The weekly sermons from the Boston Avenue United Methodist Church in Tulsa,Ok.
Sunday Sermon 07-16-2017 How Can We Deal with Problem People?
16/07/2017 Duration: 20minGenesis 21: 8-17
Sunday Sermon 07-09-2017 Why Don't Spiritual Highs Last?
09/07/2017 Duration: 21minGenesis 9: 18-27
Sunday Sermon 06-04-2017 Wouldn't It Be Great If EVERYONE Had That Much Enthusiasm?
04/06/2017 Duration: 26minNumbers 11: 24-30
Sunday Sermon 05-28-2017 God Works In Strange and Mysterious Ways
28/05/2017 Duration: 24minEphesians 1: 15-23
Sunday Sermon 05-07-2017 Resurrection: People Living Differently
07/05/2017 Duration: 17minActs 2: 42-47