Exalting Christ, Edifying Believers, and Evangelizing the Lost - Matt 28:19-20
Forgiveness at the Cross, Part 1
02/04/2019 Duration: 50minWhile on the cross, the first words out of Jesus' mouth was a prayer to the Father asking for the people crucifying Him to be forgiven. Find out what this passage means and what came of this saying by listening to Pastor Michael's message from Luke 23:32-38.
On the Road to the Cross
25/03/2019 Duration: 48minAs the stricken Jesus makes His way to Golgotha to be crucified, two different types of people come across His path. The one, this divine appointment will lead to salvation. For the other, Jesus says judgment is coming soon. Listen and apply the message from God's Word as Pastor Michael preaches from Luke 23:26-31.
In My Place Condemned He Stood
20/03/2019 Duration: 57minMocked and beaten by sinful humanity, Christ the Lord was sent to die and a murderer set free. Find out how this is a picture of Jesus substitutionary death for believers as Pastor Michael preaches from Luke 23:13-25.
The King on Trial
12/03/2019 Duration: 55minAs King Jesus is unjustly brought before the civil authorities, we see how two of His perfections (attributes) were revealed in this trial.
Who Is Jesus of Nazareth?
04/03/2019 Duration: 45minDuring Jesus' first set of trials, the Jewish leaders asked Him who He was. The answers given by Christ show us His identity and purpose in coming into the world.
The Backslide Restored
24/02/2019 Duration: 40minPeter denied Christ three times on the night of His arrest. What can we learn from this? How was Peter restored? In this sermon, we see how a backslider is restored to God.
Reactions to God’s Will for Christ
17/02/2019 Duration: 44minHow do people respond to finding out God's will for His Son? In this sermon, Pastor Michael shows us how the different reactions include: pretending, fighting, despising, and submitting.
The Essentials of an Effective Prayer
10/02/2019 Duration: 46minWhen Jesus faced with temptation He sought the Father in passionate prayer. Listen as Pastor Michael explains Jesus commands and example to prayer from the Garden of Gethsemane.
Life in the World After the Cross
03/02/2019 Duration: 54minRather than a life of ease, disciples of Christ should expect hardships after the cross. In this sermon, Pastor Michael preaches a message from Luke 22:35-38 on the how and why of preparing for the Christian life.
Satanic Sifting of Believers
27/01/2019 Duration: 54minWhat does Satan's sifting of Peter teach us about trials and testing in our own life? In this week's sermon, Pastor Michael preaches from Luke 22:31-34 to show us 5 biblical truths we learn about satanic sifting.
Preparing the Disciples for the Cross
21/01/2019 Duration: 47minThe night before His crucifixion, Jesus prepared His disciples for what was about to happen. Listen as Pastor Michael opens up the teachings of Christ so that believers today may be encouraged during trials.
The First Communion
15/01/2019 Duration: 48minThe first communion instituted by Christ at the Last Passover teaches us the meaning of this important church ordinance. Listen as Pastor Michael exposits and applies Luke 22:19-20.
The Last Passover
06/01/2019 Duration: 53minThe Passover points to God's redemption in the past, present, and future. List as Pastor Michael preaches from the Words of Christ in Luke 22:7-18.
Yahweh Is My Shepherd
04/01/2019 Duration: 41minWe are blessed to have Yahweh as our Shepherd. Listen to this week’s message delivered by our visiting Seminarian, Frank Gutting, as he opens up Psalm 23.
The Divine Birth Announcement
23/12/2018 Duration: 53minThe prophet Isaiah spoke the word of God to Israel, announcing the birth of a King. Listen as Pastor Michael opens up this classic "Christmas passage."
Snapshots of Unbelief
17/12/2018 Duration: 56minAs Jesus' crucifixion approached, three different groups of unbelievers surrounded him for various reasons. Listen as Pastor Michael preaches on the Snapshots of Unbelief from Luke 21:37-22:6.
The Forecast of Christ’s Kingdom, Part 5: Be Ready!
09/12/2018 Duration: 56minHow should believers in the tribulation and even today prepare for the return of Christ? Listen as Pastor Michael exposits the application Jesus gives at the conclusion of His Olivet Discourse.
The Forecast of Christ’s Kingdom, Part 4: The Return
02/12/2018 Duration: 48minWhat are the signs of Christ's return? What will immediately precede His second coming? Listen as Pastor Michael preaches from Luke 21:25-28.
Giving Thanks to God for Your Church
26/11/2018 Duration: 56minHave you given thanks for the local church you are part of? Listen as Pastor Michael preaches from 1 Thessalonians 1:2-10 on how Paul gave thanks for the Thessalonian church.
The Forecast of Christ’s Kingdom, Part 3: Judgement
19/11/2018 Duration: 50minJesus told His disciples that judgment was soon to come upon Jerusalem. This destruction served as a preview of the final judgment which is still to come. Listen as Pastor Michael preaches from the Olivet Discourse in Luke 21:20-24.