Our Mission: To lead many out of separation from God, and into a life-transforming, joy-filled relationship with Him
Seasons Under The Sun
15/11/2015 Duration: 54minI must expect seasons of life and trust God through them.
Facing The Inevitable
08/11/2015 Duration: 42minI must face the reality of death before I can truly live.
Longing For Pleasure
01/11/2015 Duration: 55minLiving for the pleasures of this world leaves you pleasureless.
The Truth About Everything Under The Sun
25/10/2015 Duration: 45minOnce you think clearly, you’ll know how to respond to God’s solution.
God’s Mission and His Sovereignty
11/10/2015 Duration: 56minI will bear greater fruit for God’s mission as I properly understand God’s control over all things and my responsibility to honor Him.
God's Mission And The Light
01/10/2015 Duration: 52minGod's mission is so glorious because through it the masses are led out of darkness and into The Light.
God’s Mission and The Judgment
27/09/2015 Duration: 58minGod has sent His church into the world to make everyone aware of Judgment Day and to help them prepare for it.
God’s Mission and Rejection
20/09/2015 Duration: 52minGod’s mission leads you to face rejection and also respond well to it.
God’s Mission and Courage
13/09/2015 Duration: 50minWhen God’s mission grips you, you will be courageous.
God’s Mission and Satan
30/08/2015 Duration: 58minThe reality of Satan and how to gain victory over him.
God’s Mission Requires Patience
16/08/2015 Duration: 51minGod's global mission of making disciples of all nations requires that I be patient as I participate.
Speaking to the Unchurched
09/08/2015 Duration: 55minWhile the gospel message never changes, the communication of the gospel should change depending on who you're speaking with.
Rejecting or Receiving the Gospel
02/08/2015 Duration: 50minWhen your thinking is clear, you will receive the gospel. When it’s not – you won’t.
God Loves Individuals
26/07/2015 Duration: 52minExperiencing God's personal love for me changes everything on a daily basis.
Address Your Inner-Pharisee
28/06/2015 Duration: 47minBy nature we are all legalists when it comes to relating God. Because of this, we must keep coming back to the pure gospel of God's grace.