In support of the progressive ideals of Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. In this first episode we get things going and state some Bernie fundamentals. Go to for much more daily information on Bernie Sanders, 2016 candidate for president.
#10 -- Bernie, Buffalo and Dr. Barry in The Badlands
31/08/2015 Duration: 32minDr. K. returns from the wilds of South Dakota with tales of Bernie supporters wherever he went. A new segment on the WWBSD podcast: A Healthcare Encounter -- more reasons why Bernie's plan for healthcare is desperately needed. Joe Biden -- an aw shucks good guy who might enter the race? As Dr. K. points out -- not such a good guy. Darren's jaw DROPS when he hears about the truly DREADFUL source of some of Hillary's donations -- which ties very directly with another key topic, racial justice. The podcast finishes with more inspiring thoughts on spreading the word about Bernie Sanders. Listen, learn and FEEL THE BERN!
19/08/2015 Duration: 01h11sThe Bernie Sanders presidential campaign saw an opportunity on the calendar and seized a chance for Bernie to give a speech and raise funds for his grass-roots campaign for election in 2016 as President of the United States. This podcast is Bernie Sanders through and through from beginning to end of one of his passionate, heartfelt speeches. In it Senator Sanders lays out his agenda and the issues he sees in America which must be addressed, with special emphasis on income equality, affordable healthcare for all and free public college education. The What Would Bernie Sanders Do podcast is usually ably helmed by Dr. Barry Kaufman. Dr. K is out of town wearing his Bernie shirt and spreading the word (and vacationing with his family). In attendance at Bernie's speech Monday evening were What Would Bernie Sanders Do host Darren Stephens and producer Ruth Kaufman, who give an introduction here. (To skip directly to Bernie, go to the 4:44 mark.) Listen to Senator Sanders, and Feel The (actual!) Bern!
#8 -- Paying for College - an Actual Concrete Plan
15/08/2015 Duration: 25minIn this week's podcast Dr. Kaufman and host Darren Stephens talk about Bernie from the point of view of one astute millenial. Dr. K. has a rebuttal and rebuke of the claims made in Nate Cohen's piece for the New York Times. Clarity vs. political expediency -- while Hillary provides vague ideas, Bernie Sanders lays out an actual concrete plan for making college affordable for millions -- and provides a doable, pain-free way to PAY for this program. Also, Bernie and marijuana -- the guys can't resist the easy Feel The Bern joke. Listen and learn and FEEL THE BERN again this week with the What Would Bernie Sanders Do podcast. Go to the What Would Bernie Sanders Do Facebook page for the latest on all things Bernie.
#7 -- Democratic Socialism and Israel
11/08/2015 Duration: 26minIn this episode Dr. K. and Darren talk a little about their very successful Bernie Sanders organizational meeting. (Audio from the meeting makes up Episode 6!) Also discussed: the pervasive media blackout -- how so-called progressive media won't discuss Bernie Sanders and Dr. K's reasons why he thinks it's happening. Also in this episode, Dr. K. describes exactly what a democratic socialist is, and where Bernie Sanders stands on U.S./Israel relations.
#6 -- Bernie Sanders Organizing Kickoff Event
05/08/2015 Duration: 38minOn July 29th, the Bernie Sanders campaign held an Organizing Kickoff Event with around 100,000 participants around the country. Dr. Barry Kaufman and his sidekick Darren Stephens held their event at the Ukrainian Cultural Center in Chicago. Listen in to great ideas for spreading the word about Bernie Sanders and all the great reasons why about a hundred people are supporting a candidate who's Not For Sale!
#5 -- Bernie, Guns and the NRA
27/07/2015 Duration: 25minBernie Sanders has been given an 'F' rating by the NRA. So why do people on the left who want to drag Bernie down say he's a 'gun nut?' Hear Dr. K's cogent explanation of Bernie Sanders's vote on guns in Vermont. Also in this show, Hillary Clinton's tone-deaf comment on Black Lives Matter, organizing for Bernie during this early part of the campaign and more details on the Chicago Bernie Sanders gathering hosted by Darren Stephens and Barry Kaufman. It's at the Ukrainian Cultural Center at 2247 W. Chicago on July 29th at 6:30. Bernie Sanders for President in 2016! Feel the Bern...
#4 -- Healthcare for All
20/07/2015 Duration: 24minThe Affordable Care Act has changed the healthcare landscape... but the news is definitely NOT all good! The What Would Bernie Sanders Do podcast is run by two guys: Host Darren Stephens and Dr. Barry Kaufman, a physician on the front lines of the healthcare industry who sees first hand how much still needs to be done to make healthcare in America work. Details from Dr. K. on how healthcare would be better under Bernie! Also in this podcast, Hillary slips into the Twilight Zone and how YOU can organize for Bernie.
#3 -- How Did The Democratic Party Get HERE?
12/07/2015 Duration: 28minIn this episode Darren and Dr. K. start by discussing the tweet by Hillary Clinton that seemed sweet but was surprisingly cynical. Bernie Sanders is attacked by a Democrat who should know better than to sound like such a Republican. Dr. K. provides a clear-eyed view of the Democratic superstar who pushed the party to the right, defying core democratic values, and bringing us to state we're in today.
#2 -- The Top Ten Bernie Sanders Talking Points
06/07/2015 Duration: 28minIn this episode Darren and Dr. K. lay out the Top Ten Bernie Sanders Talking Points. This is a great overview of the most important facts to share with others about Bernie Sanders, his candidacy, and the movement he's starting that goes beyond any one presidential campaign. Call these the Bernie Sanders Ten Commandments if you like. The podcast will go into each of these points in more detail through the course of the podcast. Stay tuned in to the podcast to learn much more!
#1 -- Why Do We Like This Guy So Much?
06/07/2015 Duration: 29minThere's this guy who's running for president. His name is Bernie Sanders. He's "NOT FOR SALE." What does that mean? Unlike every other candidate in either party, he is not taking corporate money. What a nutty thing! Why, that would mean he didn't have to bow and scrape and grovel for every dollar from millionaires and billionaires in the business and media world, and could simply say exactly what he believes in. Bernie IS running for president, but he's also spearheading a movement to get money out of politics -- unless its from people like you and me. He's aiming to be the voice of ordinary people -- not the voice of corporations and billionaires. Who are your podcasters? Dr. Barry Kaufman is a terrifically knowledgeable guy who has taken on the mission of informing people about Bernie Sanders and all he stands for. He is ably assisted by show host Darren Stephens, who tosses in remarks and does all the technical stuff. Listen and learn and feel the Bern! Bernie Sanders for president in 2016!