Exalting Christ, Edifying Believers, and Evangelizing the Lost - Matt 28:19-20
The Forecast of Christ’s Kingdom, Part 2: Persecution and Endurance
12/11/2018What could the disciples expect in the coming years after Jesus' ascension? Listen to today's sermon as Pastor Michael preaches a portion of the Olivet Discourse in Luke 21.
The Forecast of Christ’s Kingdom, Part 1: The Temple and Tribulation
04/11/2018In Luke 21:5-11, Jesus gives an overview of the end times for Israel and the world. Listen as Pastor Michael exposits this passage today.
The Legalists and the Widow
28/10/2018 Duration: 52minThe scribes and Jewish leaders were self-righteous legalists. Listen to find out how Jesus warned His disciples about them, and gave an example of their legalism when the widow gave all she had to live on.
David’s Son and David’s Lord
21/10/2018Is Jesus Christ the Son of God? This is the most important question anyone can ask. Listen as Pastor Michael answers this question from Luke 20:41-44.
Give Back What Belongs to God
07/10/2018 Duration: 49minIn today's sermon, we consider the teaching of Jesus regarding our debt to the government and our debt to God. Listen as Luke 20:19-26 is explained and applied.
The Parable of God’s Vineyard
30/09/2018 Duration: 55minThe parable of the vineyards indicts the leaders of Israel in their rejection of Christ. Listen as Pastor Michael explains and applies this passage in today's sermon.
The Last Warnings of Jesus
24/09/2018 Duration: 51minWhat are the last warnings Jesus publicly gave to the leaders of Israel? Listen as Pastor Michael exposits Luke 19:41-20:8 in this week's sermon.
The King’s Humble Entry
16/09/2018 Duration: 48minJesus entered Jerusalem as a king, and His disciples worshiped Him. How should we respond to this historical account in Luke? Listen as Pastor Michael shows 3 responses we should have to this passage.
The King’s Review of His Servants
09/09/2018 Duration: 50minWhen king Jesus returns, will He review His servants regarding their work? Listen as Pastor Michael preaches on the parable of the minas from Luke 19.
The Mission of Christ
02/09/2018 Duration: 45minWhy did Christ come into the world? He came with one specific mission from the Father. Listen as Pastor Michael preaches The Mission of Christ from Luke 19:10.
The Word of God
26/08/2018 Duration: 49minThe sacred Word of God is described in the Bible by many different metaphors and illustrations. In this sermon, elder Joey Bellington show us how the God speaks of His own Word.
Remember the Gospel
19/08/2018 Duration: 43minThe gospel of Christ is a precious jewel in the eyes of a believer. In this sermon, listen as we are called to Remember the Gospel from Colossians 1.
To Seek and Save the Lost
13/08/2018 Duration: 46minIn this sermon, Pastor Michael preaches on the salvation of Zaccheus and how it exemplifies the mission of Jesus.
The Blind Shall Receive Sight
05/08/2018 Duration: 47minDo you have eyes that see Jesus for who He truly is? Listen as Pastor Michael preaches on how Jesus opens the eyes of the blind in Luke 18:35-43.
10 Resolutions for the Christian – Part 2
09/01/2018 Duration: 55minIn 2018 I will: 6 - Gather with my church more regularly 7 - I will pray for the Elders 8 - Grow/create friendships within the body 9 - Church Unity 10 - I will not gossip or slander my fellow believers
10 Resolutions for the Christian – Part 1
03/01/2018 Duration: 56minIn 2018 I will: 1. Read the Word 2. Spend more time in Prayer 3. Fight sin with the Spirit 4. Evangelize unbelievers 5. Read 50% more Christian books
Repentance – Essential to Salvation
17/12/2017 Duration: 46min"Repentance, one of the most hated doctrines of Christianity." - Dr. Michael Beck, Teaching Pastor at Grace Bible Church of Boerne
The Purpose of God’s Grace
26/11/2017 Duration: 49minTeach us how to live in the present age Prepare us for the age to come