Highlighting everything from the everyday Athlete to the Pro! If its British American Football related, we discuss!
'Division 2 is tRaSh' !!!!
02/07/2019 Duration: 31minGeorge, Charles and the Bronze Bomber are joined by Adam (Herts Cheetahs) Dan (London Olympians) to discuss if Div2 is forgotten about and wether or not the league requires a division 2.
Mental Health in American Football
24/06/2019 Duration: 28minJay Selenkay and Paris are joined by Ian Whitehead (Kent Exiles) and once again by Coach Nathan Deeley to discuss Mental Health in the sport that we love
Women in American Football
17/06/2019 Duration: 33minSelenkay and the Bronze Bomber are joined up by a team of VERY passionate female ballers, stating why the females in our sport not only deserve more credit but should be highlighted and have their successes shared alot more. Chloe Flowers (Wembley Stallions) Rose Wilford & Tara Mardi (London Warriors) Dory Bogdan (Kent Exiles) definitely came to represent the ladies!
Is Football in the North forgotten???
10/06/2019 Duration: 32minSelenkay and Charles are joined this week by a Northern coaching Legend Nathan Deeley as well as coaches Tom and Heather Hammett to discuss American Football north of the M25
Exs & Os Draft Day Special
03/06/2019 Duration: 01h06minAs a thank you for 2,700 unique listeners across 10 countries! As well as your continuous support, the team have decided to hit you with this hour long special episode!! Selenkay and Paris dissect the exs and os boys and share their opinion on where they would take them in the NFL draft .. its all love!
Transfer Taboos
27/05/2019 Duration: 23minSelenkay, Bronze Bomber, Bam Bam and Charles touch on the negative stigma attached to transferring between teams in the league, are players obliged to remain loyal to teams when the pay-to-play?
Practice! Practice! Practice !!
20/05/2019 Duration: 24minCharles, George, Paris and Remi discuss the importance of practice as a player in the Britball ... Do you need to practice to be an elite player in our league? Are you really working?!
How did you get into American Football?
13/05/2019 Duration: 24minGeorge, Paris, Bam Bam and Selenkay share their stories on how they got into the sport we all love!
Bribes and brown envelopes to play for a team in the UK...
06/05/2019 Duration: 25minSelenkay, Charles, Bronze Bomber and Remi (fresh after signing a contract to play in Germany) speak on a rather touchy subject in Britball at the moment and discuss the amateur status of our GB athletes playing professional players in National games.
What position do you wish you played???
29/04/2019 Duration: 22minSelenkay, Bam Bam, the Bronze Bomber and the prodigal son Paris link up to share with BritBall where they *wish* they could play if given the choice or had the ability too now.
Are imports good for the UK game?!!
22/04/2019 Duration: 24minWe'reeeee back!!! And how timely could this episode be? George, Bam Bam, Charles and Remi discuss and share their opinions on wether or not the UK game needs overseas imports? *This is was recorded prior to the player suspensions by BAFA* We've also done our due diligence this time, but still want to hear your thoughts - hit us up on Insta or Facebook
Will you let your kids play American Football?
01/04/2019 Duration: 26minGeorge, Charles, Bam Bam and Selenkay talk about the pros and cons of playing contact sports at an early age. Knowing what they know now, will they let their kids play American Football?
Most memorable moment in football
25/03/2019 Duration: 23minBam Bam, Remi, Bronze Bomber and George share with the BritBall nation their most memorable moment on the field, some happy, some sad - all in all we appreciate the fact that we have the opportunity to play the sport we love! Hit us up on insta if you have any memorable moments you'd like to share.
German Football League (GFL) .... The Promise Land
18/03/2019 Duration: 24minThe Bronze Bomber, Bam Bam, Remi & Charles tell BritBall Nation about what they think about the GFL being the target destination to ball out for the best players in our league.
Say NO to associate teams... There's too many teams in the league!!
11/03/2019 Duration: 24minCharles, Selenkay, The Bronze Bomber and Remi share their thoughts on the number of teams currently in the senior ball set up ... are there too many teams? should BAFA make it more difficult for new start up teams? should there be standards off the field in order for a team to have premiership status?
Is it an honour to play for Great Britain...?
04/03/2019 Duration: 23minThe question on all of BritBalls lips ... Bronze Bomber, Remi, Charles and Selenkay share their OPINIONS on how honourable it is or may be not so to represent your country in our sport in the UK
If I was a soccer player I would be...
25/02/2019 Duration: 21minSelenkay, Charles, George and Bam Bam tell us what soccer player is most like them in terms of playing style and attitude. A few surprising picks and maybe one or two rather controversial ones, who would you be?
My coach told me to cut him in the throat...
18/02/2019 Duration: 32minGeorge, Selenkay, Charles and The Bronze Bomber share their thoughts on what makes and elite coach and share some fond and also worrying memories about coaches they've had in the past.
Manchester .. the Titans of the UK???
10/02/2019 Duration: 23minGeorge, Selenkay, Charles and The Bronze Bomber discuss their thoughts on who they think is the best American Football team in Britain. They touch on who has the best programme set up and past glory ... who do you think is the best organisation?
'Are London Blitz really on smoke?!'
28/01/2019 Duration: 24minSelenkay, George, Charles & The BronzeBomber discuss the controversial Mandem on Madden episode featuring London Blitz ballers ... we find out if the Ex's and O's boys thought the Blitz gang backed up their talk or not.