In this sixth and final message of the series "Elevate" we are instructed on exactly how we should climb the mountain of maturity, by working 100% as unto God and not for men. We hope you enjoyed this series and were challenged by Paul's message in Colossians 3.
Elevate: Work as unto God, not for man.
07/08/2016In this sixth and final message of the series "Elevate" we are instructed on exactly how we should climb the mountain of maturity, by working 100% as unto God and not for men. We hope you enjoyed this series and were challenged by Paul's message in Colossians 3.
Elevate: The Love, Peace, and Word of Christ
31/07/2016In this fifth installment of our series entitled "Elevate" we take a close look at what the new nature Christians have can accomplish. Knowing that this world will be incredibly difficult, Christ has allowed our new natures to harbor the love, peace, and Word of Jesus Christ. Our goal is to allow these three things work in and through us as we strive to live the elevated life.
Elevate: Chosen to Climb
24/07/2016Our purpose for this life was not chosen at random but was divinely chosen by God. In this lesson we touch on Paul's encouraging reminder to the church of Colossea that they were chosen by God and equipped by God to mature as believers in Christ
Elevate: Christ is all and in all
17/07/2016Our nation is in desperate need of revival. We see terrible levels of division within our society. Elements such as culture, skin color and ethnicity keep us seperated. One has to wonder how does God expect us to worship Him in one mind when we are all so different. In this lesson we discover the difference between how God sees us and how we see each other.
Elevate: Breaking Free
10/07/2016While most people in the church are forgiven by Christ, how many are actually living a life of freedom from sin? In this lesson we discuss how the calling of living an elevated life is not possible while we are still shackled by earthly and old-self restraints that keep us from climbing the mountain of Christian discipleship. We hope you are blessed by this!
Elevate: Seek what is above
03/07/2016God has called and equipped His disciples to climb. While we have been forgiven and saved for eternity, we still are instructed to climb the mountain of maturity called "Sanctification." In this first installment of the series "Elevate" we discuss how we can continue to be continous climbers by seeking and setting our minds on things above, where Christ is.
VBS Recap 2016
26/06/2016This year HSBC hosted an incredible Vacation Bible School for our children. We are extremely grateful for Leslie and the job she and her volunteers do every week. In this message Leslie recaps all the lessons our children learned throughout the week.
God as the Ultimate Father
19/06/2016It's very interesting that we do not find a great example of a father in any Bible Characters. But we do see that our God fulfills the role as our "Abba, Father." It's very easy to forget that though God is a God of Holiness and judgement, he holds an unmeasured love for us as his adopted children. We hope you enjoy this wonderful Father's day message by our guest speaker and good friend David Norman Jr.
Renovate: Persecuted
12/06/2016After 8 weeks of speaking about having a blessed life, what is the payout for God's children? Wealth? Power? Everlasting health? When we take a closer look at scripture we find that our earthly reward for being more Christ-like is something that is not very desirable in that we will be hated and persecuted. In this series finale of "Renovate" we look at what Jesus says about those who are sold out for him, and it will cost us, but the reward is priceless and eternal. Thank you for listening, we hope you are blessed.
Renovate: Peacemakers
05/06/2016It's not in human nature to keep the peace, which is why all followers of Christ must surrender to the Holy Spirit to bring peace to a conflicted world. In this lesson we discuss how we must go against our very nature in order to promote the peace of Jesus Christ to our community and world.
Renovate: Merciful
29/05/2016When the disciples heard Jesus say that the merciful shall be blessed it opened up an area they were unfamiliar with. Jewish custom allowed "and eye for an eye" and now Jesus says that we are to be merciful to both friends and enemies alike. Today we are called to forgive as Christ has forgiven us, but it's much easier said than done. In this lesson we explore the deep subject of forgiveness and our call to show mercy to others that deserve revenge and retaliation.
Renovate: Hunger For Righteousness
15/05/2016While the past weeks of our series were dedicated to God removing thigs in our heart. This week is about God redirecting our heart's desire. Just as a hungry lion pursues it's prey, God deisres for His followers to passionately pursue Him and His righteousness all the more.
The Value of Purity Pt. 2
08/05/2016The subject of purity is impossible to hit in detail in one mere sermon, which is why we decided to add a part two to last weeks' message over Blessed are the Pure in heart. In this message we discuss the importance of the Holy Spirit's role in purifying His children which in return keeps us from being "double-minded."
Renovate: Pure in Heart
01/05/2016Purity is something that is hardly recognized in today's society, but cannot be overemphasized in the Bible. Purity is what allows us to recognize God in all that He is doing around us. Jesus says Blessed are the pure in heart because they are the ones who see God.
Renovate: Meek
24/04/2016Too many people associate the characteristic of meekness with weakness. But when Jesus says that the meek will inherit the earth, is he saying that we should all be weak? In this lesson we discover the true meaning of meekness and look at what it means to handle others with gentleness while living a life of being in control with the power of the Holy Spirit.
Renovate: Mourn
17/04/2016When Jesus said "Blessed are those who mourn" what did He mean? Happy are those who are sad? It seems like a contradiction. How can those who mourn be blessed? In this message we see that Jesus words in Matthew 5:4 shed light on what it means to have the proper mindset of not only our sins, but the sins of others.
Placing our Hope in the Gospel Alone
03/04/2016In this stand alone message guest speaker Clint Williams challenges all of us that a church is walking in dangerous ground if their faith and hope is placed in anything but the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Elements like good music, preaching, and ministries are all great things to have, but if our hope is based on anything we do, then it's a receipe for disaster. We hope you are challenged by this awesome message.
The Final Week of Christ: The Resurrection
27/03/2016In this final message of the series "The Final Week of Christ" we look at the value and importance of the greatest event in the history of manking: The Resurrection of Jesus Christ. In this study we find that the resurecction was about both death and life, and we discover that it's only by death that we can be made alive. He is Risen!
The Final Week of Christ: The Crucifixion
20/03/2016The crucifixion of Christ is considered to be one of the most horrific scenes in history. But believers can look upon the cross and consider it beautiful. In this installment of the series, The Final Week of Christ we take a look at how the crucifixion of Jesus Christ allows us to become children of God.