Welcome to the weekly audio podcast for Move Church in Carleton Place, ON where our vision is to Call Higher, Engage Deeper and Impact Greater. Visit us at
The Origin of Women
14/05/2019 Duration: 41minOn Mother's Day we took time to speak to the women in our midst as we looked at the creation story in Genesis and considered the implications and applications for Christian women as well as some of the areas culture tries to influence women with an opposite view of God's good design.
The Importance of Truth
07/05/2019 Duration: 44minSteve Regnault shares with us this week on the importance of truth and how deception enters into the church in this message from Ephesians 6, the Armour of God.
So That You May Believe
30/04/2019 Duration: 39minJohn states in his gospel, the purpose for writing his book is "so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name." John understands that Christians are not called to a "Blind faith" but a faith based on rational thought and reason. As we begin our new series through his gospel, we examine John 1:1-18 and the argument John puts forward which he spends the rest of his book proving; that Jesus is the Christ.
The King of Kings
21/04/2019 Duration: 25minHe Is Risen! Today we celebrate Resurrection Sunday and rejoice that the suffering servant we saw in Jesus on Friday accomplished his work and has been raised to the right hand of the Father in Heaven. This morning we declare him to be King of Kings and Lord of Lords!
The Suffering Servant
20/04/2019 Duration: 33minOn Good Friday we reflect and commemorate the cross of Jesus Christ. One of the most difficult pictures of Jesus is the agonizing battle he faces in the Garden of Gethsemane. His time in the garden shows us a different side of Jesus then we see anywhere else in the gospels. This Good Friday we consider, what and why was he in such agony in the garden. (This sermon audio also includes a scripture reading and introductory video from our Good Friday service)
The Triumphal Entry
16/04/2019 Duration: 25minThe Triumphal Entry of Jesus is one of the last major events in his earthly life and ministry. On Palm Sunday we remember his entry into Jerusalem. This year, we celebrated Palm Sunday with a Family Service and a sermon directed toward our younger generations.
09/04/2019 Duration: 34minThe Book of Ruth is a beautiful story of the Lord's providence and redemption that has implications which echo throughout eternity. This week we conclude our series through Ruth with a look at chapter 4 and the bigger story God was writing through Naomi, Ruth and Boaz's lives.
The Threshing Floor
02/04/2019 Duration: 42minThe Book of Ruth is a beautiful story of the Lord's providence and redemption that has implications which echo throughout eternity. This week we look at chapter three, considering the actions of Ruth at the threshing floor. Just as Ruth laid herself at the feet of Boaz in hope of Redemption, a young woman in the gospel of Luke had a similar response to Jesus. These women's actions and the responses they received are important windows into our approach to Christ and His response to us.
Favour Found
02/04/2019 Duration: 36minThe Book of Ruth is a beautiful story of the Lord's providence and redemption that has implications which echo throughout eternity. This week, in chapter two, we are introduced to Boaz, look at the role of Kinsman Redeemer outlined in the Israelite law and consider comparisons to our great kinsman redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Empty but not Forsaken
17/03/2019 Duration: 37minThe Book of Ruth is a beautiful story of the Lord's providence and redemption that has implications which echo throughout eternity. As we begin our series through Ruth, we unpack chapter one and see in the midst of immense tragedy the sovereign hand of the Lord upon Naomi's life and consider three takeaways that are important for followers of Christ to consider.
Accountability and Discipline
12/03/2019 Duration: 33minAccountability and discipline are important aspects of discipleship and an important practice in Jesus' church. As we end our series on 'Marks of a Healthy Church' we examine the importance and responsiblity of discipline in the church.
04/03/2019 Duration: 32minMany followers of Christ have to wrestle against a misconception of what the church is and the authority Jesus has given his church on earth. The church is not a club or an association or a service, it is so much more than that. In week #6 of our series 'Marks of a Healthy Church' we tackle the topic of Church Membership and consider the authority of the church in the life of believers and the importance of being committed to Jesus' church in an age where people are terrified of commitment to anything.
Discipleship and Growth
26/02/2019 Duration: 21minThis week we held our first family service; celebrating baptism, worshipping and gathering around the word of God with all generations. In a message directed toward the young people in our church we talked about mark #5 of a healthy church: Discipleship and growth. 'A healthy church is filled with people who are serious about growing and helping others grow in their faith.'
19/02/2019 Duration: 36minThere is an increasing issue in churches in regards to the culture surrounding leadership. More and more churches are being built around the Pastor instead of around the word of God. When this happens the Pastor is given to much power and control and it is a breeding ground for sin. There needs to be a return to Biblical Church Leadership. So, what is biblical church leadership? That is the topic we tackle this week.
10/02/2019 Duration: 40minPrayer is the greatest act of faith followers of Christ can do; John Calvin called prayer the 'chief exercise of faith', but for many followers of Christ our prayer lives can be a struggle. In week 3 of our series 'Marks of a Healthy Church' we discuss the topic of prayer. What is the root of prayerlessness? What leads to a deep meaningful prayer life? What do we do in those seasons when prayer doesn't come easy?
04/02/2019 Duration: 42minThe bible teaches that a fundamental change is needed in the human heart; but what is this change and how does it occur? In week two of our series; 'Marks of a Healthy Church', we tackle the topic of conversion. A healthy church understands what true, biblcal, sinner saving conversion is.
The Gospel
28/01/2019 Duration: 37minChristianity is all about news. Good news about what Jesus Christ has accomplished for those who would place their trust in him. A healthy church understands and proclaims accurately the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So, what is this gospel and how and why do we proclaim it.
The Time We Are Given
13/01/2019 Duration: 42minThis week, guest speaker; Steve Regnault speaks from the book of Ecclesiastes about using and understanding the time we have been given.
Good News of Great Joy
19/12/2018 Duration: 31minThe value system of Heaven does not match the value system of the world. The Lord often chooses those who would be chosen last as his first choice to fulfill his plans. This week we looked at Luke 2:8-13 and considered how God decided to share some realy 'good news of great joy'.
Prepare the Way
11/12/2018 Duration: 40minTo Behold something means "thoroughly to hold" it. It is recognizing value and responding accordingly. Sometimes in order to behold the miraculous, we have to prepare our hearts. This is what John the baptist was tasked with doing; to prepare the way for Israel's Messiah. In the first sermon from our Christmas series "BEHOLD" we consider What exactly was John's purpose and what are the implications for us?