Short reflections every Mon-Fri on how God transforms us to see ourselves the way He sees us. Nicolé Thompson is podcast host & producer, writer & performer of theme song 'Changing the Mirror' (producer: Paul Kastick).
Episode-32_Because I Am In Christ - I don't have to WORRY
13/07/2018 Duration: 06minIn the world, we worry. We are anxious. We have to be. Or else how will things get done? How will we pay our bills? Feed and clothe ourselves and our families? How will we get that job, get that promotion, keep ourselves and our loved ones safe? How will we protect ourselves if we don't worry about it? In Christ, we have Someone who has already taken care of all our needs. Jesus says that it's the people who don't know God who worry about their lives. But in Him, we can be assured that He knows about our needs and Has made provision for us. One of the names of God in the Old Testament is Jehovah-Jireh (yireh). This name basically means that God has seen and has made the provision. Finally, God is our Heavenly Father. Unlike our earthly fathers, God is perfect. He is perfect in love because He is love. And God, the Creator of EVERYTHING, is the perfect Provider. Basically: whatever's going on with you right now - there's no need to worry - God's got this! Scriptures Matthew 6:25-34 Philippians 4:6-7
Episode-031_Because I Am In Christ - I Don't Take Revenge
12/07/2018 Duration: 05minIn the world, especially in corporate settings, everybody knows about the CYA policy. Cover your... rear-end. Basically, worldly wisdom tells us that we've got to have our own backs, because no-one else will. In Christ, things are vastly different. In Christ, God Himself has our backs. And that sets us free and gives us the security blanket we need to look out for each other. In fact, God issues the command to us to not take matters into our own hands and try to get revenge when we are wronged. God says He will deal with those matters in His way... and in His time. That's what we don't like. We want to defend ourselves NOW. But in Christ, there's a better way. A way that honors God, that reflects the transformational work that His Spirit is doing in us, and that demonstrates the depth, width, and height of God's love, which the Bible says 'covers a MULTITUDE of sins'. Scripture Romans 12:17-21
Episode-030_Because I Am In Christ - I Can Be Humble
11/07/2018 Duration: 07minIn the world, when someone wrongs you, you protect yourself by holding it against them. You may forgive if they admit they are wrong. Or you may forgive because people are now beginning to talk about the emotional and even physiological baggage that accompanies unforgiveness. Turns out: God has a different standard of forgiveness which He has demonstrated since the beginning of time. He instructs us to offer to others the same forgiveness we have received from Him. That is hard. Actually, it is humanly impossible. Because when God forgave us, the Bible says He separated us from our sinful past 'as far as the east is from the west' [insert Scripture reference]. Not only that, but God - GOD - blots our sin from His memory [Isaiah 43:25]. In other words, forgiveness is divine. Yet God commands us to forgive. Thankfully, because His Holy Spirit lives in us, we CAN forgive. Not in our own strength, but in the strength and love of the Lord. Not based on our emotions, but by deciding to forgive in obedience to
Episode-029_Because I Am In Christ - I Am Humble
10/07/2018 Duration: 06minThe world tells us to toot our own horn, to be sure to let everyone know our accomplishments, to put ourselves first. God tells us to prefer others above ourselves in love. This is not a command to **NOT** take care of ourselves, or to put ourselves down in comparison to others. Rather, it is a command to recognize that **God has already taken care of our needs,** and so we are able and equipped to: - love, - serve and - give honor to those around us. **Humility also leaves room for God to honor us.** When we seek to pile honor on ourselves in our own insecurity, we have already received our reward. But when we humbly do the work the Lord has called us to do, not for recognition but out of love for and obedience to Him, He Himself rewards us. Scriptures (New Living Translation) Philippians 2:3-11 Luke 14:7-11
Episode 028_Because I Am In Christ I Am Different
09/07/2018 Duration: 06minIn the world we have a sense that we must take care of ourselves - because no-one else is looking out for us. While that may be true in the world, it doesn't have to be. God promises us that in Him, we have everything we need to live, and to live Godly lives that please Him (2 Peter 1:3). AND He also promises that no matter what we go through, He will take care of us completely, protect us, and be with us at all times. In Christ, we're not just happy-go-lucky. We're not optimistic. WE HAVE FAITH IN A GOD WHO'S FAITHFUL. And that faith and security will make us look really strange to people around us! In this series we will look at how, in Christ, we are able to live completely counter-culture and yet survive, thrive and please God as Jesus did.
Episode-027_Freedom in Christ - to Love and Serve
06/07/2018 Duration: 06minSo now we have freedom in Christ. Now what?
Episode-026_Freedom in Christ - from the Control of Fear
05/07/2018 Duration: 07minIn Christ, we no longer have to live under the control of fear.
Episode 025_Freedom in Christ - from the Power of Sin
04/07/2018 Duration: 07minIn Christ, we are set free from bearing the punishment of our sin. We are forgiven!
Episode 024_Freedom in Christ - from the Penalty of Sin
03/07/2018 Duration: 08minIn Christ, we are set free from bearing the punishment of our sin. We are forgiven!
Episode 023_Freedom in Christ
02/07/2018 Duration: 07minWhen we came to faith in Christ, we were set free: from the power and penalty of sin, and from being enslaved by fear. In this week's devotional series, we dive into what it means to have Freedom in Christ.
Episode 022_God Plans For You Lovingly
29/06/2018 Duration: 07minYour existence was carefully planned for. Your future is carefully planned for. Fifth and final in the series on Psalm 139.
Episode 021_God Made You Perfectly
28/06/2018 Duration: 05minWhatever issues you may have with your physical appearance, know that God Himself crafted you. He has declared you 'wonderfully made'. Fourth in the series on Psalm 139.
Episode 020_God Watches Over You Constantly
27/06/2018 Duration: 05minYou're not alone. Somebody cares. Somebody is watching you with eyes of love. Third in the series on Psalm 139.
Episode 019_God Knows You Intimately
26/06/2018 Duration: 05minThe Lord knows you completely, perfectly. He sees you as you are and He loves you still. Second in the series on Psalm 139.
Episode 018_God Loves You Completely
25/06/2018 Duration: 07minGod LOVES you. He KNOWS you. He WATCHES over you. He MADE you - perfectly. And He has PLANS for you. Today is the first in a series on Psalm 139.
Episode 017_Divine Family
22/06/2018 Duration: 06minGod has adopted you, become your Father, and made you part of His Divine Family. You are not alone!
Episode 016_Adopted by God - Divine Inheritance
21/06/2018 Duration: 08minGod has spiritual wealth stored up for you for today **AND** an inheritance for everlasting life. You are secure in HIM.
Episode 015_Adopted by God - Divine Resemblance
20/06/2018 Duration: 06minAs we live our daily lives in surrender to our heavenly Father, we begin to develop a divine family resemblance.
Episode 14_Adopted by God - You Have Divine Access!
19/06/2018 Duration: 05minIn Christ, you are adopted by God. Now you can approach God directly - because you have Divine Access.
Episode 013_Adopted by God, Your Heavenly Father
18/06/2018 Duration: 09minWhen you accepted Christ, you were adopted by God. Now what on earth does that mean? Today is day one of this week's series where we'll dive into what it means for God to be our Father.