Our Father Lutheran Church
Chapter 38: Behind the Story
13/10/2015 Duration: 10minWhat do pastors think about as they walk from their car on Sunday mornings? What, besides help,can you learn to pray for when you're struggling? Pastors Scott Abel & Nate Peregoy discuss these things and more from Sunday's sermon on Acts 4:23-31.
Chapter 38: The Prayer of the Believers
11/10/2015 Duration: 22minThe earliest Christians prayed for boldness, not relief, in the midst of their suffering Trusting Jesus, we too, can grow in boldness and courage as God changes us in the midst of our circumstances.
Chapter 37: The Day of Pentecost
04/10/2015 Duration: 27minHeaven opens and the Spirit of God fills His people.
Behind the Story: Chapter 36
30/09/2015 Duration: 15minPastors Scott Abel & Nate Peregoy discuss last week's sermon about the Ascension of Christ and share stories of people who made a significant impact on their lives as followers of Jesus. Check it out on this episode of Behind the Story.
Chapter 36: The Ascension
30/09/2015 Duration: 25minAfter His resurrection and ascension, Jesus continues His work through His people promising they would be His witnesses to "the end of the earth."
Behind the Story: Chapter 35
22/09/2015 Duration: 09minBehind the Story is back! Tune in as Pastors Scott Abel & Nate Peregoy share their favorite insights from each other's sermons on the Crucifixion & Resurrection of Jesus.
Chapter 35: Jesus Appears to His Disciples
20/09/2015 Duration: 20minThe glorified wounds of Jesus are proof of His physical resurrection, a sign of His present love for us, and a signal of the future joy that will be ours.
Chapter 34: The Resurrection
13/09/2015 Duration: 25minJesus has risen! The past promises of God have been fulfilled and our future hope guaranteed to come true.
Chapter 33: The Cross
06/09/2015 Duration: 22minThis is it. The center point of the entire story of salvation. The One who spoke and brought forth all of creation... The One who promised the head of the serpent would one day be crushed... The One who made a covenant with Abraham promising that through His descendants all the nations of the world would be blessed... The One who led the children of Israel out of slavery in Egypt... The One who guided His people into the Promised Land... The One who watched over His people during the darkness of the time of the Judges... The One who established the monarchy... The One who promised to bring His people home from captivity... The One who was born in the city of Bethlehem... Has suffered and died for you!
Behind the Story: Chapter 32
01/09/2015 Duration: 13minWhat's your "go-to" way to relate to Jesus? Savior or Lord? Join Pastors Scott Abel & Nate Peregoy for a practical discussion of our approach to Jesus so that you might know him as both "Liberator" AND "Lord" on this week's episode of Behind the Story.
Chapter 32: The Triumphal Entry
01/09/2015 Duration: 21minThe crowd welcomes Jesus to Jerusalem as their political liberator, but the freedom Jesus gives them (and us), is spiritual deliverance that lasts forever.
Chapter 31: Behind the Story
27/08/2015 Duration: 11minHow can you "suffer well" when life is hard? Check out this video and the sermon below for practical ways to live in the valley between the mountain top moments of our life.
Chapter 31: The Transfiguration
23/08/2015 Duration: 20minAs Jesus is transfigured, Peter, James, and John hear the voice of the Father that propels them into the difficult, beautiful, and transformational life of following Christ. Jesus invites you into this same life today.
Chapter 30: Peter's Confession
16/08/2015 Duration: 28minThe Disciples finally begin to see the true identity of the one they have been following.
Chapter 29: Behind the Story
11/08/2015 Duration: 12minPastor Abel shares a significant event from his own journey as a follower of Jesus and its role in shaping this week's sermon about the Call of the Disciples from Luke 5 on this episode of Behind the Story. References: Judge Illustration - "The Holiness of God" by R.C. Sproul audio & ebook available for purchase via iTunes.
Chapter 29: The Call of the Disciples
09/08/2015 Duration: 24minTo grow as a disciple, we must be continually overwhelmed by the greatness of Jesus, the greatness of our own sin, and the greatness of His love for us.
Chapter 28: Behind the Story
05/08/2015 Duration: 17minWhat are practical ways that you can fight temptation? How does knowing Jesus as both your Savior (substitute) and King (champion) make a difference? Who will win this week's Lightning Round? Find out with Pastors Scott Abel & Nate Peregoy on this week's episode of Behind the Story.
Chapter 28: The Temptation
04/08/2015 Duration: 19minNo matter the type of temptation that comes our way, Jesus gives us His forgiveness through the cross and His strength through the empty tomb.
Chapter 27: Behind the Story
29/07/2015 Duration: 14minJoin Pastor Nate Peregoy & special guest Micah Steiner as they discuss the baptism of Jesus, the power of family and a fancy word in Greek that is also a brand of yogurt on this week's episode of Behind the Story. Sermon Clip:
Chapter 27: The Baptism of Jesus
26/07/2015 Duration: 21minAt His baptism Jesus heard from heaven, "this is my beloved Son." Likewise, for us, baptism gives us a Father, His favor, and a new family.