In support of the progressive ideals of Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. In this first episode we get things going and state some Bernie fundamentals. Go to for much more daily information on Bernie Sanders, 2016 candidate for president.
#30 -- Iowa LOT to Hillary -- Her Attacks Help My Fundraising
18/01/2016 Duration: 32minIowa lot to Hillary! Bernie is now neck and neck with Hillary in the polls! That means she's gone on the offensive and her husband Bill Clinton and daughter Chelsea are helping her attack Sanders on guns and especially on healthcare. Thanks, Hillary! Her attacks have been a fundraising bonanza for Bernie. Also, Hillary's political evolution means she's against Obama's raids of immigrant families -- but not of deportations. And Hillary is not so hard on guns as she wants us to believe. Guess which current president and wannabe president invest with firms with substantial stock in gun manufacturers? Information on the podcast is supported by the Facebook page: Find out about phone banking for Bernie at Find us on Twitter @wwbsdpodcast. Music by Robin Bienemann
#29 -- Bernie Gives Wall Street the "Go Directly to Jail Card"
11/01/2016 Duration: 31minBernie's blistering address to Wall Street made very clear that on Day One of a Sanders administration there would be real penalties for those who decide to play fast and loose with billions of dollars in taxpayer money. Also this week, Dr. K. describes how Obama and Hillary Clinton back child deportations that, in the words of one individual "we would expect from Donald Trump." Hear how Bernie makes 'em Feel The Bern! ALSO: It's Now or Never! Learn more about how you can be involved in the important push to move the Bernie Ball toward the goal line! Information on the podcast is supported by the Facebook page: Find out about phone banking for Bernie at Find us on Twitter @wwbsdpodcast. Music by Robin Bienemann
#28 -- Are You Prepared to WRITE IN Bernie?
04/01/2016 Duration: 21minThe definition of plutocracy: government by the wealthy Today's podcast features an interview with Victor Tiffany of Revolt Against Plutocracy. Revolt Against Plutocracy has a unique way of using the write-in vote as a tool for furthering Bernie's revolution to get money out of politics. Learn the details and find out how you can participate. Revolt Against Plutocracy: Information on the podcast is supported by the Facebook page: Find out about phone banking for Bernie at Find us on Twitter @wwbsdpodcast. Music by Robin Bienemann
#27 -- INTERVIEW with Roger Marsh from Bernie's Illinois Campaign Team!
28/12/2015 Duration: 20minOne of main themes of the What Would Bernie Sanders Do podcast is that we all need to do our part to let the world know about the best presidential candidate for many election cycles, Senator Bernie Sanders. No one spends more time or works harder than the campaign volunteers around the country! We grabbed one for an interview this week. Roger Marsh, Volunteer Team Leader for the Illinois 7th District gives us the straight dope on the best way for YOU to get involved. ALSO, we couldn't let him leave without getting the latest from the campaign on how they think things are going! Listen in to hear from a hardworking guy who FEELS THE BERN closer to the flame than most! Information on the podcast is supported by the Facebook page: Find out about phone banking for Bernie at Find us on Twitter @wwbsdpodcast. Music by Robin Bienemann
#26 -- THE POST-TWO-DEBATES PODCAST -- Make America HATE Again -- and Scared, Too!
24/12/2015 Duration: 30minThere were two debates! The slogan from the Republican debate might as well have been "Make America Hate Again!" But for two out of three of the Democrats, the slogan could have been "Make America SCARED Again!" You'll learn the shocking news that Bernie Sanders (and the WWBSD podcast) have the lonely echoing voices that actually state that America has greater and more pressing issues than the unlikely event of an ISIS terrorist popping up. Cogent analysis of the two debates by Dr. K., with the engaged encouragement of the Robin to his Batman, Darren Stephens. Listen and learn and FEEL THE BERN! Information on the podcast is supported by the Facebook page: Find out about phone banking for Bernie at Find us on Twitter @wwbsdpodcast. Music by Robin Bienemann
#25 -- Bernie ISIS the Media -- U.S. Poverty Just Ain't Headline News
14/12/2015 Duration: 32minWell, yes, it's frustrating being the only candidate who is focused on real problems for real Americans in an age where all the media wants to do is talk about ISIS and the latest lies and idiocy from Donald Trump... But if you've been laying down a consistent message for 30 years, what are you going to do? You're going to continue being Bernie Sanders, that's what. Also this week, Bernie calls out Donald Trump. Rachel Maddow says Bernie's her guy. The Family and Medical Leave Act -- a HUGE help for families -- Bernie's for, but darn the luck -- it doesn't comport with Hillary's corporate overlords, so she was for it but she's now against it. Listen to the end for this week's Organizing Minute to see what you could do to move Bernie into the win column! Information on the podcast is supported by the Facebook page: Find out about phone banking for Bernie at Find us on Twitter @wwbsdpodcast. Music by Robin Bienemann http://robinb
#24 -- TIME Person of the Year Bernie Sanders??? + Calling Out The Politics of Hate
07/12/2015 Duration: 28minThe TIME magazine Person of the Year polling is overwhelmingly being won by Bernie Sanders, which is unfortunate for Time-Warner, because they've been spoken for by dollars for Hillary Clinton. Well, TIME is learning what we all are -- that Bernie Sanders is the real deal and the best candidate in the race from either party. This week, Dr. K. and Darren discuss that TIME magazine poll. (Bernie WON after this was recorded!) In the wake of the terrorist attack in San Bernadino, we hear how Bernie is the one who calls out the politics of hate. Healthcare horrors: Dr. K. gives us an update, including the fact that because Hillary is supported by the pharmaceutical industry, she sounds like a Republican -- look for an inadequate voucher to help pay for healthcare! Information on the podcast is supported by the Facebook page: Find out about phone banking for Bernie at Find us on Twitter @wwbsdpodcast. Music by Robin Bienemann http://
#23 -- SUPERDELEGATES -- Take Back Democracy by Taking Them On!
30/11/2015 Duration: 26minOur first interview! On the show is Justin Renquist of the Superdelegates Task Force Army? What? Superdelegates? Who are they and why do I care? You care because Hillary has done so much backroom dealing that she has a VASTLY larger group of these special delegates who DO NOT HAVE TO VOTE by the will of the people! How to fight them? By letting them know we're watching and, as most of them are elected officials, we can vote them out of office! Justin tells us how to get involved. Dr. K. points out that even in the shadow of the Laquan MacDonald murder, although Martin O'Malley and Bernie were there, Hillary skipped the Black Lives Matter candidates forum. (Or is she in the GOP now? They all gave it a pass, except for Ben Carson.) Oh, and Hillary snubs, too. Dr. K.'s theory? With so many superdelegates spoken for, Hillary feels she can coast to the nomination. It's time to get involved, and make Hillary FEEL THE BERN!
#22 -- Going Postal For Bernie -- Will Superdelegates Nullify YOUR vote?
23/11/2015 Duration: 29minWe start off this week's podcast with GOOD NEWS -- the American Postal Workers' Union has landed in the Sanders column -- a major endorsement! And Ohio state senator and minority whip Nina Turner SWITCHED from Clinton to Sanders! Still, with Clinton's deep ties to the military-industrial complex and with a huge numbers advantage in terms of superdelegates, there's much work to be done. Superdelegates? You mean those party insiders who can make YOUR vote meaningless? Yes, those guys! Dr. K. gives the details and tells how you can turn things around. When you learn how the Democratic process is being flouted -- and what you can do to make sure that doesn't happen, you will certainly FEEL THE BERN!
#21 -- THE 2ND POST-DEBATE PODCAST -- Did you hear all that APPLAUSE for Hillary?
17/11/2015 Duration: 24minGosh almighty! Wouldn't it be GREAT if our Bernie could get so much love from an audience?? He just has the darndest time getting appreciation from a crowd. Wotta shame. LOLOL... Dr. K. and Darren talk about the Democratic debate and what it sounded like for Debra Wasserman Schultz's hand-picked big-dollar donors to make their voices heard. Which is only fair -- they paid to get in, after all. (This is an INVITATION ONLY event.) Although it "sickened" Dr. K. to hear the stuff they were applauding for, as he acknowledged, this debate could be looked on as an excellent test debate for when Bernie is speaking across the stage to a REPUBLICAN -- because that's what Hillary sounded like. Hear this and other in-depth analysis and FEEL THE BERN with Darren and Dr. K.!
#20 -- The Third Way or the Highway -- Hillary's PragmaDems
09/11/2015 Duration: 32minBernie Sanders is promoting not just a presidential candidacy, but as the true progressive in the race, he's also promoting a movement. Unfortunately, there are business-oriented "pragmatics" like the very well-organized group The Third Way who sound EXACTLY like Republicans! Dr. K. gives the details. Also in this podcast: Foreign Policy Part II, Bernie's Grounding Fossil Fuels and Going It Alone on "Joint" Legislation. FEEL THE BERN -- without adding to your carbon footprint!
#19 -- Can We Follow the Money to Hillary's Foreign Policy?
02/11/2015 Duration: 32minThe First of Two Parts -- Foreign Policy: Hillary Strong, Bernie Weak? Follow the money to learn more about Hillary's brand of statesmanship. (Next week we'll learn about Bernie's foreign policy strengths.) Darren's jaw drops when he hears about shocking coincidences between the timing of donations to the Clinton Global Initiative and foreign regimes receiving zillions of dollars in U.S. weapons -- the numbers are distinctly different than when Bush was in office. Also this week: Those Nutty Republicans, Rachel Maddow shows how Bernie "evolved" on same sex marriage and an organizing call to action for Illinois and Iowa. You'll get HOT when you hear what's revealed here -- no better way to Feel The Bern!
#18 -- CNN With Its Pants On Fire and Millennials Heart Bernie
26/10/2015 Duration: 34minNEW THEME MUSIC! With the song "My Politics Ain't Like Yours," our brilliant friend Robin Bienemann has penned the perfect song for a candidate like no other! Learn more about Robin at his site, (especially the song 'Jennifer Anniston.') OKAY, CNN didn't delete the poll, they just pushed it so far down in social media that it disappeared. But they did edit the video! Millennials love Bernie -- and can you blame them? Unlike Hillary, Joe Biden doesn't call Republicans "the enemy." First tobacco, now climate change: learn why Bernie is Godzilla! This and more on the podcast that helps you FEEL THE BERN!
#17 -- THE POST-DEBATE PODCAST - Seriously, Who REALLY Won?
19/10/2015 Duration: 30minDr. K and Darren have questions! Who was the winner... the closet conservative or the authentic progressive? What is CNN hiding? Evader in chief or commander in chief? Plus: the sound of a planned and planted audience, corporate America ready for "presidential" and "confident" Hillary, and Trump goes after Bernie (with Anderson Cooper's help).
#16 -- Winning at All Costs - Joe's Biden His Time and Hillary Owns NBC
12/10/2015 Duration: 32minOn this week's podcast, Joe Biden's deeply personal and private story of loss trumpeted throughout the land, but we don't know if he's running. If Bernie's against the TPP, Hillary will throw Barack under the bus to score points. Elizabeth Warren forgets that she and Bernie are the exact same kind of progressive. Hillary's pal assists with her NBC publicity tour. And Bernie says what REALLY matters about Edward Snowden's revelations. All this and more on the What Would Bernie Sanders Do podcast. Feel! The! Bern!
#15 -- The Unelectable Democrat is... WHO?
05/10/2015 Duration: 28minThis week: One million Bernie Sanders fans can't be wrong! Hillary had 60 fundraisers for wealth donors. Bernie had 10 fundraisers for people like us. Hillary raised 28 million.. and Bernie raised 26 million! ... The Democratic establishment does NOT want this candidate. "He's not one of us," they say. Darren and Dr. K. disagree with that assessment. "Honesty is such a lonely word." Yes, especially when you can be caught out EASILY when you're not being honest -- and you're running for president. The Democratic establishment wants NO ONE to talk about Hillary's shortcomings! Hmmm... if she's the eventual nominee, the Republicans won't bring any of that stuff up. So which Democrat running for president is the UNELECTABLE one?? The answer will NOT surprise you, when you hear it on this week's podcast. FTB, people!
#14 -- Pope Francis and Bernie Sanders -- The Moral Minority
28/09/2015 Duration: 32minHillary IS progressive? Well, PROGRESSIVELY more like Bernie Sanders every day! Just look at her widely touted pharmaceutical plan, that echoes point by point the one Bernie Sanders put out weeks earlier with minor differences. The shameful way the Democratic establishment is yelling that Bernie Sanders is unelectable. By one measure, 59% of the Democratic establishmen have decided that Hillary is the nominee. What?? Dr. K has a solution -- let 'em know that BERNIE is your candidate! Pope Francis and Bernie Sanders -- The Moral Minority. Hey, has anybody noticed? These two Democratic Socialists are saying the exact same thing? Dr. K has noticed and gives us the close comparisons one by one. Our podcast is the ONLY media outlet this week that doesn't mention Donald Trump. Until right there. :-P This week, Dr. K. is fired up!! Listen in and you'll FEEL THE BERN!
#13 -- The 18-Trillion-Dollar Man + Hillary's Pac Attack
21/09/2015 Duration: 32minRallies, tallies, pundits and polls! We watch as Bernie's surge in recognition and popularity continues. The 18-Trillion-Dollar Man?? Um, what are we CURRENTLY paying for health care, and how does Bernie's plan compare? People on the other side talk about everything but how Bernie Sanders plans will SAVE us all money in comparison to the current sorry state of affairs. We discuss elections as spectator sport. Hillary's PAC attack on Bernie! Somebody's hearing loud footsteps behind them -- and in front of them! Dr. K. and Darren dive deep into all things Bernie Sanders. He's up and... it's good! Listen and learn and feel the Bern!
#12 --Trump & Sanders --Two Gamechangers - Wildly Different
14/09/2015 Duration: 36minA headline in The National Review stated, "Sanders & Trump: Two Populist Peas In A Pod? So, so wrong. Trump is so NOT a populist! Learn why in today's podcast. Learn why Donald Trump and Sarah Palin are just about the same exact person as Dr. K. plays a "guess the speaker" game with Darren. Bernie Sanders just offered legislation that could save us all billions. Have you heard of it? You will today. Bernie is going on the road with Dr. Cornell West -- their audiences in South Carolina will Feel The Bern -- and you will too after today's show!
#11 -- Bernie & Hillary: "93% the same??" NO! Look at their records!
07/09/2015 Duration: 31minThis week Dr. Barry Kaufman was fired up due to two days in a row of omissions and bait-and-switch "journalism" from NPR radio! He starts the podcast by telling his personal experience of exactly what happens when you wear a Bernie shirt out in the world -- people notice and sign up to vounteer for Bernie! Darren and Dr. K discuss how frustrating it is to not hear Bernie's message even on NPR, and even more frustrating that NPR has made its mind up for the voters. There's a New York Times analysis that concludes (wildly misleading) that Bernie and Hillary voted in synch 93% of the time during their two years in the senate--but does that mean they are really "very similar candidates" as progressive talk show host Tho Hartmann claims? Dr. K goes into detail about how untrue that is! How does a pacifist like Bernie Sanders think he can be Commander-In-Chief? You'll learn how. At the end of the podcast, Dr. K makes a pledge to the first 25 people who arenot able to afford a Bernie Sanders t-shirt that he'll send