The best of Chicken Soup for the a podcast!
Lost and Found: Miraculous Connections Bring Parents and Children Together Again
22/02/2021 Duration: 09minHey, it’s Amy Newmark with your Chicken Soup for the Soul and I’ve got two amazing stories to share with you today—two miraculous tales of family members separated for decades finding each other again. One involves sisters separated from their birth family by adoption, and another involves a daughter finding her father purely by happenstance, decades after the last time she saw him. And you won’t believe how it happened. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
FRIEND FRIDAY - Zibby Owens, Book-fluencer, on Interviewing All the Authors You Ever Wanted to Meet, Plus Her New Quarantine Anthology
19/02/2021 Duration: 20minHey, it’s Amy Newmark with a special Friend Friday episode today. You’re going to meet Zibby Owens, who has become one of the most well-known book reviewers in the country over the last couple of years. You may have seen her recommending books on Good Morning America, or you may have listened to or watched her on her award-winning podcast, Moms Don’t Have Time to Read Books. She’s been called New York City’s most powerful “book-fluencer” and she seems to get an interview with every bestselling author these days. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
When “Me Time” Means “Only Me”
17/02/2021 Duration: 11minHey, it’s Amy Newmark with a little Chicken Soup for the Soul inspiration and today I’m introducing our latest book, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Making Me Time. This is a collection of stories about making that all important time for yourself, and personal care, and finding the right equilibrium and work/life balance. Me time is different for everyone. For some people it means an hour a day for exercising, for others it means reading or taking a class or meditating. For some people, it means seeing a friend and for others it means seeing nobody. And that’s what we’re going to talk about today—when “me time” really means being alone time. Alone on purpose. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Horses and Death – Startling Connections in Our New Miracles Book
15/02/2021 Duration: 11minHey, it’s Amy Newmark with your Chicken Soup for the Soul, and today we’re talking about horses—in a spiritual way. It’s interesting that almost every world religion has a special, more spiritual view of horses. There’s just something about them—their steadfast loyalty, their strength, their calm natures, and the way they bond with humans. So I was pleased to publish a couple of stories that involved horses in our new book about miracles and divine intervention, and these stories will give you chills—in a good way. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
When Cats Are Naughty… and Know It
12/02/2021 Duration: 09minHey, it’s Amy Newmark with your Chicken Soup for the Soul and today we’re talking about cats, particularly cats who are naughty and then act guilty about it. You might not think that pets feel guilty but they do. I remember when our son’s dog ate two pairs of my shoes—on successive days—he was whimpering and so upset with himself, but he just couldn’t help himself. But cats? They seem so self-assured. Do they really feel bad after they’re naughty? Well apparently sometimes they do. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
When Love and Support Continue in Our Dreams
10/02/2021 Duration: 08minHey, it’s Amy Newmark with your Chicken Soup for the Soul and today I want to share a couple of stories about how all that love and support and comfort that you got from your loved ones who have passed can continue… in your dreams. Our new book Chicken Soup for the Soul: Listen to Your Dreams is filled with stories that show how that bond and that connection can persist and continue to empower you as you go on with your life after losing someone. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Repairing Relationships Courtesy of a Dream
08/02/2021 Duration: 09minHey, it’s Amy Newmark with your Chicken Soup for the Soul, and today I’m sharing two stories from our new book, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Listen to Your Dreams. This is the third book we’ve done on dreams and their power to help you improve your life. Because here’s what happens. During the day you’re busy and distracted and you can’t focus on your innermost thoughts and knowledge. But at night, while you’re sleeping, your subconscious can get your attention, and say, “hey, here’s what you need to think about or process or decide.” Today we’re going to talk about how you can actually repair a relationship by listening to your dreams. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mysterious Coincidences that Link Generations
05/02/2021 Duration: 08minHey, it’s Amy Newmark with your Chicken Soup for the Soul and I’ve got a fun new book to talk about today, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Miracles & Divine Intervention. This book is filled with stories about miraculous, amazing events and I want to share two of them with you today – two miraculous coincidences that tied together the generations in two families. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
You’re Never Too Old to Get Physical
03/02/2021 Duration: 07minHey, it’s Amy Newmark with your Chicken Soup for the Soul and today we’re going to talk about getting physical. And by that I mean getting fit, doing sports, and getting out there in nature. I’m sharing two stories from our new book about how age is just a number, and these stories that prove that it’s never too late to find your sport and get back in shape. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
When a Dream Improves Your Behavior
01/02/2021 Duration: 08minHey, it’s Amy Newmark with your Chicken Soup for the Soul, and today I’m sharing two stories from this book that I find so fascinating, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Listen to Your Dreams. I really believe that you can use your dreams and premonitions as a kind of GPS for navigating your life and the stories in this book prove it. That inner voice is worth listening to, because it can make a big difference in your relationships, your career, your health, and your overall happiness. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Hot Flashes, Hot Cars
29/01/2021 Duration: 08minHey, it’s Amy Newmark with your Chicken Soup for the Soul inspiration and today we’re talking about hot flashes and hot cars, and how they totally go together. These stories are from our new book about how age is just a number, because you’re only as old as you act, right? Well, that’s how it works if you have the right attitude. And it helps to have a sense of humor, because things do change. There’s gravity, and smaller print, and tighter jars. But there’s also new freedom and a sense of liberation from a lot of things that you don’t have to do anymore. And that’s when you get to do new things, maybe things you’ve been dreaming of for a long time. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
When Amazing Coincidences Prove It’s a Small World
27/01/2021 Duration: 08minHey, it’s Amy Newmark with your Chicken Soup for the Soul, and today I’m sharing two more stories from our latest bestseller Chicken Soup for the Soul: Miracles & Divine Intervention. This is not a religious book—it’s a book for everyone, filled with stories that will give you goose bumps. Today’s are about two really weird coincidences that just go to show that it truly is a small world. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Listen to Your Dreams – Six Ways You Can Use Your Dreams for Personal Transformation
25/01/2021 Duration: 11minHey, it’s Amy Newmark with your Chicken Soup for the Soul. Do you ever wake up knowing that you’ve just had an important dream, and then, bam, it’s gone? That’s a shame, because our dreams are a window into what our own brains are trying to tell us! The fact is that we’re too busy during the day to pay attention to that quiet voice inside that knows us so well—our subconscious. Sometimes, our truth is lurking in there, waiting for us to discover it at night through our dreams. Here are six ways you can use your dreams for personal transformation, based on the stories in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Listen to Your Dreams. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
When Dogs Really Want to Have a Purpose
22/01/2021 Duration: 08minHey, it’s Amy Newmark with your Chicken Soup for the Soul, and today we’re talking about dogs and the way that so many of them love to have a purpose. When they can’t do their jobs they get antsy, and their humans need to find them something new to do, a new way to contribute. We have lots of stories about working dog in our latest dog book, Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Magic of Dogs, and I’m going to share two of them today—about dogs who were so committed to doing good that their humans had to make sure they could keep going to work every day. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
When Cats Are Our Role Models for Resilience
20/01/2021 Duration: 09minHey, it’s Amy Newmark with a little Chicken Soup for the Soul inspiration for you from one of our latest bestsellers, Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Magic of Cats. We make our books about cats to be entertaining, not really as self-help books, even though that’s the category that we fall into with most of our work. But there are so many lessons to be learned from these cat stories despite that. Cats show us how to get the most out of every day, how to live in the moment, how to shed the resentments of the past… and often, particularly because of the number of rescues we feature in our books, cats are examples of how to use the power of fortitude and forgiveness and resilience. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
When Love in Your Dreams Becomes Love in Real Life
18/01/2021 Duration: 09minHey, it’s Amy Newmark with your Chicken Soup for the Soul and today I want to share a couple of love stories – about love that was first discovered in a dream and then materialized later—in real life. Our new book Chicken Soup for the Soul: Listen to Your Dreams is filled with stories like these, ones that show how your dreams can be powerful tools for redirecting your life, changing your relationships, and making you a happier person. When you’re asleep and you can actually listen to your subconscious it’s amazing how much inner guidance and insight you can find. It can be empowering, enlightening, and life-changing. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Getting Older and Accepting Your New Look
15/01/2021 Duration: 08minHey, it’s Amy Newmark with a little Chicken Soup for the Soul inspiration for you. I think this is the perfect time to share two stories about getting older and wiser and grayer and a bit more wrinkled. Because isn’t that our goal anyway? To get old enough to look in the mirror and see those gray hairs? Plus it’s New Year’s resolution time, and what’s better than a resolution to embrace those signs that you are indeed seasoned and worldly and full of valuable experience. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Holiday Miracles that Will Brighten Your Winter Days
13/01/2021 Duration: 11minHey, it’s Amy Newmark and it’s time to introduce you to our latest bestseller, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Miracles & Divine Intervention, which has just gone on sale. I know the holidays are officially behind us, but I still love hearing a great Christmas story, and I’m going to share two holiday miracles with you that I think will brighten these cold days. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Think Positive for Teens - A New Book to Reach Today's Teens
11/01/2021 Duration: 07minHey, it’s Amy Newmark with your Chicken Soup for the Soul, and today I want to talk about the lessons we share with teens. We have a new book out called Think Positive for Teens, and in it we share stories that will help teens with self-esteem, making good choices, doing for others, and all the other good values that we want them to develop during these crucial years of growing up. I’m going to share a couple of great stories today from the book to give you a sense of what this new collection is all about. The first story is about developing self-confidence and the second is about helping people when they’re down, two great lessons for us all, not just for teenagers. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
FRIEND FRIDAY - Dr. Mark Goulston on How to Listen Effectively and Change How People View You
08/01/2021 Duration: 24minHey, it’s Amy Newmark and it’s Friend Friday on the Chicken Soup for the Soul podcast. Today we’re going to hear from Dr. Mark Goulston again , a psychiatrist who is also a business advisor, consultant, coach, speaker, and author. He also hosts a mental health podcast and is quoted frequently in major media, including The Wall Street Journal, Fortune, Newsweek, Time, CNN, and the TODAY show. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit