In GR as it is in heaven. #forthecity
Turn Your Eyes > Myopia: Toran Scott
22/01/2020 Duration: 45minFriday Night Lights, why Doctors won’t let us lay in hospital beds for very long and the importance of paying attention to your eyes (because the eye always drains into the heart). Join us as we look at one of Jesus's famous teachings in the gospel of Matthew chapter 6.
Turn Your Eyes > Lasik Surgery: Toran Scott
13/01/2020 Duration: 37minAndy Warhol, jello molds, shooting lasers into your eyeball and the reason God wants to prune your life to be more fruitful and beautiful.
Turn Your Eyes > Cheaters: Toran Scott
06/01/2020 Duration: 41minSpiritual salsa, why oil lamps can save your life and the importance of engaging with God in His Word. It’s a new year, and if you want a new you, nothing will make a bigger and longer lasting impact than spending time with God. God’s Word is more cowbell for your life.
The Genealogy of Jesus: Austin Presnell
31/12/2019 Duration: 33minThe Genealogy of Jesus in Matthew is often ignored and treated as a meaningless text to skip over to get to the “real stuff”. However, Matthew's Genealogy has much to offer. It looks back and looks forward all at the same time and reminds us of who God is. As we transition into the new year, it is important to do the same: look back, look forward, and be reminded of who God is.
STILL > He is Still at Work: Toran Scott
23/12/2019 Duration: 37min2 stories, guitar building and blowing up a motorcycle. Christmas ties these things together because when God put on human flesh at the birth of Jesus it was His promise to never give up us. He is still at work.
STILL > He Can Still (our fears): Erin Clifford
17/12/2019 Duration: 35minWhen you meet a messenger of God the normal reaction is fear, but the coming of Jesus was an announcement of peace. Peace is more than the absence of war or mere tranquility. The peace of God is shalom, complete wholeness and well being. Join us as we learn what it means to find peace in the midst of our fear.
STILL > Be Still (And Know That God Is Near): Toran Scott
10/12/2019 Duration: 33minWhat does it really mean to “Be still and know that I am God”? Why God says “Enough! I am enough” and why it’s especially important during the season of Advent. Joins us as we explore Psalm 46 and some stories in the gospel of John.
You Can't Go Until You Leave > The Golden Calf- (Volunteering for Slavery): Austin Presnell
25/11/2019 Duration: 39minThis Sunday we moved forward with our series You Can’t Go Until You Leave by walking through the story of the Israelites and the golden calf in Exodus 32. In this story, the Israelites mess up. But God doesn’t abandon them. Exodus is a story about us too though. Through Jesus, our response to all of this must be, like Moses, to worship.
You Can't Go Until You Leave > The Power of Presence (Why Sinai is like church and why church should be like heaven): Toran Scott
18/11/2019 Duration: 44minSmoke and fire, cheesecake and Sleeping at Last. What Exodus 19 teaches us about Gods desire for Israel and more importantly how God wants us to experience him today.
You Can’t Go Until You Leave > Part the Waters, Drown the Shame: Toran Scott
04/11/2019 Duration: 36minSydney’s story, the parting of the Red Sea and how shame can be drowned in the sea. Jesus died to erase your guilt and rose again to give you a new identity. Part the Waters, Drown the Shame!
You Can’t Go Until You Leave > Part the Waters, Drown the Shame: Toran Scott
28/10/2019 Duration: 35min -
You Can't Go Until You Leave > The Only Thing In Your Way Is You: Toran Scott
23/10/2019 Duration: 39minKanye, excuses and why God loves to use ordinary people to do extraordinary things. Join us in Exodus 3 and 4 as we look at the call of Moses to help God rescue his people.
Falling > For Others: Toran Scott
17/09/2019 Duration: 41minWhat Napoleon Dynamite and a man born blind from birth teach us about how to invite others onto the spiritual dance floor. Chicken Little was mistaken, Jesus is still compelling.
Falling > For Jesus: Toran Scott
09/09/2019 Duration: 42minFirst crushes, Brussels Sprouts, Lamborghini’s and why falling in love with Jesus is what we want to be about.