Our Father Lutheran Church
Chapter 26: Behind the Story
22/07/2015 Duration: 12minWhy did Jesus, who IS the Word of God, need to be IN the Word of God?For that matter, why do you? Find out how to grow closer to Christ on this week's episode of Behind the Story. Plus, stay tuned to the end for a special outtake.
Chapter 26: The Boy Jesus
19/07/2015 Duration: 27minThe boy Jesus reveals who he understood himself to be... The Son of God!
Behind the Story: Chapter 25
14/07/2015 Duration: 15minWith fear about our future and regret in our past, it's hard to live in the present. How does Christianity provide a unique answer to the solutions promised by self-help books and other religions? Check it on on this episode of Behind the Story.
Chapter 25: Jesus Presented at the Temple
12/07/2015 Duration: 24minAs Mary and Joseph encounter Simeon and Anna, we see that through Jesus, a future that is secure, and a present filled with purpose.
Behind the Story: Chapter 24
07/07/2015 Duration: 16minJesus has come! In July? Pastors Scott Abel & Nate Peregoy share their favorite parts of the Christmas narrative as we round the corner and celebrate the arrival of Jesus in this episode of Behind the Story.
Chapter 24: The Birth of Jesus
05/07/2015 Duration: 19minThis is it! The promise God made to Adam and Eve and passed down through generation after generation is finally coming to center stage. The Messiah (prophesied of old and anticipated by the entire Israelite nation) is born.
Chapter 23: Behind the Story
02/07/2015 Duration: 14minHow can we encounter God today? For that matter, where does he encounter us? Find out on this week's episode of Behind the Story and you'll learn practical steps to create space for time with Jesus every day.
Chapter 23: Years of Silence
28/06/2015 Duration: 20minGod's silence is not an indication of his absence. He is at work in the history of Israel & the story of your life.
Chapter 22: Behind the Story
25/06/2015 Duration: 18minIs God in control of our life? What do we do when we don't have hindsight to see the "good" in our suffering? Want to watch an episode WITH outtakes? Check it out on this week's episode of Behind the Story with Pastors Scott Abel & Nate Peregoy
Chapter 22: The Return
21/06/2015 Duration: 24minThrough the decree of the Persian King Cyrus, God's people return from exile. While many rejoice at the restoration of the Temple, others weep remembering the splendor of the former temple.
Chapter 21: Behind the Story
16/06/2015 Duration: 15minHeaven. It's more than a place - it's the full presence of God. But we're far from our true home today. How can we end our cosmic sense of homelessness, experience "home" today, and bring it to others? Find out, on this episode of "Behind the Story".
Chapter 21: The Exile
14/06/2015 Duration: 20minLike the exiled Israelites, we are far from home. Jesus has come to die, to rise and return to take us to His home, and yet also renew this world to be the home it once was.
Chapter 20: Behind the Story
09/06/2015 Duration: 15minEver get stuck reading the prophets in the Old Testament? How can you experience what they wrote and said in a "new" way today? What did they do, anyway? Find out on this episode of Behind the Story.
Chapter 20: The Role of the Prophets
07/06/2015 Duration: 21minAs God established a home for his people, he sent prophets to encourage & warn the children of Israel.
Chapter 19: Behind the Story
04/06/2015 Duration: 12minDo the bad things in our life mean that God is punishing us? No! Find out why on this episode of Behind the Story.
Chapter 19: The Divided Kingdom
31/05/2015 Duration: 25minDuring the reign of King Solomon's son, Rehoboam, a split occurred between the northern kingdom and the southern kingdom from which Israel did not recover. Nevertheless, in Christ, God remains faithful to the promise made to King David: "Your throne shall be established forever."
Chapter 18: Behind the Story
27/05/2015 Duration: 14minDo you want to grow personally in your relationship with Christ? Ready to move from head to heart? Do you long for your time in the Scripture to be filled with transformation instead of information? Check out this episode of Behind the Story and get started today.
Chapter 18: Solomon and the Temple
24/05/2015 Duration: 26minSolomon fulfills his father, David's dream of building a temple in Jerusalem. With the giving of the Holy Spirit, God has called us today to be His dwelling place - a link between heaven and earth.
Chapter 17: Behind the Story
22/05/2015 Duration: 11minWhat's wrong with WWJD? What's a better definition of character? How can you live an imitatable life? Why do we need Jesus to die for us? Find out the answer to these questions and more as Pastors Scott Abel & Nate Peregoy go "Behind the Story."
Chapter 17: The Anointing of David
17/05/2015 Duration: 28min"Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart" (1 Sam 16:7). God sees the darkness of our heart and yet still loves us. On the cross, we see the proof: His heart of grace for us.