In this sixth and final message of the series "Elevate" we are instructed on exactly how we should climb the mountain of maturity, by working 100% as unto God and not for men. We hope you enjoyed this series and were challenged by Paul's message in Colossians 3.
The Final Week of Christ: Jesus in the Garden
13/03/2016The agony that Jesus experienced during the crucifixion began before he was arrested. In the Garden we see that Jesus is a God who relates to our emotions today. He relates to our pain, our lonliness and to our betrayals and shows us the perfect method of how to fight against them.
The Final Week Of Christ: The Last Supper
06/03/2016Everyone can think of a few moments in their life that changed everything. The night before Jesus was arrested seemed like an ordinary night to the disciples, but Jesus was warning them of the coming events. During the Last Supper that was instituted by Christ, Jesus taught the disciples the meaning of remembering and accepting eternal life, which is the free gift of God.
The Final Week of Christ: Cleansing the Temple
28/02/2016There are not many times in the Gospels where Jesus reacted out of anger, but in his final week before His crucifixtion we see Him acting out of anger as he cleansed the Temple. In this lesson we see that his act of righteous anger was in due part because of His love for His sheep who were being distracted. What's distracting you from praise, Prayer, and Purpose?
The Final Week of Christ: The Triumphal Entry
21/02/2016In the book of John we are told that an hour is coming where the Son of Man would be glorified. For the next six weeks we are going to discuss this particular hour, or time period, where Jesus Christ voluntarily gives His life up for the forgiveness of sins for those who would believe. This week we take a look at the Triumphal entry otherwise known as palm Sunday and discover some valuable truths that we can apply to our lives today. We hope you enjoy.
Standing Together: Being Committed to Serve
07/02/2016In this final message of the series "Standing Together: The Power of Community" we discuss in detail how God expects the members of His church to serve Him and each other with all the blessings and gifts that He's given us. We take a detailed look at the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25 to see what our responsibility is when it comes to utilizing what we have been blessed with.
Standing Together: Being Committed to Family
31/01/2016The Devil knows that behind every healthy church there are healthy families. The Bible gives us a very clear definition of what a Biblical family is and how we should run our homes. In this message we learn about how each and every church member's home and family life affects the church body as a whole.
Standing Together: Being Committed to Prayer
24/01/2016Every Christian knows that prayer is important, but yet it seems to be one of the most neglected practices of our faith today. In this lesson we discover the importance of praying in private, corporately as a body, and sporatically with those who need it. We hope you are blessed by this and can apply the amazing priveledge of prayer into your life.
Standing Together: Being Committed to Each Other
17/01/2016In a day where we get so caught up in serving in every ministry imaginable, it's easy to forget that the way we treat and serve each other is more important than how much we know or what we are involved in. In this lesson we explore what it means to be a healthy and biblical church member by emphasizing the committment we must have for one another.
Standing together: Being Committed to The Gospel
10/01/2016In order to be healthy and Biblical members of God's glorious church, we,must be committed to several areas. To kick off this six-part series we discuss that above all things we must be committed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ
When the Manger Collaspes
03/01/2016it's hard in modern day America to seperate our temporary things and the eternal church. In this message we discuss how we must place our sole focus on the eternal church that God builds and maintains rather than placing our hope in things that are temporary and will fade over time. We hope you enjoy.