Highlighting everything from the everyday Athlete to the Pro! If its British American Football related, we discuss!
Car Ride with Great Britain Mens Head Coach
06/04/2020 Duration: 50minSelenkay catches up with the illustrious Nottingham Uni, Tamworth Phoenix and now GB Mens Head Coach Jason Scott! Listen in as we get to know one of the most decorated coaches in Britball little deeper, and get a glimpse into his life.
Who is next after the Warriors??
30/03/2020 Duration: 30minSelenkay, George and Bam Bam are joined by Great Britain and London Olympians corner back Dot, they share their opinions on which team will be next to dominate BritBall once the London Warriors have had their time at the top ... that's if they are ever knocked from the top
Car Ride with BritBalls Pantomime Villian
23/03/2020 Duration: 40minSelenkay catches up with the Leicester Falcons very own Guy Kersey also known as BritBalls biggest Troll, getting the answers to all the questions you want answered surrounding the Baker Students and the standalone franchise league! Let us know who you'd like to hear next!
Riq Ayub Special: Part1
16/03/2020 Duration: 18minSpecial Guest Riq Ayub is joins Selenkay, Bronze Bomber and Tinker to give a brief history lesson on BritBall and the developments of football over the years in his career as well as how the game has changed in the UK
Car Ride with Great Britain Students Head Coach
09/03/2020 Duration: 21minSelenkay catches up with the newly appointed GB Students Head Coach and Uni Ball coaching Legend Wayne Hill, getting the answers to all the questions you want answered surrounding the GB Students program! What are your thoughts on this program returning.
Can BritBalls 'Elite' coaches do it in Div2?!
02/03/2020 Duration: 36minGeorge, Bronze Bomber, Tinker and Selenkay get together to discuss and interesting topic around wether or not coaches are made by good players rather than the hard work they put in to be a coach .. what do you think?
Did the CFL play us?!
24/02/2020 Duration: 41minBronze Bomber, George, Bam Bam, Tinker and Selenkay review the CFL combine that recently took place at the Filton Academy site and share their thoughts on where and how BAFA gained from the collaboration ... or if they did at all.
O's and 10 .... again???
17/02/2020 Duration: 38minBamBam, Tinker, The Voice of Reason, Bronze Bomber and Selenkay touch on the recent news circulating Britball around the legendary London Olympians. To fold or not to fold? Will they survive the Prem South division this season? What do you think?
Do BritBall Coaches deserve to be paid?
10/02/2020 Duration: 33minSelenkay, Bam Bam, Tinker and Bronze Bomber get into the studio to share their thoughts on wether or not coaches in our league deserve to be paid for their services. Let us know what you think via our socials!
Film is more important than gym!!
27/01/2020 Duration: 34minBam Bam, Bronze Bomber, Tinker and Selenkay get together to stress the importance and the benefits of using film as a football player. Do you agree with their points?
Are Safeties just slow and lazy Corner backs???
20/01/2020 Duration: 26minSelenkay, Bronze Bomber, Bam Bam and Tinker share their thoughts feelings and opinions on wether the jersey number you play with is as important as we make them seem ... Have a listen and let us know your thoughts and get your ticket to our SuperBowl Party, last few remaining.
Mental Health Pt.2: Football is my Meds
13/01/2020 Duration: 40minOn our 1 year anniversary, we thought we would give you another special episode. Tinker, Paris, Bronze Bomber and Selenkay get together to discuss Mental Health in our sport. Taking the conversation on a previous episode a little further and opening up to the BritBall community.
I PAY my subs, so PLAY me!
06/01/2020 Duration: 32minBronze Bomber, George, Tinker and Selenkay get together for the first show of the year and decade and discuss the importance of paying subs and why our teams hound us for them. Should players be held to ransom when they want to transfer if they owe subs? Does paying subs equate to game time?
Do we need a Relegation game??????
31/12/2019 Duration: 30minIt gets real heated and tense in the Ex's and O's lab this week as the boys link up to discuss their thoughts on if BritBall need a 'prove-your-worth' game for the teams entering the Prem. Enjoy the last show of the year with Selenkay, Paris, George, Bronze Bomber and Tinker. Happy New Year!!!
EVERYONE wants to play abroad these days...
23/12/2019 Duration: 22minSnowman, Paris, Tinker and The voice of Reason George touch on what player contract and commitments look like abroad and the recent hype around britballers in europe.
Gareth: 'Legion of Swag?! ... I don't really like the name'
17/12/2019 Duration: 29minAnother special where The voice of Reason and Tinker link up with Gareth Thomas of the Sandwell Steelers, to discuss life playing football up North.
#CheckingIn - post gym session OR it didn't happen ...
09/12/2019 Duration: 19minBambam, Paris, SnowMan and Tinker discuss the importance of going to the gym in this episode, is field work more important? Or is the gym just an obsession in Britball?
Great Britain Women Lionesses - 'Why can't we have a BBC live stream???'
02/12/2019 Duration: 27minGeorge and BamBam sit down with this weeks very special guests Anna Young (Wembley Stallions) and Yasmin Cazeau (London Warriors) to discuss their experience representing Great Britain at the European finals last summer, and what football is like at club level.
The best player I have played against..
25/11/2019 Duration: 35minBronzeBomber, Tinker and Selenkay get together to share their thoughts and feelings on who they believe to be the best player they have played against - and there are a few noticeable names on the list.
#BritBowl33 Weekend Recap
18/11/2019 Duration: 30minTinker, BronzeBomber and Mr Selenkay get together this week to share their thoughts on what seemed to be a rather successful finals weekend in senior football.