin väläyttelemät jopa 20 prosentin tuontitullit iskisivät Suomeen talouteen? Tullien monitahoisia vaikutuskanavia Suomelle taloudelle analysoivat ekonomistit Kristian Nummelin ja Juho Kostiainen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account

  • Vaalivipinää

    31/10/2024 Duration: 20min

    Yhdysvaltain vaalit ovat poikkeuksellisen jännittävät. Millaista talous- ja kauppapolitiikkaa vaalit voivat tuoda mukanaan ja miten markkinat reagoivat? Teemasta keskustelevat Nordean asiantuntijat Jan von Gerich, Kristian Nummelin ja Tuuli Koivu. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular fin

  • Riittääkö Kiinan elvytys?

    18/10/2024 Duration: 27min

    Kiinan talousluvut ovat olleet viime kuukausina heikkoja ja erityisesti kiinalaiskuluttajien tilanne on haastava, kun asuntomarkkinoiden alamäki jatkuu ja talousnäkymä on epävarma. Kiinan johto on reagoinut heikkoon kehitykseen elvytyksellä, mutta riittävätkö nämä toimet kääntämään Kiinan suunnan? Tätä pohtii pääekonomisti Tuuli Koivu analyytikko Rono Nihtisen haastattelussa. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it

  • Asuntomarkkinan käänne kuplii pinnan alla

    04/10/2024 Duration: 24min

    Suomen asuntomarkkina lähtee hiljalleen kääntymään, mutta kuinka hitaasta käänteestä oikeastaan puhutaan? Kannattaako asuntojen hintapohja nyt hyödyntää vai jäädä sittenkin vuokralle? Onko Christine Lagarde asuntovelallisen paras ystävä, ja mikä korko asuntolainalle kannattaa valita? Keskustelemassa Nordea Kiinnitysluottopankin toimitusjohtaja Jussi Pajala, ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen sekä analyytikko Rono Nihtinen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financi

  • Kiihtyvätkö koronlaskut?

    20/09/2024 Duration: 24min

    Fed aloitti tällä viikolla koronlaskut suurella liikkeellä. Kuinka huolissaan keskuspankki on talousnäkymistä? Kiihdyttääkö myös EKP laskujaan? Mitä tekevät muut keskuspankit? Korkonäkymistä keskustelemassa Kristian Nummelin ja Jan von Gerich. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financi

  • Intiaanikesä Impivaarassa

    06/09/2024 Duration: 20min

    Suomen taloudessa on nähty alkuvuoden aikana ensimmäisiä positiivisia merkkejä, ja kasvun oraat puskevat jo esiin syyspellosta. Vaikka lähiajan näkymät ovat vielä hauraat, odotamme ensi vuodelta laaja-alaisempaa kasvun kiihtymistä. Nordean uusista talousennusteista ja Suomen näkymistä ovat keskustelemassa ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen ja analyytikko Rono Nihtinen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not prov

  • Pohjoismaat periskoopissa

    23/08/2024 Duration: 21min

    Mitä Skandinavian keskuspankeilla on mielessään, ja mihin Ruotsin ja Norjan kruunut seuraavaksi suuntaavat? Jääkö Suomen talous taas jalkoihin Pohjoismaisessa vertailussa, vai joko lähtisi piristymään? Asuntomarkkinaa, kulutusta, öljyä ynnä muuta ovat pohtimassa ekonomistit Juho Kostiainen ja Kristian Nummelin sekä analyytikko Rono Nihtinen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tai

  • Käänsikö kesä talouden tunnelmat?

    09/08/2024 Duration: 23min

    Kesälomien jälkeen podimme pohtii etenkin euroalueen ja Suomen talouden näkymiä nykyisissä epävarmoissa tunnelmissa. Studiossa pääekonomisti Tuuli Koivu, ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen ja pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings

  • Hytinää vai hellettä – Nordea Marketsin kesäpodi

    19/06/2024 Duration: 26min

    Mitä kevään talouskehityksestä jäi mieleen ja mitä yllätyksiä kesä voi tuoda tullessaan? Keskustelemassa Nordean Research-tiimi. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon

  • Asuntomarkkinan korkoralli vai pitkä piina?

    05/06/2024 Duration: 26min

    Ovatko asunnot nyt halpoja vai kalliita? Joko käänne kolkuttelee kulman takana, kun EKP ryhtyy laskemaan korkoja? Mistä asuntojen ylitarjonta kumpuaa? Näitä kysymyksiä pohtivat ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen, Nordean Kiinnitysluottopankin toimitusjohtaja Jussi Pajala ja analyytikko Rono Nihtinen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into acc

  • Riskejä riittää

    23/05/2024 Duration: 26min

    Markkinoilla maailmantalouden näkymät hinnoitellaan tällä hetkellä melko positiivisessa valossa. Riskejä kuitenkin riittää niin ylä- kuin alasuuntaankin kiinteistösektorista Kiinaan ja inflaatiosta geopolitiikkaan. Maailman ja Suomen kasvuriskejä sekä mahdollisuuksia pohtimassa pääekonomisti Tuuli Koivu, ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen ja pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not pr

  • Mitä kuuluu Kiinalle?

    08/05/2024 Duration: 30min

    Kiina-riskeistä on puhuttu vähemmän viime aikoina, mutta haasteita on edelleen paljon. Juankin on ollut taas heikkenemispaineessa. Miltä Kiinan lyhyemmän ja pidemmän aikavälin tulevaisuus näyttää? Podistudiossa pääekonomisti Tuuli Koivu, ekonomisti Kristian Nummelin ja pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take i

  • Ennusteen jälkilöylyt

    26/04/2024 Duration: 27min

    Nordea julkaisi juuri uuden talousennusteen, jossa maailmantalouden yleiskuva on pykälän talviennustetta pirteämpi. Euroalueella koronlaskujen odotetaan olevan nurkan takana, kun taas Yhdysvaltojen talouskehitykseen sisältyy epävarmuutta suuntaan jos toiseen. Tuoreen maailmantalouden ennusteen pääkohtia kertaamassa ja vastaamattomia webinaari-kysymyksiä puimassa ekonomistit Tuuli Koivu ja Kristian Nummelin. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instr

  • Vihreää siirtymää tutkailemassa

    12/04/2024 Duration: 29min

    Miten vihreä siirtymä etenee Suomessa ja onko investointihalukkuutta riittävästi? Miltä yrityksien päästövähennykset näyttävät, ja toisaalta mikä on rahoitusmarkkinoiden rooli vihreässä siirtymässä? Aiheesta keskustelemassa kestävän rahoituksen asiantuntija Juho Maalahti sekä ekonomistit Juho Kostiainen ja Kristian Nummelin. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment a

  • Katseet koronlaskuja kauemmas

    25/03/2024 Duration: 24min

    Keskuspankit liikkuvat kohti koronlaskuja, mutta kuinka paljon korkoja tarvitsee edes laskea ja minkälaista korkotasoa on lupa odottaa pidemmällä aikavälillä? Mukana keskustelemassa Juha Vainikainen, Jan von Gerich ja Kristian Nummelin. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor’s particular financial situat

  • Asuntomarkkinoilla jäitä poltellessa

    15/03/2024 Duration: 26min

    Asuntomarkkinoilla alkuvuosi on ollut vielä hiljainen. Mitkä tekijät jarruttavat asunnon ostoa ja miltä näyttää asuntojen hintakehitys? Miksi uudiskohteet eivät käy kaupaksi? Korkojen nousu on näkynyt etenkin lapsiperheiden kulujen kasvua. Mitä se on tarkoittanut perheasuntojen markkinoilla? Lopuksi perehdytään maahanmuuton asuntomarkkinavaikutuksiin. Näistä aiheista juttelemassa Nordea Kiinnitysluottopankin toimitusjohtaja Jussi Pajala ja ekonomisti Juho Kostiainen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not inte

  • Sumuinen suhdanne

    01/03/2024 Duration: 21min

    Keskuspankkien viesti on vihdoin uponnut markkinoilla ja korot ovat korjanneet korkeammalle. Paljon on silti avoimia kysymyksiä – helpottavatko hintapaineet, kuihtuuko kasvu? Millainen koronlaskusykli on lopulta näkyvissä? Taloutta ja markkinoita tulkitsemassa pääanalyytikko Jan von Gerich, ekonomisti Kristian Nummelin ja analyytikko Olli Malinen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually

  • Suomen talous taantumassa

    16/02/2024 Duration: 20min

    Suomen talous vajosi taantumaan viime vuoden lopulla. Millaiset ovat Suomen lyhyen ja pidemmän aikavälin kasvunäkymät? Näkyykö asuntomarkkinoilla jo valoa tunnelin päässä? Tuntuvatko lakot Suomen talouskasvussa? Suomen talouden kuvaa maalaamassa Juho Kostiainen ja Olli Malinen. Disclaimer: All opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individ

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