Welcome to the weekly audio podcast for Move Church in Carleton Place, ON where our vision is to Call Higher, Engage Deeper and Impact Greater. Visit us at
The Second Sign: Jesus Heals the Officials Son
07/10/2019 Duration: 34minJesus' healing of the Official's son demonstrates his sovereign power, but also exposes the false motivations we sometimes have for seeking Him. John 4:43-54
I Have Food You do not Know About
30/09/2019 Duration: 38minIs your life sustained and satisfied by obedience to the will of God? Jesus tells his disciples, 'My Food is to do the will of the Father who sent me.' and proceeds to teach them an important principle after his interaction with the Samaritan woman, using what was happening around them as an illustration for his teaching. John 4:31-42
Freedom Sunday 2019
23/09/2019 Duration: 31minOn Freedom Sunday we partner with International Justice Mission and thousands of churches across Canada and the world to bring awareness to the reality that Human Trafficking and Slavery still exist in our world. This year, Canadian churches are partnering together to raise funds to specifically fight against Cybersex trafficking of minors in the Philippines. PLEASE NOTE: This message contains MATURE CONTENT.
The Lord's Supper
18/09/2019 Duration: 33minWhat is the Lord's supper? Who should take it? How should we understand it? This week we look at the Lord's supper as instituted by Jesus in Luke 22 and taught by Paul in 1 Corinthians 11 to answer these questions and more.
Vision Sunday 2019
10/09/2019 Duration: 40minA look at where we are going as a church as we communicate our vision for the coming year and our motivation behind that vision. Acts 2:42-47
The Woman of Samaria
03/09/2019 Duration: 44minAs Jesus travelled from Judea to Galilee, he had an interaction with a woman of Samaria, also known as the woman at the well. This interaction is in stark contrast to the one he had with Nicodemus, exemplifying the need of the gospel for ALL people. This week we look at how Jesus showed mercy and compassion to a woman stuck in a sinful cycle, cast out from those around her and consider our own response to those who are lost and broken. John 4:1-30,39
John the Baptist glorifies Jesus
20/08/2019 Duration: 43minJohn the Baptist understood the role he was given by God. He was to point people to Christ so that they may be saved. This was a role that inevitably meant his authority would have to decrease, yet he performed it gladly. This week we look at how John the baptist glorified Jesus in John 3:22-36.
For God So Loved the World
14/08/2019 Duration: 33minJohn 3:16 is the most well-known verse in the bible for Christian and Non-Christian alike. This week we look at John 3:16 and consider, what does it mean for God to love the world? In light of God's love, how should followers of Christ love the world?
You Must Be Born Again
06/08/2019 Duration: 42minIn John chapter 3:1-15, Nicodemus; a member of the Pharisees and a ruler of the Jews, approaches Jesus attempting to discover who he was and understand him better, but Jesus tells Nicodemus he can't understand him because he doesn't have the ability to assess the evidence about him properly...and neither can you or I or anyone, apart from being 'born again'. We cannot see, or enter the kingdom of God without being born again, so what does this mean and how is it achieved?
What is in Man
30/07/2019 Duration: 43minJesus knows what is in man. Having intimate knowledge of the hearts of men is a definitive claim to divinity. From John 2:23-25, we examine this great doctrine of the Christian faith, the all-knowningness of our God, how this relates to the state of man and why it is such good news.
I Will Raise it Up
23/07/2019 Duration: 39minAfter Jesus clears the temple, he is confronted by some Jews who ask 'What sign do you show us for doing these things?'. Based on Jesus' actions in the temple, the response the Jews give and Jesus' response back to them in John 2:18-22, we look at 6 points which reveal a heart that has become more taken by religion than relationship with Jesus.
Zeal for Your House
17/07/2019 Duration: 45minWhen Jesus attended the temple for passover with his family and disciples, he saw scene that provoked a strong reaction from him. This week we look at John 2:12-17, the clearing of the Temple. Why was Jesus so upset with what was happening in the Temple and what was his primary aim in driving everyone out?
The Wedding at Cana
09/07/2019 Duration: 41min"These (signs) are written so that you may believe..." The first sign John recorded in his gospel was done by Jesus at a wedding in Cana. This sign is one of the most widely known works performed by Jesus, but what was the significance of it? In this weeks message, we explore the significance of the water turned to wine from John 2:1-11.
Living in a Godless World
03/07/2019 Duration: 26minThis week, guest speaker Nicholas Trytsman preaches a message from Titus chapter 2 on the importance of living and teaching the word of God in a world that has turned its back on Him.
Follow Me
26/06/2019 Duration: 37minJesus asks two men who show interest in following him; 'What are you seeking?'. This is an important question we must ask ourselves and examine our motivations for why we are following Christ. This week, we look at John 1:35-51 as Jesus calls his first disciples and consider some true marks of a follower of Christ.
One for the Men 2019
18/06/2019 Duration: 44minEvery year on Father's Day we take time to speak directly to men in a sermon called 'One for the Men'. This year, our main scripture is 'Be Watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let everything you do be done in love.' - 1 Corinthians 16:13-14
3 Marks of a Disciple
11/06/2019 Duration: 45minThis week, very special guest, Pastor Scott Ridenour joined us and shared a message called '3 Marks of a Disciple' based on the Great Commandment Jesus gives to all of his disciples.
I Must Decrease
04/06/2019 Duration: 43minWe all have a fundamental decision to make..will we live a God-glorifying life, or a self-glorifying life. In our second message through the gospel of John we examine John the Baptists role in God's plan, the decision he made to live a God-glorifying life and some of the implications this decision has for us when we make the same decision.
If My People...
21/05/2019 Duration: 36minA message for our church about our church. Scriptures: 2 Chronicles 6-7 Revelation 2:1-7