Our Mission: To lead many out of separation from God, and into a life-transforming, joy-filled relationship with Him
Savior King
07/06/2015 Duration: 51minOnly One individual throughout history is worthy of being called King and Savior - Jesus Christ.
Direction from God
31/05/2015 Duration: 56minEvery one comes to critical points in life when you need direction from God. The question is - how do you get it?
King Herod’s END
24/05/2015 Duration: 56minNo matter how high you are, if you exalt yourself before God - He will bring you down. Humility is the only way to live before an infinitely glorious God.
God’s Unrestricted Authority
17/05/2015 Duration: 48minGod is able to do the impossible. Never forget the authority of the One you pray to.
God’s Word Transforms
10/05/2015 Duration: 46minThe more God's word gets in me, the more transformed I'll be. I don't need to look anywhere else - true, lasting transformation comes from God's word.
Peter and Cornelius
04/05/2015 Duration: 56minNo one should be left out in being offered the hope of salvation through faith in Jesus. Jesus is for every single type of person on planet earth.
Jesus Restores
26/04/2015 Duration: 51minJesus restores us to a relationship with God and then continues to make us more and more like Him.
Changed to Change
19/04/2015 Duration: 48minThe glorious change Jesus brings starts in you and continues through you.
The Apostle Paul’s Conversion
12/04/2015 Duration: 51minJesus can soften the hardest hearts and turn His opponents into His servants.
The Ethiopian Eunuch
29/03/2015 Duration: 49minSince God works through people, be ready to be used by Him and to receive those He sends your way!
Simon The Sorcerer
22/03/2015 Duration: 47minInstead of trying to control God for my self-centered purposes, Jesus came to free me to be under God's control for His glorious purposes.
Persecution, Preaching and Praise
15/03/2015 Duration: 51minGod’s mission spreads not only in-spite of suffering, but because of it… God doesn't waste your pain.
The First Christian Martyr
08/03/2015 Duration: 50minNo sacrifice is too great to advance God's mission. His mission is that valuable.
Spirit-Empowered Perseverance
01/03/2015 Duration: 54minThose who live empowered by the Spirit of God will press on in the most difficult circumstances as they keep God's mission first.
God's Mission and God's Word
22/02/2015 Duration: 54minIn order for the church to continue to reach unbelievers and mature believers - God's word must have top priority.
Praying to Press On
25/01/2015 Duration: 51minWhen you're committed to serving God - you will most certainly face opposition. Instead of giving up - God wants you to pray to press on! When you do - you will!
Jesus Makes His Followers Courageous
18/01/2015 Duration: 49minWhen I place myself under God's authority He frees me from fear and makes me bold.