It's Not Music is hosted by Matthew Amos and Will Eiland. Every week we discuss a new album and a supplementary single, taking an in-depth look at the history, reception, and content of records spanning every genre and time period. Life-altering works of exquisite beauty, rotting piles of IQ-plunging garbage, it's all fair game on It's Not Music! While the show does feature judgments on quality, most episodes focus more closely on our own biases, why arbitrary factors largely determine what we love and hate. Single song episodes are released every Monday with full-length reviews on Friday.
Dark Moor- The Gates of Oblivion
02/02/2018 Duration: 01h35minWe're here to review the 2002 power metal masterpiece, The Gates of Oblivion by Dark Moor. Will wants to like it, but even more than that, he wants people to like him. Matt talks about the horrible ramifications that result from unsolicited power metal parties. We also play another edition of "Place That Quote." It's Dark Moor vs Poetry vs Jim Carrey, all on this week's episode of It's Not Music!
Justice- Justice (2007)
27/01/2018 Duration: 01h29minThis week we talk about an all-time classic, Justice's debut album from 2007. The show starts with an extensive history lesson on the origins of house(check out the documentary Pump Up the Volume for more info). After that, we dive into the record. Will explains why this band is cool, and that's cool and why he's cool with that. Matt explains what makes the band French. The mic gets a little hot at times, so watch your ears (sorry about that)!!!
Nero- My Eyes
24/01/2018 Duration: 21minOn this episode of It's Not Music, we supplement our full-length review of Justice's self-titled debut by taking a look at My Eyes by Nero. Will talks about his experiences seeing the band in LA while under the influence of 2CI. Matt is characteristically unimpressed with the group and proceeds to distort his voice in protest(actually I got a new preamp and operated it like an idiot, but the recordings should be much improved next week). All on this week's episode of It's Not Music!