In support of the progressive ideals of Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. In this first episode we get things going and state some Bernie fundamentals. Go to for much more daily information on Bernie Sanders, 2016 candidate for president.
#42a -- WWBSD Podcast Extra -- A POST-WISCONSIN Podcast Extra!
07/04/2016 Duration: 21minRecorded April 6, 2016 Bernie had a big win in Wisconsin and Dr. K. gives his analysis while Darren chimes in as usual. There is gratuitous singing for tenuous benefit and the alarmingly steep climb we have to grab any possibility of victory in New York. But the gap is closing and we can get there if we keep working! Feel the Bern and... onward! Information on the podcast is supported by the Facebook page: Find out about phone banking for Bernie at Find us on Twitter @wwbsdpodcast. Music by Robin Bienemann
#42 -- Bernie Maddens Maddow + Interview With Reddit's Grassroots Select
04/04/2016 Duration: 40minRecorded April 1, 2016. Bernie reeeally ticked off Rachel Maddow by saying to her face what thinking people have known all along: anything Donald Trump says does not a newsworthy story make! Dr. K. has a cogent analysis of the Maddow/Sanders/Clinton imbroglio over Trump's idiotic abortion remarks. Hillary is confronted with her connection to fracking and sees red. AND AN INTERVIEW with Amanda Moore of Reddit's Grassroots Select! All this and the usual nonsense and random singing for no particular reason. Listen, learn and Feel The Bern! Information on the podcast is supported by the Facebook page: Find out about phone banking for Bernie at Find us on Twitter @wwbsdpodcast. Music by Robin Bienemann
#41a -- WWBSD Podcast Extra -- THREE YUGE WINS!!! -- MSM: [crickets]
28/03/2016 Duration: 19minRecorded March 27, 2016 What if you threw three landslide victories -- and the mainstream media didn't show up? Do the victories still count? Yes. Yes, they do. Information on the podcast is supported by the Facebook page: Find out about phone banking for Bernie at Find us on Twitter @wwbsdpodcast. Music by Robin Bienemann
#41 -- By The Time They Vote In Phoenix, We'll Be Sleeping -- Democracy INACTION
28/03/2016 Duration: 35minRecorded March 24, 2016. What happens when the Supreme Court trashes the Voting Rights Act and a Republican state can change the number of polling places from 200 to 60? You damage your democracy -- the shameful debacle in Arizona is discussed. The League of Conservation Votes is an establishment organization that gave its endorsement to -- who else? -- the establishment candidate. Because nuclear power and fracking are apparently okay with them? AIPAC -- Bernie had a scheduling conflict and couldn't attend... this deeply conservative Netanyahu pep rally. And an organizing minute! Lots of states to go and ground to gain! Information on the podcast is supported by the Facebook page: Find out about phone banking for Bernie at Find us on Twitter @wwbsdpodcast. Music by Robin Bienemann
#40 -- Bernie's Resetting the Moral Compass to Save the U.S. and the Planet
21/03/2016 Duration: 37minRecorded 3/19/16. Bernie appears to be the first presidential candidate in history to suggest that we need to reset the moral compass of our country by honoring the treaties with the Native American people. Judging from the media's response, the founding of our country on deception and genocide is something that America still wishes to hide "under the carpet". Bernie tells America why we do so at our own peril. Hillary Clinton stands in front of wrongly accused Death Row inmate Ricky Jackson at a Town Hall and instead of showing compassion lawyerspeaks her way to find any reason for the government to continue its killing. After all, our leaders have to set an example by finding SOME reason to continue their killing so that we can continue ours. President Obama stays "neutral" in the Democratic Primary bu wholeheartedly endorsing Hillary Clinton, calling for the party to unify behind her, and then having Josh Earnest deny it. This and his playing politics with mass killings in America shows how low the Democr
#39b -- WWBSD Podcast Extra -- PHONE BANKING FOR BERNIE -- A How-To, With Odd Noises
16/03/2016 Duration: 02minRecorded on March 16th, 2016. Phonebanking is YUUUGELY helpful to the effort to get Senator Bernie Sanders a nomination! Dr. K. goes into detail on his experience and how even a non-technical guy like him can share the Bern with people across the land! Warning: there may be odd Jerry Lewis-like noises during this podcast extra. Information on the podcast is supported by the Facebook page: Find out about phone banking for Bernie at Find us on Twitter @wwbsdpodcast. Music by Robin Bienemann
#39a -- IT'S NOT OVER -- What Would Bernie Sanders Do NOW?
16/03/2016 Duration: 18minRecorded March 16th, 2016. Oh for crying out LOUD is it not over!! In this post Super Tuesday II podcast Darren tells of being at first depressed and then thoroughly fired up for the fight ahead! Dr. K. adds that it's important to remember that it's not just about the horserace or winning this election, it's about pushing forward the progressive causes that got Bernie Sanders in this fight in the first place. Feel the Bern and live and learn with TONS of delegates ahead and a long road that FAVORS SANDERS going forward! Information on the podcast is supported by the Facebook page: Find out about phone banking for Bernie at Find us on Twitter @wwbsdpodcast. Music by Robin Bienemann
#39 -- American Deceptionalism -- Dividing Democrats to Protect the Donors
14/03/2016 Duration: 35minRecorded on March 13th, 2016. We start this week with a quick organizing message -- now's the time to REALLY ramp up work to bring the best results in key states such as Illinois and Ohio! Then we get to the meat of the matter with these topics... HRC deserves HRC -- why rank and file members of the Human Rights Coalition are especially dismayed this week that their (Clinton-linked) leaders chose the woman who called Nancy Reagan a "very effective, low-key' AIDS advocate." Donald's deception in Chicago. And Bernie's Truth: Hillary's Deception -- Dividing Democrats to Protect the Donors. Information on the podcast is supported by the Facebook page: Find out about phone banking for Bernie at Find us on Twitter @wwbsdpodcast. Music by Robin Bienemann
#38a -- WWBSD Podcast Extra -- A POST-MICHIGAN Podcast Extra!
09/03/2016 Duration: 23minRecorded and uploaded on March 9, 2016. Darren and Dr. K. were SO excited about Bernie Sanders' upset victory in the Michigan primary that they just HAD to kick out a podcast! PEOPLE! This may well be the place that history will say turned the tide and led to victory for Bernie Sanders! We get all giddy and nutty over this good news! ALSO: Dr. K. gives a more detailed description of how easy it is to do phonebanking, which he says may be one of the most important reasons for Senator Sanders success last night. Feel the Bern along with us on this great day!
#38 -- Loving Us Some Tulsi + Play the New Game: Defend That Democrat!
07/03/2016 Duration: 32minRecorded on March 3, 2016. Dr. K. talks about being invigorated and motivated out of his Super Tuesday blues by new Bernie Sanders fans. It's an endangered species: the Truth-Telling Samoan Gabbard! Oh, Tulsi... The podcast is swooning over a brave , amazing progressive, Representative Tulsi Gabbard. Darren makes the hopeful prediction that SHE will be our first female president. And Dr. K. and Darren play the new hit political game Defend That Democrat! Information on the podcast is supported by the Facebook page: Find out about phone banking for Bernie at Find us on Twitter @wwbsdpodcast. Music by Robin Bienemann
#37 -- "But Hillary's so TOUGH!" + Actually, Harry Reid, She's TERRIBLE for the Middle Class!
29/02/2016 Duration: 42minDrives us CRAZY... Just because Hillary stands up to the Benghazi witch hunt and scrutiny over her email troubles (nope! no judgment issues there!) she's SO TOUGH. Really? Dr. K. gives details about how standing up to your congressional colleagues on little things like the war in Iraq and NAFTA and the TPP and a range of other issues for years actually lets you win the TOUGHNESS battle! Harry Reid states that Hillary Clinton will be better for the middle class -- hear Darren and Dr. K. laugh out loud at that bone-headed assertion. Plus more post-South Carolina analysis and how TOUGH it is for Bernie Sanders to take on the Democratic and media establishment -- and why this is NOT the time to give up the fight for Senator Sanders -- and for America! Information on the podcast is supported by the Facebook page: Find out about phone banking for Bernie at Find us on Twitter @wwbsdpodcast. Music by Robin Bienemann
#36 -- POST NEVADA and Beyond + Fox Tactics from Liberal Media? + The Unaffordable Care Act
22/02/2016 Duration: 33minum, people? NEVADA IS ONLY THE THIRD STATE! Here at the What Would Bernie Sanders Do Podcast, we are still motivated to move forward for Bernie -- and you should be too! We will lose more states and we're going to win some -- but the road ahead is loooong. Dr. K. gives his post-caucus analysis. Bernie has a lot to fight against, including the fact that 'liberal' media is heavily slanted for Hillary. Rachel Maddow, it appears, is a tireless partisan against Republicans -- and FOR HILLARY. The insane stacking of audiences for Hillary by Debra Wasserman Schultz and the DNC continues. ALSO IN THIS PODCAST: our own Dr. Barry Kaufman makes a clear, well-reasoned, step-by-step appeal for our nation's desperate need for single-payer healthcare! That TRULY affordable healthcare that can only arrive by electing Bernie Sanders. Information on the podcast is supported by the Facebook page: Find out about phone banking for Bernie at Find us
#35 -- Post-Debate Analysis + Hillary's Looking For A Message + The Congressional Black Caucus Pac Attacks
15/02/2016 Duration: 33minDr. K. and Darren discuss the recent debate in Milwaukee -- yes, Debra Wasserman Schultz is still stacking the audience for her bestie Hillary. And.. when you run for president, you think you'd start with a message and then run on that -- unless you have to shift positions again and again depending on your big dollar donors and what you're told by your supporters (who are in the pocket of big dollar donors). Bernie Sanders has it much easier: as a true progressive, his message is guided by what America needs -- not how much it can spend. Also in this podcast: the shocking money fueling the Congressional Black Caucus Pac -- follow the money, especially when those big donors are in business AGAINST the interests of people of color. Shame, shame... Information on the podcast is supported by the Facebook page: Find out about phone banking for Bernie at Find us on Twitter @wwbsdpodcast. Music by Robin Bienemann
#34a -- A POST-PRIMARY Podcast Extra -- NEW HAMPSHIRE!
11/02/2016 Duration: 24minA big win for Bernie! Celebrate with Darren and Dr. K., learn what it means for Bernie and Hillary and what happens from here. Feel The Bern and... on to Nevada! Information on the podcast is supported by the Facebook page: Find out about phone banking for Bernie at Find us on Twitter @wwbsdpodcast. Music by Robin Bienemann
#34 -- Can You Be a PROGRESSIVE and be as INTELLECTUALLY DISHONEST as Hillary?
08/02/2016 Duration: 33minIf you're not a progressive but you say you are, you may not be lying -- but you are being INTELLECTUALLY DISHONEST. Today, Dr. Kaufman lays out the facts: there is a definition of what a progressive is. Hillary Clinton has proved that she is NOT A PROGRESSIVE by doing things that progressives just don't do. Is Senator Bernie Sanders the "gatekeeper" of who's progressive? Dr. K. makes the case that well, you know... he ACTUALLY IS! Also today: people have asked for a QUICK list of some of Hillary Clinton's negatives -- and they get one! Information on the podcast is supported by the Facebook page: Find out about phone banking for Bernie at Find us on Twitter @wwbsdpodcast. Music by Robin Bienemann
#33b -- WWBSD Podcast Extra -- A POST-IOWA Podcast Extra
03/02/2016 Duration: 23minListen as Darren and Dr. K. spend several minutes weeping and gnashing their teeth at the devastating blow inflicted by Clinton campaign. They beseech the skies: "Why? Why?" Two broken men, they search in vain for glimmer of light in the inky darkness.
#33a -- WWBSD Podcast Extra -- Interviews with Motivated Sanders Supporters
02/02/2016 Duration: 07minDr. K. and Darren grab a quick interview with some women who were at the rally for Bernie Sanders at Daley Plaza in Chicago on January 23rd. Afterwards as Darren headed north on the Red Line train, he grabbed a great conversation with a few more Sanders fans. Topics included the way social media works its magic, hopes that Hillary's $2,700 per person lunches at least include some good food, and how MATH and the power of exponential growth could help the Bernie fire spread far and wide. Information on the podcast is supported by the Facebook page: Find out about phone banking for Bernie at Find us on Twitter @wwbsdpodcast. Music by Robin Bienemann
#33 -- Obama's Promises of Hope and Change... This Time From A Guy Who'll Fulfill Them
01/02/2016 Duration: 38minDarren and Dr. K. were at the Daley Center rally for Bernie Sanders and were warmed by Feeling The Bern along with a few thousand other supporters! (The brief audio clip from the rally is from the speech by Martese Chism of National Nurses United, which is the largest union & professional association of registered nurses in U.S. history.) This week: Obama came into office on a wave of hope and change, but that was clearly set aside, almost certainly due to the same Wall Street influence that makes Hillary Clinton a weak candidate today. Bernie Sanders is poised to fulfill Obama's promises, even if the mainstream Democratic party's message is a resounding "No We Can't!" The podcast ends with Darren's prediction that Iowa will be big day for Bernie. Fingers crossed and... GO BERNIE!! Information on the podcast is supported by the Facebook page: Find out about phone banking for Bernie at Find us on Twitter @wwbsdpodcast. Musi
#32 -- An Inspiring Song for an Inspiring Message
25/01/2016 Duration: 35minWarning! Darren and Dr. K. mix entirely too much singing in with their usual detailed nuts and bolts about how Bernie Sanders plans to change America for the better. The music comes out of a discussion of the wonderfully hopeful song Bernie Sanders has chosen to inspire his supporters as the campaign moves into New Hampshire and Iowa -- contrasted with Hillary Clinton's new ad, which uses fear as a tactic. Because that worked so well for her in 2008. Also: Liberty and Medicare for all, more on Bernie's plan for revamping the nation's broken healthcare system. The end of corporate welfare -- it's payback time: time for corporations to pay their fare share and pay US back for all the easy money they gained through shockingly low taxes. Get so fired up you'll FEEL THE BERN! Information on the podcast is supported by the Facebook page: Find out about phone banking for Bernie at Find us on Twitter @wwbsdpodcast. Music by Robin Bienem
#31 -- A POST-DEBATE PODCAST -- On to Iowa!
21/01/2016 Duration: 31minDarren and Dr. K. have a conversation after the Democratic debate held on Sunday, January 18th when as few people as possible were watching, as DNC Chair and Hillary BFF Debbie Wasserman Schultz wants no actual information to get in the way of HRC's sure rise to her throne. Interestingly, hours ago DWS and DNC added a "Forum" to the debate schedule. Now that Hillary is slipping in the polls, maybe having as few debates as humanly possible isn't such a good idea after all. It will be moderated by CNN anchor, Chris Cuomo, who's brother, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo said, "I wholeheartedly endorse Hillary Clinton’s campaign for President." We'll be watching... and feeling the burn for Bernie! Information on the podcast is supported by the Facebook page: Find out about phone banking for Bernie at Find us on Twitter @wwbsdpodcast. Music by Robin Bienemann