Mike, Kelly, and Char watch and review shows that were cancelled before their time. They check out the pilots of these (often very weird) shows that didn't really make it, pretend they could do better, and do their best to hold it all together. Who better to critique TV shows than millennials who were raised by them?
Episode 46 - No Ordinary Family (2011)
03/02/2017 Duration: 01h39minWhat's better than the Incredibles? How about a live action version starring the Thing from the Fantastic 4?
Episode 45 - The Dresden Files (2007)
27/01/2017 Duration: 01h17minMagic in America, long coats, and beasts. No, it's not the new Harry Potter, its The Dresden Files!
Episode 44 - Firefly (2002)
20/01/2017 Duration: 02h21minWe finally get to it, the show that embodies "cancelled before it's time". How will Char, Kelly, and Mike feel about the classic space western? Listen to find out.
Episode 43 - Public Morals (1996)
13/01/2017 Duration: 49minThis week we watch the burning trash fire that is Public Morals from 1996,
Episode 42 - AtoZ (2014)
06/01/2017 Duration: 37minIf you thought the holiday season was over, you were wrong! This week's episode is festive, fun, and has every letter of the alphabet. Disclaimer: This week's audio is a little rough, apologies in advance.
Episode 41 - Who's Still Standing? (2011)
16/12/2016 Duration: 01h05minWe welcome a new season of our show and a new host! And what better than a christmas themed pilot to a game show to welcome our new host.
Episode 40 - Mulaney (2014) Retrospective
09/12/2016 Duration: 35minOur Magnum Opus, a classic episode and our least productive retrospective so far. Edit: Due to Complaints about the audio quality some edits have been made.
Episode 39 - Skin (2003)
02/12/2016 Duration: 01h14minA show where Chris Evans is an bad man, Olivia Wilde doesn't act, and strippers aren't naked. Is it an alternate universe? No, it's just 2003.
Episode 38 - Mulaney (2014)
25/11/2016 Duration: 01h12minThis week Michael and Kelly watch Seinfeld. Oh Wait, sorry it was actually 2014's Mulaney.
Episode 37 - Pushing Daisies (2007)
18/11/2016 Duration: 01h45minThe exciting sequel to Michael thinks Kelly is wrong. Will we get a resolution, probably not.
Episode 36 - James Bond Jr. (1991)
11/11/2016 Duration: 01h19min"The name's Bond, James Bond." a seminal phase never uttered by this version of James Bond, if you can call it that.
Episode 35 - Dead Like Me (2003)
04/11/2016 Duration: 01h23minKelly and I are no longer friends, also we watched Dead Like Me.
Episode 34 - Kingdom Hospital (2004)
28/10/2016 Duration: 01h14minThis week Michael and Kelly discuss the less than successful 2004 TV show Kingdom Hospital. Which is a garbage show, 'nuff said.
Episode 33 - Believe (2014)
21/10/2016 Duration: 01h12minThis week Michael and Kelly discuss the less than successful 2014 TV show Believe. Which is seemingly not about belief but rather about superpowers, so that doesn't make sense.
Episode 32 - Cybersix (1999)
14/10/2016 Duration: 01h24minThis week Michael and Kelly discuss the less than successful 1999 TV show Cybersix. There are cybers, sixes, and maybe Nazis. It's action packed
Episode 31 - Second Chance (2016)
07/10/2016 Duration: 01h20minThis week Michael and Kelly discuss the less than successful 2016 TV show Second Chance. So join us and give it a first chance? I'm not sure if that's a joke.
Episode 30 - The Devil is a Part Timer (2013) Retrospective
30/09/2016 Duration: 02h14minThis week Michael and Kelly return to "The Devil is a Part Timer" for their retrospective this season. For those that don't know, every ten episodes we choose a show to watch every episode of. Enjoy
Episode 29 - Cavemen (2007)
23/09/2016 Duration: 47minThis week Michael and Kelly discuss the less than successful 2007 TV show Cavemen. Based on the Geico cavemen which was a flawed premise for a commercial to start with.
Episode 28 - Heat Vision and Jack (1999)
16/09/2016 Duration: 49minThis week Michael and Kelly discuss the less than successful 1999 TV pilot The Heat Vision and Jack. Which has every actor from Zoolander, except Jack Black unless he's in Zoolander 2.
Episode 27 - The Dog Thrower (2014)
09/09/2016 Duration: 35minThis week Michael and Kelly discuss the less than successful 2015 TV show The Dog Thrower. Where Matthew Perry throws a dog. That's about it.