Voice of Influence: Personal Brand Strategy for Emerging Thought Leaders is a podcast featuring interviews with thought leaders and experts who have a highly developed voice of influence. Creative, message-driven leaders will appreciate the camaraderie, insights and advice that will help them develop their own voice and create compelling communication that fosters deep transformation in others.
182: Cultivating an Innovation Mindset with Vital Germaine
02/03/2021 Duration: 53minWhat are the core values for an effective leader to keep in mind, especially when facing massive changes that impact business? Vital Germaine joins us to discuss what it means to have an Innovative Mindset that unlocks the best in your team. Learn about how our Team Performance System and Personal Brand Strategy can Help You Serve Well and Sell More at Read the transcript here: Give and receive feedback that makes a difference! Register for our 20 minute Deep Impact Method video course here:
181: Healing for Yourself and Your Organization After a Narcissist Leaves
23/02/2021 Duration: 30minWhat does it take for an individual or organization to recover from a narcissist’s impact? Andrea gives some final thoughts about why it’s vital to engage in honest reflection instead of a rush to “recover normalcy,” as we wrap up our series on Dr. Chuck DeGroat’s book WHEN NARCISSISM COMES TO CHURCH. Learn about how our Team Performance System and Personal Brand Strategy can Help You Serve Well and Sell More at Read the transcript here: Give and receive feedback that makes a difference! Register for our 20 minute Deep Impact Method video course here:
180: Recovering from Narcissism's Bite with Dr. Chuck DeGroat
16/02/2021 Duration: 49minWhat are the signs of a toxic leader and an unhealthy organization? What does it take to recover from the impact of a narcissistic leader? Dr. Chuck DeGroat sat down for an interview with Andrea last summer to discuss his book When Narcissism Comes to Church, and we’re re-airing this insightful conversation. Learn about how our Team Performance System and Personal Brand Strategy can Help You Serve Well and Sell More at Read the transcript here: Give and receive feedback that makes a difference! Register for our 20 minute Deep Impact Method video course here:
179: The Lure of the Narcissist
09/02/2021 Duration: 33minHow is it that narcissistic leaders seem to be so good at gaining a following? And why is it important to look at the systems that support such leaders instead of just assuming that the unhealthy leader is the sole source of the problem? We are re-visiting the important topic of dangerous leadership dynamics and how they impact organizations as we take another look at Dr. Chuck DeGroat’s interview from last summer in which he and Andrea discussed his book When Narcissism Comes to Church. Learn about how our Team Performance System and Personal Brand Strategy can Help You Serve Well and Sell More at Read the transcript here: Give and receive feedback that makes a difference! Register for our 20 minute Deep Impact Method video course here:
178: Influencing Change by Using Your Voice in Your Way
02/02/2021 Duration: 25minAre you living in alignment with your voice, your calling, your mission? How can comparison with others be beneficial as long as it doesn’t lead to judgment? Andrea discusses some vital factors that can help us to live in alignment with our unique contribution to the world and to make a deep and lasting impact on the issues that we care about. Learn about how our Team Performance System and Personal Brand Strategy can Help You Serve Well and Sell More at Read the transcript here: Give and receive feedback that makes a difference! Register for our 20 minute Deep Impact Method video course here:
177: Find Your Cause, Your Calling, and Your Courage, with JeNae Johnson
26/01/2021 Duration: 32minAs the founder and CEO of CTM Unlimited and Director of Fascinate in 3D, JeNae Johnson shares her journey of innovatively aligning her skills, experience, and passion to create strategic action in addressing problems involving workplace equity. Join us to gain greater clarity about how your gifts can be leveraged for the changes you long to see take place. Learn about how our Team Performance System and Personal Brand Strategy can Help You Serve Well and Sell More at Read the transcript here: Give and receive feedback that makes a difference! Register for our 20 minute Deep Impact Method video course here:
176: Actions You Can Take When You Don't Feel Aligned at Work
19/01/2021 Duration: 17minHow do we harness our passion on behalf of our purpose instead of being overwhelmed by it in a way that undermines our mission? As we begin a new podcast series, Andrea looks at the importance of having a vision for oneself, making careful preparation, and determining to initiate action in order to live in alignment with our calling. Learn about how our Team Performance System and Personal Brand Strategy can Help You Serve Well and Sell More at Read the transcript here: Give and receive feedback that makes a difference! Register for our 20 minute Deep Impact Method video course here:
175: Advocating for Yourself While Championing Others
12/01/2021 Duration: 15minHow can individuals who approach a challenge from different perspectives leverage their differing strengths to work toward a goal collaboratively? Andrea takes another look at the importance of balancing diverse perspectives and respecting the gifts and contributions of others, while engaging conflict with self-awareness so that we can remain aligned in our team objectives. Learn about how our Team Performance System and Personal Brand Strategy can Help You Serve Well and Sell More at Read the transcript here: Give and receive feedback that makes a difference! Register for our 20 minute Deep Impact Method video course here:
174: Using Kolbe to Function Well as a Team with Jen Heins
05/01/2021 Duration: 38minKolbe Certified Consultant and Youth Specialist Jen Heins shares with us how understanding the specific ways we and those with whom we work take action when faced with a project can make us more successful at meeting our team goals. Whether it’s owning the best way for you to approach a problem or gaining a better understanding of why someone else needs to handle things differently, your team will have less friction when there’s an appreciation for, instead of a frustration with, diverse perspectives. Learn about how our Team Performance System and Personal Brand Strategy can Help You Serve Well and Sell More at Read the transcript here: Give and receive feedback that makes a difference! Register for our 20 minute Deep Impact Method video course here:
173: Finding Gratitude for 2020
29/12/2020 Duration: 14minAs we close the door on 2020 and cross the threshold of 2021, I address the gifts that we can gain from seasonal transitions and look at what we can gain from letting go. What can you look back on with gratitude? What did you learn? Are there successes you can celebrate? How have you emerged from this year stronger for what you’ve experienced? What things can be released to make space for new opportunities? Join me as we wrap up this year and kick off a new series! Learn about how our Team Performance System and Personal Brand Strategy can Help You Serve Well and Sell More at Read the transcript here: Give and receive feedback that makes a difference! Register for our 20 minute Deep Impact Method video course here:
Why the Grinch Stole Christmas with Grant Wenburg
23/12/2020 Duration: 04minHave you ever wondered why the Grinch stole Christmas? Our son’s 5th grade teacher, Mrs. Brennan, posed this question to kids in the class and asked them to write a persuasive essay about why they believe the Grinch is either evil or misunderstood. On the Voice of Influence podcast one of the key questions we explore is why are people the way they are? How can we motivate others who may be closed off to us? Though Grant’s essay doesn’t go on to suggest how to approach the Grinch, it does give one food for thought. Perhaps there is a physiological or psychological reason for the Grinches among us. Here is Grant Wenburg with his essay, “A Small Heart.”
172: How to Change What You Don't Like at Work
22/12/2020 Duration: 17minWhat’s your role in making your work an opportunity to do what you love? Are there ways that you might be blocking your own goals at work? As we wrap up this series sparked by our interview with Carson Tate, I address the difference you can make at work when you create a vision for yourself, build trust, initiate productive dialogue, and find win-win solutions for yourself and your company. Learn about how our Team Performance System and Personal Brand Strategy can Help You Serve Well and Sell More at Read the transcript here: Give and receive feedback that makes a difference! Register for our 20 minute Deep Impact Method video course here:
171: How to Turn Your Job Into Your Dream Job with Carson Tate
15/12/2020 Duration: 38minDo you have the power to make your job into your dream job? That’s what our guest Carson Tate, founder and managing partner of Working Simply, Inc., joins us to discuss. Carson shares how to understand your organization’s needs, how to build a business case for the changes you want to see made, and how to create win-win scenarios for you and your employer.Carson is the author of the bestseller Work Simply: Embracing the Power of Your Personal Productivity Style and the newly released book Own It. Love It. Make It Work. She is also the creator of the Productivity Style Assessment®, a productivity assessment featured in Harvard Business Review’s 2017 Guide to Being More Productive. Learn about how our Team Performance System and Personal Brand Strategy can Help You Serve Well and Sell More at Read the transcript here: Give and receive feedback that makes a difference! Register for our 20 minute Deep Impact Method video course here: www.vo
170: Taking Personal Responsibility for What You Want
07/12/2020 Duration: 10minWe know that people want to be happy and fulfilled at work and that healthy organizations want to provide an environment that allows people to feel happy and fulfilled. The organization’s culture, the leadership style, and the individual employee all play a role in whether or not that desire becomes a reality. What aspects of our work environment do we determine directly and which ones can we influence? In this episode, we address some of the crucial dynamics that impact employee engagement. Learn about how our Team Performance System and Personal Brand Strategy can Help You Serve Well and Sell More at Read the transcript here: Give and receive feedback that makes a difference! Register for our 20 minute Deep Impact Method video course here:
169: Love Your Audience, Clients, and Prospects More Than You Fear Them
01/12/2020 Duration: 22minWhat fears can get in the way of your business success, and what role does love play in overcoming them? Building on last week’s conversation with Finka Jerkovic, Andrea discusses three core fears that are common obstacles when you’re selling your idea, getting others onboard, or marketing a product or service, and how each fear can be overcome by love. Learn about how our Team Performance System and Personal Brand Strategy can Help You Serve Well and Sell More at Read the transcript here: Give and receive feedback that makes a difference! Register for our 20 minute Deep Impact Method video course here:
168: Selling From Love with Finka Jerkovich
24/11/2020 Duration: 51minWhether it’s a product or an idea, how do we move beyond selling as a transaction and instead make it the catalyst for transformation? Finka Jerkovich joins Andrea today to discuss that, as well as why she believes confidence must be rooted in curiosity, creativity, and resourcefulness rather than being limited to competence. Learn about how our Team Performance System and Personal Brand Strategy can Help You Serve Well and Sell More at Read the transcript here: Give and receive feedback that makes a difference! Register for our 20 minute Deep Impact Method video course here:
167: Own Your Expertise and Your Desire to Share It
17/11/2020 Duration: 18minDo you ever feel frustrated that others don’t seem to grasp the value of what your expertise can offer them? Getting buy-in from others sometimes requires some self-reflection on your part first.In this episode, Andrea discusses her own process of recognizing the things that kept her from owning her voice so that not only could she connect her gifts with the needs in the world but she could also help others use their gifts effectively. Take some time today to clarify your purpose so that you can more effectively offer your expertise to others! Learn about how our Team Performance System and Personal Brand Strategy can Help You Serve Well and Sell More at Read the transcript here: Give and receive feedback that makes a difference! Register for our 20 minute Deep Impact Method video course here:
166: Being Real without Ruining Your Relationships
10/11/2020 Duration: 23minLast week, we talked with Shasta Nelson who wrote a book about how you have friendships at work and why are they that important. This week, we’re picking right up with a specific question I asked Shasta during our conversation that I feel deserves a deeper look. In this solo episode, I share how the experience of choosing a table in a school cafeteria is like being around people who have differing opinions, the various options for how to handle being around people who have opinions you don’t agree with, the costs and benefits of each of those options, why we need to turn to grief before we turn to anger when processing our differences with those we care about, and more. Learn about how our Team Performance System and Personal Brand Strategy can Help You Serve Well and Sell More at Read the transcript here: Give and receive feedback that makes a difference! Register for our 20 minute Deep Impact Method video course here: www.voiceofinfluenc
165: Don't Be Afraid of Building Friendships at Work with Shasta Nelson
03/11/2020 Duration: 52minShasta Nelson is a friendship expert and a leading voice on loneliness and creating healthy relationships. Whether she’s speaking at conferences or on TEDx stages or giving media interviews to outlets such as the New York Times and The Washington Post, she is constantly teaching all of us how to create healthier and more fulfilling relationships in our lives. Shasta’s latest book, The Business of Friendship: Making the Most of Relationships Where We Spend Most of Our Time, teaches us why we need to foster better relationships in our jobs and that’s what we’re diving into today. Learn about how our Team Performance System and Personal Brand Strategy can Help You Serve Well and Sell More at Read the transcript here: Give and receive feedback that makes a difference! Register for our 20 minute Deep Impact Method video course here: In this episode, Shasta shares how our relationships impact our physical and
164: Building Relationships While Maintaining Productivity at Work
27/10/2020 Duration: 19minOur next series on the podcast is about friendship at work and Rosanne and I thought a perfect way to kick things off would be to talk about our friendship and how it aligns with our working relationship. In this episode, Rosanne and I share the concerns she had when I first approached her a few years ago about working together, the lessons I had to learn in the beginning when it came to accepting Rosanne’s ideas and input without taking it personally, why ego needs to be removed from the equation, the importance of understanding the pushback from the other person often means they feel their voice isn’t being respected, what fostering friendships at work can look like for both introverts and extroverts, how to know if your team is becoming too isolated if they’re working from home and/or socially distancing themselves from each other, and more. Learn about how our Team Performance System and Personal Brand Strategy can Help You Serve Well and Sell More at Read the transcript here: