Voice of Influence: Personal Brand Strategy for Emerging Thought Leaders is a podcast featuring interviews with thought leaders and experts who have a highly developed voice of influence. Creative, message-driven leaders will appreciate the camaraderie, insights and advice that will help them develop their own voice and create compelling communication that fosters deep transformation in others.
Bonus: Making Your Anti-Racism Posts on Social Media Influential
04/06/2020 Duration: 04minIt can be hard to know what to say in a conversation about race, but if you're vulnerable and share how you are learning about the world, other people's perspectives, and your own latent bias, it will help others to be more open to that kind of change, themselves.
143: Deceptive Myths About the Abuse of Power (Part 1)
02/06/2020 Duration: 33minMy Voice of Influence colleague, Rosanne Moore, is back on the show to break down destructive myths surrounding coercive control and abuse of power. We’ve broken fourteen myths into two groups that will be split between this episode and the next. In this episode, Rosanne shares what the dynamics of an abuse of power and coercive control, the importance of understanding the myths around abuse of power and coercive control, the truth behind the seven myths below. Learn about how our Team Performance System and Personal Brand Strategy can Help You Serve Well and Sell More at Read the transcript here: Give and receive feedback that makes a difference! Register for our 20 minute Deep Impact Method video course here:
142: Mentoring Leaders at Church and in Business with Natasha Sistrunk Robinson
26/05/2020 Duration: 31minNatasha Sistrunk Robinson is the President of T3 Leadership Solutions, Inc., where she provides customized executive leadership coaching, consulting, and mentoring services. Natasha is an author and sought-after international speaker with more than 20 years of leadership experience in the military, federal government, academic, and nonprofit sectors. She is the Visionary Founder of the nonprofit, Leadership LINKS, Inc. and the Host of A Sojouner’s Truth podcast. In this episode, Natasha and I discuss her expertise in mentorship in context of church, gender, and racial and ethnic diversity. Learn about how our Team Performance System and Personal Brand Strategy can Help You Serve Well and Sell More at Read the transcript here: Give and receive feedback that makes a difference! Register for our 20 minute Deep Impact Method video course here:
141: Characteristics of a Business that Endures with Bill Flynn
19/05/2020 Duration: 27minBill Flynn is the author of Further, Faster: The Vital Few Steps that take the Guesswork out of Growth and we had a really interesting conversation about building a business and what the characteristics are of somebody who builds a business that endures. Obviously, there’s a lot going on that we need to endure through right now. Even if you don’t have a business yourself and you’re listening as a leader who wants to have influence, there’s a lot in this episode for you. In this conversation, Bill and I discussed his book, how to go from being sucked into those moments where you’re constantly putting out fires to being able to relax and plan for the future, how leading as a human being creates trust, how your response as a leader right now can impact your future success, and more! Learn about how our Team Performance System and Personal Brand Strategy can Help You Serve Well and Sell More at Read the transcript here: Give and receive feedba
140: Choosing Resilience Over Worry as a Business Owner
12/05/2020 Duration: 39minToday, I’m genuinely excited to introduce to Aaron Wenburg and, no, it’s not a coincidence that we have the same last name. Aaron is, in fact, my awesome husband. He also happens to be a Physical Therapist, the Co-Owner of Sandhills Physical Therapy and Sports Rehab clinics, and a loving father. In this episode, we talk about why Aaron became a Physical Therapist, how what he does is a good mix of business and caring for people, some of the struggles he experienced along the way, how he overcame those struggles, how he knows when it’s time to have a difficult conversation with his team, the precautions his clinics are taking as they keep their doors open during the current health crisis, and more! Aaron’s story is one of resilience and an example of what it means to show grit and keep moving forward when things are difficult. I know I may be a little biased with this one, but I really think you’re going to find this an inspiring episode. Learn about how our Team Performance System and Personal Brand Strategy
139: Live Coaching: Building a Transformational Keynote with Lia Valencia Key
05/05/2020 Duration: 35minLia Valencia Key was raised in an impoverished Philadelphia neighborhood, and even lived in a homeless shelter with her mom, sister, and her brother in one room that she says is about the size of a broom closet. When Lia was on the podcast two and a half years ago, she was just starting to share her story and just starting to really get back out there. And in the last two and a half years, she has done some amazing things. Her amazing jewelry has been worn on-air by Robin Roberts of Good Morning America, she’s been interviewed by Mel Robbins and her jewelry has been featured on QVC. Lia would like to develop a keynote that she could give, and she and I have been in conversation about this. So, what’s you’re going to hear today is a little bit of strategic planning as we look at how we can bring the audience to a point where they’re really internalizing her message for themselves and where there’s an actual transformation that can take place in the people in the audience. Learn about how our Team Performance
138: How Freshly's Focus on Infrastructure & Empathy Supports Fast Growth with Colin Crowley
28/04/2020 Duration: 30minColin Crowley is the VP of Customer Experience at Freshly, where he directs a two-hundred-person department across five locations in the United States and beyond. He specializes in building customer service departments from the ground up with a focus on scalability, infrastructure agility, technological innovation, and gold-standard quality and efficiency. In this conversation, Colin shares the five key pillars of customer support that Freshly adopted, their cross-functional communication and how they involve customer service agents into their strategic process, how a voice of influence needs to have a good sense of the on the ground reality as well the strategic big picture, and more. Learn about how our Team Performance System and Personal Brand Strategy can Help You Serve Well and Sell More at Read the transcript here: Give and receive feedback that makes a difference! Register for our 20 minute Deep Impact Method video course here: www
137: Persuasion, Influence, and Negotiation for Leaders with Dr. Nashater Deu Solheim
21/04/2020 Duration: 37minDr. Nashater Deu Solheim is the author of the new book, The Leadership PIN Code. As a former forensic psychologist with clinical research in the neuropsychology of criminal minds, she developed a deep interest in effective learning strategies for lasting success. Now, as an expert negotiator who studied at the Program On Negotiations at Harvard Law School, Dr. Solheim has combined her experience as an executive leader in international private companies and government ministries to present The Leadership PIN Code – the definitive guide for helping business leaders secure influence and impactful results. In this conversation, you’ll hear more about Dr. Solheim’s interesting experience as a clinical psychologist working with incarcerated offenders and then later with people who were exhibiting PTSD symptoms in warzones, the outline and explanation of her framework for The Leadership PIN Code, what it’s like to lead through this difficult time, and how you can use and understand the typical response to sudden cha
136: How to Build the Tenacity to Lead as an Innovative Organization with Debbie Dekleva
14/04/2020 Duration: 26minDebbie Dekleva is a recent recipient of the Innovator of the Year award from the Nebraska Business Development Council and the Wild Idea Cultivator at Monarch Flyway; a company that makes products out of milkweed. She also founded Sustainable Monarch in which she heads up Monarch Flyway’s habitat conservation and non-profit efforts. In this episode, Debbie and I discuss how Monarch Flyway got started using milkweed of all things, how I’ve used milkweed balm to help sooth my own children’s pain over the years, how feedback from a cancer patient helped them create their milkweed balm, why they started Sustainable Monarch, how being part of my Voice of Influence Academy “turned on some light bulbs” for her and helped her develop her own voice of influences, how she has handled the many setbacks in her business over the years, and more. Learn about how our Team Performance System and Personal Brand Strategy can Help You Serve Well and Sell More at Read the transcript here: https://
135: How I Got Started with a Brand Online
07/04/2020 Duration: 45minIn the past couple of months, probably because of some articles that have come out and some of the opportunities that I’ve had to speak to this, I’ve gotten more questions again about, “How did you get started? What do I need to know if I would like to start a brand online, if I would like to write a book, and if I would like to get going in this thought leadership kind of space?” So, today, as we’re near the three-year anniversary of Voice of Influence, Rosanne and I thought it would be fun to sit down and have a chat about the journey I’ve been on. Because going back and looking at that more clearly and with more detail could be helpful to somebody who is really interested in knowing how they can go on this journey for themselves. In this episode, we discuss the timeline of my personal journey, the mindset it took to get over the hump so that I could get started, the mindset it has taken to continue plodding down this path, the immense value of bringing other expert perspectives in on your process, what yo
134: 3 Team Needs In a Time of Traumatic Crisis
31/03/2020 Duration: 41minEverything happening right now has just thrown our world into the state of wondering what in the world is going on. What’s going to happen with the stock market? What’s going to happen with our businesses or our organization? Are we going to be able to maintain where we are? What’s going to happen with the health of the people around us? There’s so much that is uncertain. And we know that you want to take care of your team. But at the same time, they still need to be productive in order to keep your organization moving forward so you don’t end up stalling out in this time of uncertainty. That’s why, in this episode, we’re talking about three things that your team really needs in a time of crisis. Learn about how our Team Performance System and Personal Brand Strategy can Help You Serve Well and Sell More at Read the transcript here: Give and receive feedback that makes a difference! Register for our 20 minute Deep Impact Method video
133: How to Assemble and Engage a Global Team with Dmitriy Peregudov
24/03/2020 Duration: 28minYou know, pulling together a team and helping them all feel like they really are a part of your organization is a difficult job as it is. But it’s even more difficult when you’re trying to do it on a global scale. Dmitriy Peregudov is doing that with He has a team where they are servicing over 200 countries worldwide with the goal to build international personal and corporate relationships through gifting. In today’s conversation, he’s going to share with us how he’s handled the challenge of assembling a global team. He’s also going to share their core values, what really delivers to customers, how they use offsite meetings to develop relational connections, and the two things that you really need to focus on as a business leader to have success. Learn about how our Team Performance System and Personal Brand Strategy can Help You Serve Well and Sell More at Read the transcript here: Give an
132: How To Get Unstuck On a Project
17/03/2020 Duration: 28minWhat do you do when you’re stuck on a project? My Communications Specialist, Rosanne Moore, is on the show to help me explain the steps that are needed to make a project a reality; especially when you’re feeling stuck. In this episode, we discuss the common reason when get stuck on projects, the importance of understanding why your voice matter before trying to break through the barrier of being stuck when trying to share your voice, an example of how I recently felt stuck while creating a free gift for you and the method I used to help me break through that feeling of being stuck, and more! Learn about how our Team Performance System and Personal Brand Strategy can Help You Serve Well and Sell More at Read the transcript here: Give and receive feedback that makes a difference! Register for our 20 minute Deep Impact Method video course here:
BONUS: 17 Strategic Things A Business Can Do During a Slow-Down or Shut-Down
12/03/2020 Duration: 13minNot everyone can do their work from home. Service-based, performance-based, hands-on businesses that need to close for a while do not have to lose this time. They can use it to make strategic improvements to propel them forward when they come back.
131: Getting Published as a Subject Matter Expert with Chad R. Allen
10/03/2020 Duration: 30minAre you one of those people that really believes you have a book in you? Or maybe you've written a book already. Perhaps you self-published and now you're thinking to yourself, “You know, I really think that I need to get published next time by a traditional publisher. I'd like a book deal.” Well, today's episode with Chad R. Allen is right up your alley. Chad is a writing coach and the founder of Book Proposal Academy and Book Camp who’s been on the podcast before. And today, we are going to talk about a lot of things that you can really relate to if you're a subject matter expert. In this episode, Chad shares the three ingredients of publishing success, the importance of building a platform before you submit any proposals, how many people he recommends having on your email list by the time you send out proposals, his thoughts on ghostwriters and whether or not they work for subject matter experts, at point in the process you should start looking for an agent, the basic components of a book proposal, the val
130: Creating a Magical Experience with Jace & Holly Barraclough
03/03/2020 Duration: 32minJace & Holly Barracough are locals reporters in my town who recently did a story on me and also featured me on their Disney podcast, Navigating the Magic. If you know anything about me and my book, you know that I’m a particular fan of Frozen and Frozen II, but I also really appreciate the company of Disney, how they approach customer experience, and how they provide such an inspiration for innovation. Holly was a cast member for Disney for a few years and she also worked at Disney Radio. So, there are several things she brings to the table when it comes to understanding how Disney was able to teach her how to be her best for the customers (aka, their “guests”). Holly also shares her take on how she went from not caring that much about Disney to loving her time working for them. We also talk about innovation and get Holly and Jace’s take on what it means to be a voice of influence. Learn about how our Team Performance System and Personal Brand Strategy can Help You Serve Well and Sell More at www.voice
129: How to Prioritize and Take Back Your Calendar with Paul Casey
25/02/2020 Duration: 28minPaul Casey is an expert in time management and leadership and a professional speaker who has spoken for companies like McDonald’s and Subway. Through his company, Growing Forward Services, he partners with corporations and individual clients to transform their vision, habits, and lives. In this episode, we talk about the immediate and long-term things you can do to determine what your priorities need to be, how to tell when it’s time to reevaluate those priorities, what you can do to take back your calendar, the four personality types he uses with his clients, how each type approaches important and urgent things on their to-do list differently, and his main advice for getting people to buy into your vision, which is a big piece of what we talked here at Voice of Influence. Learn about how our Team Performance System and Personal Brand Strategy can Help You Serve Well and Sell More at Read the transcript here: Give and receive feedback that
128: Handle the Haters: Diving Into My Success Magazine Article
18/02/2020 Duration: 31minHow do you handle the haters? I mean, haters gonna hate, right? So, we’ve just sort of got to shake it off. And, while I love that idea of being able to just shake it off, it can be a lot more complicated than that. I was recently asked by Success Magazine, “How do you handle the haters?” My response is in the March/April 2020 edition of Success Magazine. In this episode, Rosanne is going to interview me about that article, and we’re going to give a summary of the article and take a real deep dive on the three points that I made. We also use the topic of politics to explore how we could potentially get to a place where we are truly having a respectful dialogue that solves problems. Learn about how our Team Performance System and Personal Brand Strategy can Help You Serve Well and Sell More at Read the transcript here: Give and receive feedback that makes a difference! Register for our 20 minute Deep Impact Method video course here: www
127: What to Do When You Feel Ambushed with Retired Navy SEAL Jason Redman
11/02/2020 Duration: 34minHave you ever felt ambushed or something unexpected comes along and throws you off course so that the rug being pulled out from underneath of your feet? Today, we have the honor of hearing from Jason Redman. He’s a retired Navy SEAL, a wounded warrior, veteran advocates, New York Times bestselling author, and acclaimed leadership and resilience speaker. In this episode, we’re talking about what it’s like when we feel ambushed, how to overcome those moments of real crisis in our lives, how to see an ambush coming, the practice that separates elite performers in the way they handle these ambushes and help them overcome, a fact of life that we absolutely have to accept in order to be an overcomer, why it is so important to put yourself in uncomfortable situations, and how a voice of influence can be there for others who are in crisis. Learn about how our Team Performance System and Personal Brand Strategy can Help You Serve Well and Sell More at Read the transcript here: https://w
126: How Leading with Humility Impacts the Adoption of Change with Travis McNeal of Walmart
04/02/2020 Duration: 30minInfluence by nature is about affecting change and, if you’re interested in listening to this podcast episode, my guess is that you care about how to make change come to fruition. Luckily, this week’s guest is the perfect person to help you better understand how to do just that. Travis McNeal is the Director of Change Management and Communications for Walmart’s supply chain. Travis and I both spoke at a conference, and when I saw his presentation about this case study of change management, I said: “I need to get him on the podcast.” In this episode, we talk about a specific example of a digital change Walmart needed to make for truck drivers and why it is so quickly adopted, the importance of training and preparing managers for change, how to communicate that to them and finally, how humility really plays a large part in the ultimate success of adoption of a change, and more! Learn about how our Team Performance System and Personal Brand Strategy can Help You Serve Well and Sell More at www.voiceofinfluence