In GR as it is in heaven. #forthecity
Falling > For Beauty: Austin Presnel
02/09/2019 Duration: 38minOur lives are dictated by the things and the people that we love, what we have fallen for. And we always fall for what we find beautiful. In Acts 16:11-34, we see the impact of this in the life of Paul as Jesus transforms his heart and relationships with others to show us that Different is beautiful. When we fall in love with Jesus, we fall for beauty, and we fall for different.
Warp&Weft > Radical Hospitality: Toran Scott
19/08/2019 Duration: 46minDid you know that in some cultures the appropriate way to greet a person is to ask if they’ve eaten yet? Today we explore Boodle Fights, why laying on the floor at an amusement park may be the most beautiful thing on earth, and the everyday radical hospitality that makes those who feel they don’t belong, belong.
Warp&Weft > When Mercy Matters: Toran Scott
12/08/2019 Duration: 39minNurses, 5th grade trauma, illegal immigrants and why mercy matters. We’re all half dead hoping for a Good Samaritan; why we need one, how to be one.
Warp&Weft > Servant Leadership: Toran Scott
05/08/2019 Duration: 39minWhat to do when God asks you to tie a grown man's shoes in Starbucks. John 13 and the greatest leadership lesson Jesus ever taught.
Never Forget Feeling Lost: Chris Conrad
29/07/2019 Duration: 42minA special message from guest speaker Chris Conrad
The Pattern > The Secret of Being Content: Toran Scott
22/07/2019 Duration: 35minPolitics, money, contentment and the secret recipe for the worlds best chocolate chip cookies. Join us as we close out our series in Philippians chapter 4.
The Pattern > Win the Prize: Dave McGovern
15/07/2019 Duration: 37minJesus calls us to live into the pattern of leaving our past behind, focusing on Him, and experiencing our future today.
The Pattern > Consider Them Garbage: Toran Scott
08/07/2019 Duration: 44minPaul knew that there was nothing as valuable as knowing Christ. He couldn’t brag about his own accomplishments (although his were impressive) instead he considered them garbage. Strong words, but so necessary for those of us who want to live amazing lives.
The Pattern > Shine Like Stars: Kory Cassell
02/07/2019 Duration: 49minHave you ever felt like you needed to work harder, do more, be better? That God’s grace is still something to be earned? We shine like stars when we hold on to the word of life, but by grace is how we do it.
The Pattern > The Same Mindset: Toran Scott
26/06/2019 Duration: 39minHave you ever loved ants enough to seriously consider becoming one? God did. Today we consider The Pattern Jesus set out for us... it’s a rough beginning, a hard middle, but an amazing ending. Check it out.
The Pattern > To Live To Die: Austin Presnell
17/06/2019 Duration: 33minIn Phil. 1:12-30, Paul explained his situation to the church in Philippi and gave his reaction to it. Jesus changes everything, even the way that we endure hardships and suffering. This portion of Paul’s letter puts this on full display as the hope of the Jesus pattern in suffering shines through. While Paul may be in chains, the Gospel is not.
The Pattern>And This Is My Prayer: Toran Scott
10/06/2019 Duration: 38minToday we start a journey through the letter written to the church in Philippi. The Apostle Paul opens this letter of encouragement by sharing why they bring him so much joy and what his prayer is for them.
Moments That Make Us>Moments of Communion: Toran Scott
03/06/2019 Duration: 41minWhy does communion matter? Because communion belongs to the weak, because the Lord’s Supper is for those who don’t have it all together but do have Jesus.
Moments That Make Us>Moments of Baptism: Toran Scott
29/05/2019 Duration: 37minBaptism is public proclamation, physical representation, mystical unification, symbolic identification and good ole fashioned obedience.
Moments That Make Us>Moments of Obedience: Austin Presnell
20/05/2019 Duration: 41minTelling others about Jesus is hard. In Acts 8, through the life of Phillip, we see some patterns that can help anyone share their faith in a personal and conversational way. When we do so, we join in God’s mission being realized in beautiful and powerful ways.
Moments That Make Us>Creating Change: Toran Scott
13/05/2019 Duration: 47minGreat lives have the same elements as all great stories. A character that wants something worth wanting and overcomes great conflict to get it. If no one would want to read a book about your life then start editing today. When we live for the future, we experience heaven on earth. What do you want... because if you can afford it, you probably haven’t found it.
Moments That Make Us>Change is Possible: Toran Scott
06/05/2019 Duration: 41minHave you ever wondered if change is really possible? The Bible teaches us that it’s less about what you do than Who you know. Eyes up.
Moments That Make Us>Recovering From Failure: Toran Scott
30/04/2019 Duration: 43minHave you ever made such a big mistake in life that you’re not sure how you’ll ever recover? The apostle Peter and our friend Celia show us how to “Recover from Failure” in our first installment of Moments That Make Us.
For Those Who've Not Yet Seen> The Possibility: Toran Scott
22/04/2019 Duration: 37minEaster is the story of hope, the story of things once thought impossible now found true. Easter is death in reverse; it is The Possibility.