Climb Every Mountain: Finding God Faithful In The Journey Of Life

  • Author: Trudy Cathy White
  • Narrator: Trudy Cathy White
  • Publisher: Simon & Schuster
  • Duration: 5:21:33


If God had intended our days on earth to be easy, they would be. 

Instead, Jesus promised us quite the opposite. He said, “In this world, you willhave trouble.” He was right. We will have heartache. We will have sickness. We will have job loss, lost love, grief, and frustration. We will have times when all seems lost. Fortunately, that’s not the whole story. “But take heart!” Jesus says. “I have overcome the world.” 


In Climb Every Mountain, Trudy Cathy White invites you to join her on an expedition toward, up, and over the mountains most of us face in life—challenges such as figuring out our identity in Christ, understanding the gifts and calling God’s given us, godly parenting, and leaving (and living) a legacy for others to follow. She’ll also guide you through the rocky terrain of adversity, aging, and grief.


With funny, heartwarming, and often-heartbreaking honesty, Trudy will reveal the principles God’s taught her through a lifetime of climbing the most challenging—and beautiful—mountains she ever imagined.


God’s called us to join Him on the mountaintop of victory but getting there won’t be easy. We can’t wish, hope, or even pray our way to the top. We have to climb


Climb Every Mountainis the inspiring true story of Trudy Cathy White as she shares her life of climbing hermountains—literal and spiritual. As the daughter of S. Truett Cathy, founder of Chick-fil-A, Trudy learned how to climb mountains from her parents’ examples. Trudy learned that, as we climb every mountain withthe Lord, we move closer and closer to whoHe wants us to be and where He wants us to be. No matter how difficult the climb or how sweet the rewards seem today, the most glorious life we could ever imagine is still to come—just over the next peak.


  • ClimbEveryMountain 001 Foreword

    Duration: 07min
  • ClimbEveryMountain 002 Introduction

    Duration: 07min
  • ClimbEveryMountain 003 CH1

    Duration: 29min
  • ClimbEveryMountain 004 CH2

    Duration: 41min
  • ClimbEveryMountain 005 CH3

    Duration: 29min
  • ClimbEveryMountain 006 CH4

    Duration: 31min
  • ClimbEveryMountain 007 CH5

    Duration: 30min
  • ClimbEveryMountain 008 CH6

    Duration: 35min
  • ClimbEveryMountain 009 CH7

    Duration: 28min
  • ClimbEveryMountain 010 CH8

    Duration: 33min
  • ClimbEveryMountain 011 CH9

    Duration: 31min
  • ClimbEveryMountain 012 Afterword

    Duration: 08min
  • ClimbEveryMountain 013 Acknowledgments

    Duration: 05min